Awakening into the New Age of a Spiritual~Galactic Being
Greetings Love Beings, Humanity is beginning to Awaken from a sleepy dream of separation and into the True Beauty of the Inner Being. Many are Being Awakened to witness and Be a Part of a New Age Emerging from the depths of the broken glass of illusion and lies, and Standing Tall On a New and True Foundation Built Upon The Truth Of Who Everyone Truly IS. A New beginning has Arrived and Planet Earth is Born into The Light of Her Destiny. Just as She makes Her Transformation, so will Humanity, As New Cosmic Beings Living in True Reality with The Foundation of Truth, Balance, Harmony, Whole Health, Miracles, Abundance, Equality and Unconditional Love.
As all the glass houses break into pieces, it takes with it the old ways of separation and fear, and absorbs those illusions that have kept Humanity prisoners and slaves. No Longer will the Truth be Hidden of Who You Truly Are. All that no longer Serves for the Highest Good of All is Dissolved Within Love. Out of the Ashes of duality, a New Balanced Being Emerges, one of compassion, understanding, Love of Self and Love for All. The Higher Self realized and Connected in human, ushers in a New Day.
This New Day is Emerging on the Planet , the Golden age is amongst us, as Humanity Awakens To All Prayers Answered. Where Every Moment is full of miracles, Abundance, True Peace, and Harmony for every one.