
What causes rainbow colors in clouds?

Desert Gypsy's picture

Earthsky.org- 5/28/13, Deborah Byrd


Iridescent clouds seen by EarthSky Facebook friend Mike O'Neal in Oklahoma on May 27, 2013.  Thank you, Mike.


Sky watchers on occasion report seeing colors in the clouds, and sometimes our friends send photos of these rainbow colors in clouds. You’ll find some examples in this post. These colorful clouds are called iridescent clouds, and the phenomenon is called cloud iridescence or irisation. The term comes from Iris, the Greek personification of the rainbow. Click inside for some amazing photos and info about iridescent clouds.


Link: Earthsky.org

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

daughter of rebekah's picture



Double Rainbow In Dunsmuir - will - site



I just finished the meditation on Sunday In my time zone. At the end, I saw a beautiful rainbow sweeping from right to left. Iz started singing Over the Rainbow. As he did, he reached his hand across the sky and pulled back a curtain from left to right. Behind the curtain was everything I had ever dreamed of, rainbows and unicorns and dolphins and fairies and fountains and flowers...the colors were more beautiful than anything I could ever imagine! Iz smiled as the tears ran down my face. I asked him if he found his family when he died. He said yes. And he had slimmed down, but for today he made himself real fat so I would know it was him, he said, gently laughing. I told him his music had given me hope in dark times, and I thanked him. He said his music was a gift calling everyone home. He slimmed back down a little right there in front of me, 'so I can walk'. And I took it all in, the wonder of the world without fear, the world which is to come, is here already. I am filled with great peace and joy. Namaste.

Source Speaks About Ascension -- Channeled through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

JTariah's picture
Lightworkers, Starseeds, Galactics, Star-Wanderers, Jedi's, Hybrids, Earth Angels, Old Souls, Crystals, Indigos, Rainbows, and ALL!

To help ASCEND THE PLANET, join Project Eagle Triad -- aka Ashtar's Trinity -- please email janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com

                                 === +++ === +++ === ~~~ === +++ ===
                            ... ... A Message from SOURCE for All ... ...

Channeled Through Janisel

Your personal ascension is your own internal process. What is going on in your world right now is in illusion, remember? Forget everything and everyone in this illusion. Concentrate only on your own Heart Center and coming Home to me. That is all that is truly important now. Stay in touch with Me. I will guide you all the way, and I will not let you face more than you can endure. My love is always with you, and that is all you really need to sustain you.

Let the past fall behind. It's over. Move on into communion with me. Stay in the NOW and know that in that NOW moment you are Home.
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