Allow your soul to create your personal meditation style. Do not get stuck in the thinking that you do not know how. Be fluid, creative and follow your inner-wisdom. When you become rigid, following someone else’s prescription for meditation, you are destined to block Spirit's flow and not get the results you seek.
Many people begin their meditation with a prayer and invocations. In the Feminine Way of Meditation, you simply love God-dess. You sit in gratitude and in awe. You make love to Spirit. You bask in Spirit’s love, you feel it, and in return, you love Spirit back.
You give thanks from the deepest part of you, for what you have, regardless. Release things that no longer serve your life’s journey. This can be accomplished either by internalizing your thoughts, or if no one else is meditating with you, you can speak aloud.
You may choose to have some periods of silence or you may choose periods of loving and gratitude – both are meditating; however, one is interactive and the other is not.
In the Feminine Way of Meditation, think of creating a rapport or relationship with your soul and God-dess, as you would with a friend. The Relationship is developed through love and communing – intimate conversation. You may communicate either aloud or in your heart-mind.
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