
Expand Your Horizons ... this is my seminar offering

ballerina's picture

I wrote and facilitated 'Expand Your Horizons' many years ago when I was around 16. I'm going to offer another seminar, or teleseminar this time, of same title. It's an opportunity to ask your most pressing question and hear answers to others' questions. Each time I facilitate an event, it always brings together those on a similar wave length or vibration. What are your three words that most represent your interest or focus or needs now. For example, mine are: divinity, service, find (those to serve). Another three of mine are: heal, Son, Daughter. Pls email me at if you'd like an introductory, mini consultation for whatever donation you'd like to give based on the value you receive. Just send your name, cell or home, city/state, and times to reach you daily. I'll be putting together this teleseminar as an introduction to the work I've done all my life as a Soul who chose to be here to help and as a Soul who loves being an eternal student and teacher as we are are...some more conscious of this than others.

Some tools for opening your heart...
1) regular, professional, massage therapy with someone you feel comfortable and who puts you to sleep or nearly
2) body breathing daily and eventually every moment... this will be taught at first teleseminar
3) organic, fresh food
4) distilled water to cleanse 3 weeks or months
5) New Zealand water after your energy increases
6) choose love rather than power, or being right, or getting even or anything else... this is a full topic as it doesn't mean being a doormat either
7) take 20-30min daily to go on inner, to be quiet, to breathe, to feel yourself as the divinely-loving Soul you are daily... maybe upon waking and same before sleep

Till we meet again...

Billboard in Peru Produces Water out of Thin Air

Desert Gypsy's picture

The world has known jugs, taps, plants etc that are used to filter water, but imagine a 50 feet tall billboard on the main road that filters water for all of its adjacent area ? Yes, this has been made possible by the University of Engineering and Technology, Lima, Peru.

This billboard is capable of actually making 100 liters (26 gallons) of water everyday out of thin air (no its not a bank and no its not creating any paper currency but it’s much better than that). It works like this: the billboard is designed the way that it captures moisture from the air and puts it through a reverse osmosis system, turning it into drinking water which is then stored in 20 liter tanks. It is capable of providing drinking water for hundreds of families per month.


Is rocket fuel making truly organic farming impossible?

Desert Gypsy's picture

TheWatchers, 9/10/13

It is now distributed widely throughout North America, as depicted by the image below: 

Perchlorate and the Post-Organic Era 

Perchlorate is an environmental pollutant primarily associated with releases by defense contractors, military operations and aerospace programs, as it is a key ingredient in rocket fuel. It is now found in virtually all humans tested, and it is continually making its way up the food chain through ground and drinking water, into feed and edible plants, animals products, milk and breast milk - contaminating conventional and organically grown food, alike.

In 2005 the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology published a study on perchlorate levels in North America. They found: 

Yerba Mate Tea - Natural Alternative Energy Drink

Silver's picture

By:, 06/18/2013

Yerba Mate tea or tincture is an alternative energy drink that is all natural.  Additional benefits include; "Quickens" the mind, increases mental alertness, delays the onset of lactic acid build up in the muscles, has rejuvenating effect, strong antioxidant, mind body stimulant, energy support, boosts metabolism, burns fat, balances most bodily functions, stimulates focus and clarity, promotes weight loss and more.


For more information visit

The Russians Prove Small Scale Organic CAN Feed the World

Silver's picture

Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 05/29/2013

nature hands 263x164 The Russians Prove Small Scale Organic CAN Feed the World


If you’ve already been through an economic collapse, you might know a thing or two about how to feed your family with little money. More importantly, you might know how to do it without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and GMO seed. On a total of about 20 million acres managed by over 35 million Russian families, Russians are carrying on an old-world technique, which we Americans might learn from. They are growing their own organic crops - and it’s working.


For more on this story visit



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