Lightness of Being

Has Anyone Else Felt The Lifting Of Heaviness Today?

Ra-Raela's picture

Ok, it's now midnight, and technically Friday. I'm talking about Thursday, yesterday. Both my boyfriend and I had the strangest sensations. It felt as if a heavy  blanket had been lifted off us. We practically felt as if we could float away into the sky. A feeling of freedom and expansion, such as I haven't felt in a long time. It reminded me of the movie, "The Incredible Lightness of Being".

Because we don't watch tv, I didn't find out until evening, that the budget standoff had been resolved. Perhaps, everyone let out a collective sigh of relief.

I would like to know if anyone else experienced the same sensation.

Has Anyone Else Felt The Lifting Of Heaviness Today?

Ra-Raela's picture

Ok, it's now midnight, and technically Friday. I'm talking about Thursday, yesterday. Both my boyfriend and I had the strangest sensations. It felt as if a heavy  blanket had been lifted off us. We practically felt as if we could float away into the sky. A feeling of freedom and expansion, such as I haven't felt in a long time. It reminded me of the movie, "The Incredible Lightness of Being".

Because we don't watch tv, I didn't find out until evening, that the budget standoff had been resolved. Perhaps, everyone let out a collective sigh of relief.

I would like to know if anyone else experienced the same sensation.

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