
Our New Leadership Emerges

lovelylinda's picture
This pink starfish was almost hidden until the sunlight revealed her. We are being called out by the sun to reveal our true colors.

This pink starfish was almost hidden until the sunlight revealed her. We are being called out by the sun to reveal our true colors.


As you know, I have recently received messages about stepping into my leadership role. I knew it did not look like our former understanding. I could sense it yet not define it. I did not have to as a fellow blogger, Brenda Hoffman did so perfectly! Here is the part that rang bells for me:

OVNI Montréal

Rain's picture

Published on Aug 1, 2012 by PabloBustam1

Des objets volants ont été aperçus à Montréal lors d'une fin d'après-midi orageuse. Voici, ce que nous avons enregistré avec notre cell, puis édité car la vidéo était trop longue. En tout cas vous verrez comment ces objets volants présentaient un comportement peu habituel (pour le moins).
A continuación verán cómo unos objetos voladores presentan un comportamiento algo extraño. Tomamos las imágenes con nuestro celular que luego editamos dada la extensión del video.


UFO filmed over Stockton - California - 26 July 2012

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 31, 2012 by Michael Fox - UFO disclosure
I recorded this UFO video a day before my night time UFO sighting.This unknown object was hovering in the sky for a few minutes and then it disappeared. Some of my neighbours saw it too, but nobody identified it.


UFO over Pueblo County Colorado

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 22, 2012 by UFOGeek

I took this photo of an unknown object traveling east to west at approx 1024 PM on 21 July 2012. It was moving very slow from the county toward Baxter, CO. I call it a UFO because it didnt look like a plane or a satellite.


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