
Tiptoe to Oneness

SophiaLove's picture

There is this wonderful moment during infancy of gradual awareness of truth.  Infants are completely internal.  Needs are recognized and satisfied and sleep ensues; such is the life of a newborn.  When they begin to notice there is something else, it is beautiful.  Their eyes open a bit longer; they engage the life that is around them, they wiggle things.


An astounding moment happens when they wiggle out of their blanket and see their toes for the first time.  Completely mesmerized, they cannot get enough.  They will shake off those blankets whenever they can just to get another peek.  As their feet move, so does the rest of them, including their hands.  One day the two collide – contact. 


I do not remember my own first contact, yet I can imagine the astonishment; two places experiencing sensation in the same instant.  Thus begins the exploration – “How far do I go?”, “What other parts of me exist?”, “What can all these parts do?”


We are like babies who’ve discovered their feet.  Oh, we’ve seen feet and watched them with fascination for eons; but now we’ve had first contact.  We have discovered these feet are not somebody else’s – they are ours; under our control.


Our anger and force creates violent and abrasive movement.  Our tenderness and gentility looks like a fluid dance.  These feet will move in whatever way we intend.  They can stomp or they can pirouette. 


It’s a shock when you realize you’re connected to something so foreign and far away and strange looking.  It’s a new thought and maybe you weren’t ready yet for these ideas of unity.  Perhaps you were content just watching these goofy appendages, seemingly doing their own random things.  Once day you’ll tire of just watching – you’ll want to see what these babies can do!


It's time to turn on the light

SophiaLove's picture

There is something that is true about weight loss, acting and fifth dimensional, eternally youthful light beings.  It is that an actual, believable transformation must begin on the inside. 


All of us are prone to “magical thinking”.  We believe that if we put on the cape we can fly, if we lose 20 pounds we will be happier, younger and surrounded by lovers, if we look the part we become the part, and if we somehow end up in another “dimension” that all of our current challenges will vanish.


Real magic happens when you believe you can fly.  No one has to tell you the truth of who you are.  You know this.  It is the power of this illusion that invokes recurring forgetfulness.


One of my children, at about 9 years of age, wrote a comic strip.  In the first panel was a boy in a cape, announcing his super flying powers.  In the next panel he climbs the roof and jumps off.  In the third panel he shouts “See!  I’m flying!”  It is the next panel where doubt crosses his face and he says, while flying, “I’m flying!  I can’t believe it!”  In the final panel, he slowly crashes to earth.


This is how we live our lives.  Over and over we wish for change and even as it occurs, we doubt it.  Actual change occurs gradually and starts within.  I am sort of a Queen of Magic.  My friends say I have rose colored glasses.  I see the best possible scenario most every time.  This may be because I’ve had so many chances; this lifetime has been a remedial class for self improvement.  I’m getting better at it.  It’s always going to be great in my heart.


We are in a sea of waiting, floating along on rafts of hope.  We need to jump in and swim in the direction of whatever beach works for us.  This drifting is not getting us anywhere.


Time for a New Game

SophiaLove's picture

I woke up today with several thoughts: “You know what to do.” “Your body knows what to do.” “You are already doing it.”  We are feeling the shift not solely in anticipation, but also because of realization.  It is happening now.


There are so many unanswered questions and yet the one that tops the list is “What is going to happen to me?”  This is followed quickly by, “Will I choose the best path?” “What are my choices?” “Does it depend on anyone else or is this choice mine to make?”


Your life is defined by you alone.  This is as true today as it was yesterday.  We all sense things are changing, yes.  This explains why you are reading this blog and I have written it.  Yet there are universal truths, some of which we may have forgotten.  The Law of Attraction is real.  What you believe you create.


You create.  This will always remain truth.  As we are a collective, we do sway each other, yes.  This is part of the plan.  Yet in the final analysis, your life choices are always yours to make.  The result of this moment, this day, and this time is up to only you.


You have been choosing right along.  Trust.  Remain calm.  In every moment you are presented two options – love and fear.  Choose love.  It is what you are.


I would bet a shiny new dime that love is already your primary choice, so no worries are necessary.  When the “Event” happens, whatever it brings, you will be in the right place with every tool necessary.  You will know what to do.  You will choose perfectly.  You are doing so right now.



SophiaLove's picture

We are midway through our year of 2012; about to determine our tensile strength.  This will tell us how much we can bear without pulling apart.


For as much as love is about you, it is about me; and as much as love is about me, it is about every other being and organism sharing this life with you. Love is what you are, and you are here now, practicing love in physical time.  In order to understand what love is capable of, you must experience resistance.


For the next half of this year, tension will be applied abundantly.  You will be surrounded with mirrors; facing yourself repeatedly.  Over and over they will ask – “Do you love me now?”, “Am I worth your time?”, “Have you heard me?”, “Do you love me now?”, “Are you listening?”, “Do I matter?”, “Can you hear me?”, “Do you love me now?”


