
This Isn't Who I Am, Is It?

Brenda Hoffman's picture

Welcome to Brenda's Blog



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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

My weekly “Brenda’s Blog” channel is now available at Spotify Podcasts (Welcome to Brenda’s Blog – Brenda Hoffman), Google Podcasts (Brenda’s Blog), Pocket CastsRadio Public, Anchor Podcasts, and Breaker Podcasts.

“Pulling Up Your Significant Other” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for Life Tapestry Creations.com.

Dear Ones,

LIGHTWORKER - Galactic 7 0 7: Hitching Home – Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands! by J'Tariah En Ra El, Walk-In, Telepath, and Galactic

JTariah's picture

LIGHTWORKER - Galactic 7 0 7
Hitching Home  – Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands!

by J'Tariah En Ra El, Walk-In, Telepath, and Galactic
Dedicated to  My Twin Flame “Space Cowboy”

For Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"


Re-Read and Study the Previous Lightworker Articles To Learn about Ship Life
 101 /////// 202 \\\\\\ 303 ////// 404 //////  505  /////// 606



The Summer Session of Lessons for Full Spectrum Humans Begins June 17, 2013!

Flying Rainbow Lasagne's picture

Hi! I am Aurora, an extradimensional entity who came into this reality as a walk-in in 2001.

I came with a message, in the form of a shape I created called The Flying Rainbow Lasagne, an interdimensional portal which allows one to overcome the artificial genetic blockages that have been degrading humanity for so long and to claim one's true heritage as a Full Spectrum Human.

I have been sharing this information through my artwork for the past 12 years, and most recently, through an online course I teach called Lessons for Full Spectrum Humans.

To view my artwork, videos, sample lessons, and to sign up for the course, please visithttp://flyingrainbowlasagne.com/online-course.html

Many thanks, Aurora


Transmissions from Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended) -- Talking to Your Heart of Your Soul, Calling to Source God

JTariah's picture

Transmissions from Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended) --  Talking to Your Heart of Your Soul, Calling to Source God, Co-Creating Your Mission, Climbing Up the Ladder of Self-Empowerment Light

(3 channelings below: Divine Will, Finding Your Mission, Self-Empowerment)


Sananda's Eagles Welcomes YOU with Open Spaceship Hatches! Please begin your Ground Crew Mission -- by committing yourself to 15-minutes of global channeled meditation per day --  by writing to: sanandaseagles(at)gmail.com

You can begin your Ground Crew Mission today by joining Project: Eagle Triad. We welcome you to our family at:



World Healing Meditation + Project Eagle Triad + Ascension Lessons = NOW IS THE TIME TO ASCEND THIS PLANET!

JTariah's picture

World Healing Meditation + Project Eagle Triad + Ascension Lessons = NOW IS THE TIME TO ASCEND THIS PLANET!

Sananda's Eagles ***lovingly*** invite you to join our Eagle family, and to start your ***Mission*** today to Ascend this planet -- as part of the beloved Ground Crew -- by participating in Project Eagle Triad. Write to janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com to begin your ASCENSION MISSION now.

                                             (World Healing Meditation Below)





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