Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Sirius Film Feat. Dr. Steven Greer By Emmy Winning Amardeep Kaleka Opens April 22

OdiStar's picture


Inspired by the work of Dr. Steven Greer, directed by Emmy Award winning Amardeep Kaleka and funded by the highest documentary crowd-funding in history, 'Sirius' introduces a DNA sequenced humanoid of unknown classification to the world and sheds definitive light on the scientific reality of UFO's, ET's, and Advanced Alternative Energy Technology. 'Sirius' is narrated by actor Thomas Jane (HBO series 'Hung').

The Atacama Humanoid, from the documentary film, 'Sirius'


Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 23, 2013

Fulford: Three More Major Terrorist Incidents Threatened After Boston and Texas

MomT's picture

DEUS NEXUS Posted by Deus Nexus

Reposted From: Benjamin Fulford.

A member of the Japanese Yakuza was contacted by members of the cabal last week and told to inform the White Dragon Society that “after Kennedy and Bush would come Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and one other.” Since the Boston terror psy-ops included a bombing of the Kennedy Library and the missile attack in Texas took place close to the Bush ranch, the warning seems to be a hint that some major attacks linked to these two other presidents and “one other,” were planned for the near future.

Somebody has also placed a $1 billion bet on a major US stock market plunge this week in what may be a sign of foreknowledge of further major terrorist events, according to an MI5 source.

Grant Cameron's Research On UFOs and U.S. Presidents Gets Recognized By International UFO Congress

Rain's picture

Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 3/09/13


Canadian UFO researcher Grant Cameron specializes on the connections between U.S. presidents and UFOs.

After almost 40 years of investigating the shrouded history of UFOs throughout North America, Grant Cameron is getting some recognition.

Ever since his own reported UFO sightings in Manitoba, Canada, in 1975, Cameron has doggedly researched the subject. Using the Freedom of Information Act to obtain documents and information, and traveling to many presidential libraries, Cameron became focused on the relationship of American presidents and UFOs.

Video and more: Huffington Post.


Ex-congressmen form panel to investigate UFOs

Rain's picture

The Telegraph - 4/12/13, Raf Sanchez

A group of former members of Congress is planning to hold an exhaustive 30 hours of hearings seeking the truth about UFOs.

UFO enthusiasts admit the truth may not be out there after all

The panel will investigate what the US government knows about UFOs Photo: ALAMY

The five former congressmen - three Democrats and two Republicans - said they were frustrated with Congress's failure to explore the issue of extraterrestrial life and were taking manners into their own hands.

"The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time," the group said in a statement.

Goddess Spiral Retreat by Isis & Cobra

MomT's picture

Portal 2012 Wednesday, April 17, 2013


This unique event will be taking place near Hilo, Hawaii from May 31st to June 2nd.

The Sun of the New Era - Golden Age is rising and we are embracing the new life with Golden Goddess spiral of Light.



At these special times in human history we are perfectly supported with astrological planetary constellations. Through Mars-Venus conjunction in the beginning of April, partial lunar eclipse on April 25th, annular solar eclipse on May 10th and through the opening of the portal on May 25th we are preparing ourselves to become an embodiment of Divine Lovers and expansion of higher frequencies of Light will bring the final balance between Male and Female polarities on planet Earth.


Sirius Film Team Announces Atacama Humanoid Age & Sex Determined

MomT's picture

PR Web Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The team behind the forthcoming documentary 'Sirius,' which features the work of Dr. Steve Greer and his effort to drive disclosure regarding UFO's, ET's and their technology, today announces additional conclusive DNA & Scientific analysis findings: The 'Atacama Humanoid' featured in 'Sirius,' was male and survived post-birth 6 to 8 years.

'Ata' - The Atacama Humanoid

Los Angeles ,CA (PRWEB) April 16, 2013

Last week, the upcoming documentary film team behind 'Sirius' released an announcement about the scientific study of a DNA sequenced humanoid of unknown classification, known as the 'Atacama Humanoid.'

Sirius Film Feat. Dr. Steven Greer By Emmy Winning Amardeep Kaleka Opens April 22

Rain's picture - Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 03, 2013


‘Sirius’, a provocative crowd-funded documentary film from Emmy winning director Amardeep Kaleka (‘Neverending Light Productions’), producer J.D Seraphine, and narrated by actor Thomas Jane (HBO series ‘Hung’), will have its contributor, VIP & celebrity premiere on April 22 in Hollywood, CA.


The movie premiere will be followed by a limited theatrical release and concurrent VOD launch via the Yekra video on demand platform on and Yekra's AffiliateConnect customized social media networks.




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