FROM VASUMI: "Birthing a Happy New Era – The Tzolkin rEvolves into a New Spin from Sun 20 Dec 2015 – 5 Sept 2016:
So today we Birth a new 260 day cycle (Galactic Spin) of the Tzolkin (count of light)... And so the Solstice lands on the 2nd day, of the cycle of the Dragon... The cycle of Birth, Response-ability, Nurturing and Caring... A time to honour all the mothers on the planet that birth us, and the fathers that work strongly to support those births and take on their responsibilities as co-carers... And this stands for all endeavours we birth on the planet, there are many of us who have not had the delight of birthing children and we birth new consciousness in infinite ways for our Earth families, so blessed to those beings as well... Blessed to all who take on the response-ability for caring for our divine planet!!!"
-Vasumi Zjikaa
you twist and spin the words to hold on to your power and pride how far you will fall when they learn of how much you lied how much different are you from the pharisees of old they too shunned the truth when they were told
because of your lies the people have not grown two thousand years they grumble and moan sad for you when the people awaken one day soon the word they will hear and you will be forsaken
they turn the word into a golden cow and blindly worship it instead of living in the now the god they teach and preach at you is in their image and serves them in all they do
why is this hard to accept hard to believe are they so holy so righteous they would not deceive the sword of knowledge will strike them down the human spirtit will truly awaken and beat them to the ground