
My Journey on The Road to Shambhala - Director's Cut

Rain's picture



Dratzo, LOVE BEings! I return with an updated video.


Some of you have seen the earlier version of this but I have edited it to fix some timing issues and also changed the resolution to address some video issues.

In other words, it's not new but it is improved!


This video is about my journey on the Path to Full Consciousness. I hope you enjoy it. I encourage all of you to share your journey with us as well. Thank you!


~ namaste

Caught In A Dream

blazinriver's picture

   Could it be that I have been caught in a dream? Going through the motions of life as if sleep walking? Up until a few months ago I was doing just that. I have always suspected that there was something not quite right in what I perceived as being reality. Or should I say what I was taught that reality is. Is the color red the same color someone else sees? Is the texture of sand the same to someone else as it is to me? If another person, or light being, could jump in my body and see through my eyes and thought process but yet retain their own perceptions of reality, would they see the same thing I do? 

   I recently watched a video that put a bit of a twist so to speak on the Mayan calendar. I had never seem it presented in such a way. According to the author of this video the calendar was a kind of bible. What I mean is, it told the story of creation, of Jmmanuel's (Jesus according the the author) role in history, and the end times. Now I am not pretending to know much about the Mayan calendar but it made sense to me. AT first glance the author seemed to be a a "regular" Christian. But as I watched I found the he was anything but regular. I made me think about how all my life I have been in this dream world. Just going with the flow unaware of the truth that has been hidden from me.

   We have put Jmmanuel, the man most know by the name Jesus on this pedestal or throne not knowing who or what he truly is. I am not sure that there are many if any humans that do. I personally believe he should be honored and praised. But does it mean the same to praise or honor someone for all the wrong reasons? We praise the remarkable feats on the basketball court of Michael Phelps. No wait he is a swimmer, not a basketball player. No matter he is an athlete so what is the problem?

What a Crazy, Delightful Ever Changing World! Flash Mob-Puttin' On The Ritz

Joy Rogers's picture




Stay in the vibration of love, joy, hope and unity. We soar forward, above, beyond and throughout the Universe.

Uploaded by puttin2012 on Feb 28, 2012

Diane said:

What a crazy, delightful ever changing world!
In 2012 young people in Moscow put on a “flash crowd happening”, dancing to an 83 year old American song “Putting on the Ritz” written by a Jewish New Yorker, Irving Berliner in 1929, whose family came from Germany. (For show biz reasons, he changed his name to Irving Berlin).

Original Lyrics by Irving Berlin:


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