
Goddess of Harmony daily invocation to the 13 Goddesses to be free of struggle

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Beloved Goddess of Charity, Goddess of Peace, Goddess of Purity, Goddess of Liberty, Goddess of Harmony, Goddess of Justice, Goddess of Victory, Goddess of Hope, Goddess of Faith, Goddess of Love, Goddess of Light , Goddess of Unity (Rose) and the Goddess of Music. We open our hearts, receive and ever rejoice as the Great Goddesses pour forth Their Divine Attributes to Humanity at this time.


UFO filmed over Stockton - California - 26 July 2012

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 31, 2012 by Michael Fox - UFO disclosure
I recorded this UFO video a day before my night time UFO sighting.This unknown object was hovering in the sky for a few minutes and then it disappeared. Some of my neighbours saw it too, but nobody identified it.


One Light Force

SophiaLove's picture

For it is love, self love, that brings you to an “ascended” state.  It is agape that is key, the pivotal action; necessary in these times of upheaval.


Remain steadfast in your love.  There are no greater or lesser beings than you – you are One.  A mass of love, all rolled into One – humanity. We have not known this truth.  We’ve been admonished via our religious texts to love as an action, as something we must do.  Yet their missing ingredient is a definition of where this action called “love” is sourced.


It comes from you.  You are the wellspring of agape.  The supply of love in this world does not come from outside you – it springs from your soul.


You are love; not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body.  The soul/heart/generator of life is love.  This is truth. This is you.


We are drifting in a sea of dates, predictions, wishes and fears – conditions.  The truth is without condition and exists without requirement.


Stand in your power and love.  This is who and what you actually are.  What you can do right now is utilize your power of visualization to get you through this swirl of conflicting reports and information.  When overwhelmed or confused or anxious, recognize that now your love is needed.  It is needed more than ever.


For love is truth.  See yourself lock arms with every other being, our feet firmly planted on a groundswell of agape; the force of our light emanating out, altering our world.  This vibration of love attracts every light being and repels all that are not. We are a force that broadcasts “The dark shall not pass”.


Michael's Legions "How To Pull Your Sword (of Light)" + Project: Eagle Triad + Ascension Lessons = Your Mission Now

JTariah's picture

Michael's Legions "How To Pull Your Sword (of Light)" +  Project: Eagle Triad + Ascension Lessons

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working

your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and
mankind, and would like to participate in ***Project: Eagle
Triad*** please email janisel(at)




I am a light worker ~ Part 8 ~ How to light the way

SophiaLove's picture

We are in the “end times”.  Business as usual no longer applies.  What has always been polarized just won’t survive.  We are moving into oneness.  It’s time to let go of whatever side you’ve been fiercely grasping onto, and allow yourself to drift into the center.  This strong tide is pulling on us equally; we’ll all get there eventually.  Every one of us is love.  We are each divine.  We may disagree and part company, yet we are never separate.  We are one.


As one we are finishing a chapter, and we are writing the ending.  Here’s what I see – from absolute darkness a miniscule light emerges, then another, then a few more.  In that darkness the brightest light is perceived.  You are that light.  Soon, it will be all that can be seen.


The source of your light is love.  This love is not reserved for a special few.  This love is splashed all over and dripping off of everyone.  There is gratitude and courtesy, kindness and compassion, listening and assertion, waiting and positive action.  This love looks like a smile.  It could be a holding back when internal frustration erupts. 


We are light workers.  We work for the light.  It is time to surrender to the love that you are and let go.  You have spent too much energy hiding, defending and protecting.  All that you must do is acknowledge your love.



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