Understand that this is a circle, it always returns to the beginning; it starts and ends with you.  There are no exceptions to this.  Life, creation, love – all work this way.


We are moving from polarity to unity.  Sometimes it will be seamless and painless and wonderful.  Other times it won’t.  In those times remember – everyone is right and everyone is love.  Each soul’s version is worthy of expression.


By divine decree we are here to express life.  All of us put forth a unique version of love and that love is then experienced by Source.  You are perfect and so is everyone else.  If we are going to collaborate and create a new earth, each of us must be heard. The test of our tensile strength begins now.


The Circle of Life

SophiaLove's picture

We have come from so very far to arrive at this place of peace.  This is what I am internally experiencing just now – a sense of peace.  Our world is running a muck according to established mainstream news sources.  Some of that is seeping into the everyday, as our own bank may be implicated in scandal as well as our government.


Yet through all this there remains a sense of calm.  It is a beautiful day.  A nest full of baby birds cheep to be fed while their parents swoop in again and again to nourish them.  The sun shines, the breeze blows, gently pushing the newly planted flowers back and forth.  Life is abundant.  I am internally happy, with no discernible reason in practical, 3D terms.


This is the next dimension.  As you walk into your powers of intentional creation, you experience untold joy and personal fulfillment.  There is no one necessary to rank your progress or determine your success.  All of your life is self determined.  You are who you intend to be, have what you intend to enjoy and do what you plan to do. There are surprises, as your world is full of a wonderful mix of “others” – souls who have a part to play in this show will engage you and have an impact.  All of this by your own design.


Make no mistake; this Ascension process is yours alone - in concert with mine and everyone else’s. The unity that we are coming to understand and experience means we are made of the same stuff – like fingers on a hand – yet each with a unique perspective and part to play.


Time to Fill the Bucket

SophiaLove's picture

With all this talk of arrests and change and off planet beings and collapse, it feels like we need some love.  At the core of this there is just you.  The one in charge, the God force, the only one making decisions for your life and how it feels, is you.  You are here now to transform a world.  You are here now to transform yourself.  You can’t draw water from an empty well, it’s time to replenish.


You are and you have been many things.  At the very center of all that you are – is love.  They have “proven” that love is the most powerful force in the universe.  But, really, didn’t we know that all along?  Nothing happens without love.


Yes, there is saber rattling, warnings and even physical destruction with fear – but love has not been doused, nor can it ever be.  Love is the source of it all, including those spewing fear.


Love cannot be outdone.  Your very source is love.  It is your soul essence, the God force, the infinite energetic.  It is that which fuels you; it is that which you are.


God breathed you into life and here you are – a being of magnificence here to show the way.  What will you do?  As you live and work and hear the news, remember one thing.  It is your voice, our intentions, your thoughts and our collective feelings that are deciding how this goes.  There may be some louder; some fancier and some with better broadcasting tools but none of them have more of an effect than you do.


ONE is truth.   Unity is reality.  ONE is a force.  It is you.  It is me.  It is us.  We are writing this story.  We are reading it and we are reacting as well.  We – the collective called humanity are directing this show.



SophiaLove's picture

My ears are working overtime.  This morning at barely 7 AM they pick up cars, trucks and bikes in the street, a radio broadcast, an airplane and a host of bird calls.  I marvel at the rich tapestry of sound we are surrounded in.  Just one portion of our sensation filled moments and I could write a page on it.  We have created a beautiful, stimulating world, distraction is available at every turn. The diagnosis of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is a misnomer. It should be called AOE (Attention On Everything!).  Those labeled as such have come here unable to develop the habit of blocking out life and desensitizing themselves to this marvelous, busy, loud, colorful world.  They are the ones who are the first to notice a change or injustice.  They ignore nothing.


We need to adopt the same attitude.  The cabal has worked diligently for 300 years to convince us to ignore a great deal of our lives.  We hear of atrocities in other countries and cities and shake our heads.  We see the blatant display of wealth as well as starvation and we get angry or sad yet it stops there.  So overwhelmed with our personal rat race, we remain quiet, keep our head down and try to just get by without being noticed.


We must join together

Dan's picture

I am a 16 year old -Nature is so wonderful. Without it, we wouldnt be here, because nature lifts our spirits. Not just nature but people should too. Spread love, dont just save it for that one girl you love, spread love all around the world. Spread love to a stranger. Even if you dont know the person. Would you rather have a feeling of the person being mysterious? Or him being apart of your family? After all, even the people you dont know are connected to you more than you know. If dogs walk in packs, fish roam the sea in big groups, dolphins dive into the water in a group, lions live in groups, elephants adapt in groups, or groups of birds, Ants. Notice through theyre whole life theyre all connected. Are we the only ones seperated? YES. We need to do our part, Instead of only a family with the same last names, meet more people, for even Strangers are family. Do your part so others can join and enlighten the world.


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