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Mitt Romney Tax Returns For 2011 Released (UPDATE)

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Huff Post - Zach Carter, 9/21/12

Mitt Romney Tax Returns

Mitt Romney released his 2011 tax returns on Friday.

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney paid an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent in 2011, according to a tax return filed on Friday, a relatively low tax rate resulting from exotic deductions, the special tax treatment for his Bain Capital retirement package and the low tax rate on capital gains. Romney also opted not to deduct millions in charitable contributions from his tax bill in order to maintain a pledge from August that he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes for each of the past 10 years.

Romney's income was $13,696,951 in 2011, and he paid $1,935,708 in taxes. Romney's income for the year was more than 263 times larger than the U.S. median household income of $51,914.

Fall Equinox Saturday Ups Chances of Seeing Northern Lights

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Space.com - Joe Rao, 9/21/12

AuroraMAX Image September 12, 2012


AuroraMAX observatory took this image of an auroral display over Yellowknife, Canada, on September 12, 2012.

The arrival of the autumnal equinox this Saturday (Sept. 22) signals a transition from northern summer to fall in an astronomical sense. But it also signals the start of aurora-watching season.

From now through the end of October, the chances of sighting the glow of the mysterious northern lightswill be reaching a peak.

Northeast ocean temperatures reach record high

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Boston.com - Clarke Canfield/AP, 9/18/12

Current northeast sea surface temperatures (Weather.com)

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Ocean temperatures off the northeast United States reached a record high for the first half of 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Tuesday.

The average sea surface temperature for the waters over the Northeast continental shelf, from North Carolina to Canada, was a little over 50.5 degrees from January through June, breaking the previous record of 50.45 degrees for the same six months set in 1951. The average temperature for those months during the past three decades has been about 48 degrees.

To read the rest of this story, visit Boston.com.

Dramatic Rescue at Sea After 26 Hour Ordeal

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Weather.com - Matt Sampson, 9/12/12, Associated Press

Harris was adrift at sea for more than 24 hours in this plastic container.

SITKA, Alaska — A fisherman who spent a night adrift in a 4-by-4 foot plastic fish bin after his boat sank off Alaska says he gave himself pep talks and sang “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” to keep his spirits up. His fellow crewmember managed to get into a survival suit and washed ashore on a beach after his own night afloat.

A Coast Guard helicopter hoisted Ryan Harris, 19, of Sitka, from his plastic “lifeboat” on Saturday, more than 24 hours after the boat sank on Friday, the Daily Sitka Sentinel (http://is.gd/bgoPcT) reported Monday.

Image: Wildfires in Washington State

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Source: Phys.org - 9/21/12

NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC.

The summer of 2012 will unfortunately be known as the "Summer of Devastating Western Wildfires" and practically not one state out west was spared. Washington State has been hardest hit of late. This satellite image shows a rash of wildfires currently burning in the middle of the state.

Related Video: Residents Urged to Leave Again

Drought Halts Traffic on Mississippi

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Weather.com - AP, Jim Suhr, 9/20/12

Barge Heading Southbound on the Mighty Mississippi

A barge eases southbound in a Mississippi River channel toward a lock that remained shut down Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Granite City, Ill., causing a traffic jam of dozens of tugboats and hundreds of barges.

GRANITE CITY, Ill. -- Crews scrambled to make repairs Wednesday near the busiest Mississippi River lock shut down because of damage blamed partly on the summer drought, snarling hundreds of barges and tugboats in a backlog that was growing worse by the hour.

Workers closed Lock 27 just north of St. Louis last Saturday after discovering that a protection cell -- a vertical, rock-filled steel cylinder against which barges rub to help align them for proper entry into the lock -- had split open, spilling into the channel tons of the rock that ultimately obstructed passage.

Long-Term Care Residents Become Healers to Each Other

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Source: AxionNews.ca - Kristian Partington, 9/17/12

Program to battle the plague of loneliness and depression in LTC residents

Few will argue that moving from independent living into a long-term care setting is one of the most difficult transitions a person will make in the course of life.

Loneliness, depression and feelings of helplessness can be rampant for residents, and helping them combat these feelings to live lives of fulfillment and meaning is an important goal of providers — it’s a cornerstone of life quality.

But when a person goes from raising a family and contributing steadily to the growth of their community through a lifetime of careers and volunteering to the point when they no longer ask for their help or advice, one could imagine finding meaning in life might be difficult.

China's Changbaishan volcano showing signs of increased activity

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Source: Phys.org. - 9/20/12

Roughly 1,100 years ago, the Changbaishan volcano that lies along the border between northeastern China and North Korea erupted, sending pyroclastic flows dozens of kilometers and blasting a 5-kilometer (3-mile) wide chunk off of the tip of the stratovolcano.
The eruption, known as the Millennium eruption because of its proximity to the turn of the first millennium, was one of the largest volcanic events in the Common Era.


In the subsequent period, there have been three smaller eruptions, the most recent of which took place in 1903. Starting in 1999, spurred by signs of resumed activity, scientists established the Changbaishan Volcano Observatory, a network to track changing gas compositions, seismic activity, and ground deformation. Reporting on the data collected over the past 12 years, Xu et al. find that these volcanic indices each leapt during a period of heightened activity from 2002 to 2006.


Mud volcano erupts in Azerbaijan- Colombian volcano awakening after 86 years

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Source: The Extinction Protocol

September 20, 2012 – AZERBAIJAN - Baku. Kamala Guliyeva – The Lokbatan mud volcano erupted in the morning has weakened, Executive of Mud Volcanism Department under the Geology Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Arif Huseynov told APA. Huseynov said that the eruption process is being studied.

The volcano accompanied by a rumble at 05.00 spew flames at 09.00: “According to the preliminary observations, the eruption was powerful and mud spread across the area of more than 2 ha. The exact information will be announced after the measurements. But this eruption was more powerful than the eruption in 2010. At that time, the mud covered about 2 ha area.” Husyenov says that no flame is being observed in the area: “The volcano has already weakened. It is not likely to flame again, as it’s weakened.”

The Lokbatan mud volcano is the most active volcano in Azerbaijan and in the world. Last time the volcano erupted in 2010. This is the 24th eruption of the volcano. Fortunately there aren’t any houses in the area, but there are oil wells. -APA



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