
Ascension Symptoms Hitting the Workplace 9/21/12

Reiki Doc's picture

The O.R. is not unlike the military: everything is clean, crisp, organized, and efficient. There is a hierarchy in the Operating Room. As an attending physician, I have higher 'rank' than some, and because of that 'rank' I am given a certain amount of respect for it. Our schedule runs like clockwork, or as much as possible in this aim, given emergencies and other unanticipated events that come our way.

As Reiki Doc, I am a Karuna Reiki Master. Because of this, my access to the Higher Dimensions is open. The opening process has a 'cleanse' that has some very particular symptoms. Support is needed by the student as they navigate their own set of changes they experience as they 'move up' in Reiki.

Some of these signs are unmistakable to the experienced Karuna Reiki practitioner, so much so that we fondly call a day with these symptoms 'a Karuna Day'. We change our plans, allow time for this process to happen, ride it out, and know that tomorrow is another day.

Yesterday in the O.R. I saw evidence of multi-dimensionality at work. I didn't say anything to my coworkers, but now I am to you. And looking back, there have been a few coincidences I had not pieced together leading up to yesterday.

The first one that caught my attention was a patient who did not show up for their surgery. 'Wasn't it next week?'. This is a classic symptom: the distortion of the perception of Time. At Reiki class, we have had people convinced their Karuna class was on a Sunday, not a Saturday, and slept in. These are ordinary, responsible people. This patient, was educated and also someone who has undergone surgery with us before.

Everyone else shrugged it off, the surgeon saying it was his scheduler, or the patient misunderstanding the options of today or next week given in the preop visit.

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