Focus on Light and Love

Working together as ONE

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We are all currently undergoing our own personal evolution and it is so important to surround ourselves with people that can guide us.



NOW is a time when humans must unite and work together to finally bridge the gap of the separateness that has gone for so long from Gaia and from Source.



NOW is a time to surround yourself with your fellow light workers – Practise giving, receiving, expressing and guiding eachother. We all have the power within to continue working together as one to bring forward a more awakened consciousness for humanity.



The unity being formed is getting stronger by the day and it is crucial that it remains so.



We are ALL at different levels of consciousness, at different places on our spiritual paths; each of us has our own wonderful unique journey and achievements. All of our differences help to teach each other all that is possible.



Igniting Love ~

Best HBCU's picture

We each are made of Light and Love. Light is Love and Love is Light.



I envision the light in me glowing as love. I envision my angels standing beside me. Always, there are at least three. This envisioning, for me, is a "now" moment. I see the light moving, flowing. I feel the warmth of it. This light and love fills the hollow spaces inside of me that used to be filled with fear, anger, and emptiness. Within that light and love also flows a sense of joy.


This space inside of me is now my home. This is the place to which I return when I forget and then remember that this 3D life is an illusion. I remember that this light and love is pure energy and that it exists in all of us and everything. From my readings of The Celestine Prophecy and teachings about the Ankh, I learned to project this energy outward with the intention of bringing about Universal alignment. I still do this, but now I do it with the understanding that it is a one-sided operation.


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