Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

The Marijuana Myth: What If Everything You Think You Know About This Plant Is Wrong?

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Huff Post - Laurel Dewey, 9/4/12

What if everything you were ever told and believed about a subject wasn't true? What if the well-meaning, trusted and respected people who told you those lies were just parroting the propaganda that they heard?

That's the exact dilemma I found myself in about three years ago. For most of my life, I bought into the grim and terrifying stories I heard about -- dare I say it? -- marijuana.


Declassified CIA document reveals US analytic errors before Iraq war

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Press TV - 9/6/12

The American spy agency, CIA has declassified a document, admitting to “analytic liabilities” that resulted in false US intelligence estimates on Iraq’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, leading to a major war.

The heavily-redacted 2006 review, declassified on Wednesday, shows that the case for war against Iraq rested on a number of falsehoods, all of which came from the US intelligence community’s failures in assessing Iraqi weapons programs in the lead-up to the Bush administration’s 2003 invasion.

The document highlights that such “analytic liabilities” kept US analysts from seeing the issue “through an Iraqi prism” and generated findings that helped justify the Iraq war.


Lock mess: Austin cops supplied incriminating devices to Occupy protesters

Rain's picture  - 9/7/12

Ronnie Garza, one of the defendants, wearing lockboxes on his arms during a protest. (Image from Occupy Austin Facebook account)

A US court is reviewing Austin police emails for possible evidence of entrapment. It was revealed that Occupy protesters, who face felony charges for using special devices to create human chains, received the locks from an undercover officer.

The officer was one of the three APD agents who infiltrated the movement. He helped them obtain lockboxes, homemade devices consisting of a plastic or metal tube with a bolt running across in the center.


Why The Student Loan Bubble Is Much Worse Than It Looks

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Business Insider - Larry Doyle, Sense on Cents
Sep. 6, 2012, 7:42 AM

America is increasingly aware that the student loan bubble is a major problem for millions of students, families, and our nation as a whole. While far too many politicians from both sides of the aisle talk in platitudes about the need for education, few if any of these politicians are willing to pull back the cover and expose the ugly reality embedded in current data on the student loan bubble.

Yes, America knows that total student debt now exceeds all other forms of consumer debt. We also know that total student debt is now approaching $1 trillion dollars. I personally believe that the cost of education at public and private colleges and universities has to adjust downward but that reality does not appear imminent.
Read more:

Major UK Soap Star Talks Publicly of “Golden Age”

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Source: The 2012 Scenario

2012 September 6, Posted by Stephen Cook

Major UK Soap Star Talks Publicly of “Golden Age”

Stephen: This is HUGE news in the UK. William (Bill) Roache is one of the country’s biggest TV stars and is a leading man in ‘Coronation Street’, the British drama series has been in production a whopping 51 years! (Yes, 51 years!) My grandmother, Lily Cook, loved this show and never missed an episode.

This is the equivalent of Mike Farrell, Larry Hagman or Ted Danson speaking out about Ascension or their belief in our Galactic Family.

Greek police block riot police in anti-austerity protest

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GFP Note: See related video here:

Reuters - 9/6/12

(Reuters) - Greek police protesting against austerity cuts blocked the entrance to the riot police headquarters on Thursday, preventing buses carrying riot police from leaving for the site of major demonstrations this weekend.

Greek policemen, and members of police unions (R) push riot police during scuffles outside a riot police facility in Athens September 6, 2012. REUTERS-Yannis Behrakis

Greek policemen, and members of police unions (R) push riot police during scuffles outside a riot police facility in Athens September 6, 2012. Credit: REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

Northern Ireland leaders hold crisis talks to halt rioting

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Chicago Tribune

September 05, 2012|Ivan Little | Reuters


BELFAST (Reuters) - Northern Ireland's first and deputy first ministers held crisis talks with politicians and leaders of the pro-British Orange Order on Wednesday in a bid to stop the sectarian violence which has engulfed Belfast over the last three days.

Sixty-five police officers have been injured defending themselves from petrol bombs, fireworks, stones and bottles since riots first erupted on Sunday after a Catholic nationalist band marched in an area where Protestant groups were recently barred from doing so.

Eurozone demands six-day week for Greece

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The Guardian - , 9/4/12

Government in Athens under pressure to introduce a six-day working week as part of the terms for a second bailout

Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras

Terms for a second bailout may include labour market reforms, from minimum wages to flexible working hours. Photograph: Alexandros Vlachos/EPA

Greece's eurozone creditors are demanding that the government in Athens introduce a six-day working week as part of the stiff terms for the country's second bailout.

NYPD In Israel: Police Department Opens Branch In Kfar Saba With Lone Detective Charlie Ben-Naim

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Huff Post - 9/6/12

Nypd Israel

Even if they do dramatically overstate their counterterrorism record, it's no secret that the bigger-than-the-FBI NYPD has extensive counterterrorism operations. These operations often include spying outside NYPD jurisdiction, both nationally and abroad.

According to Al-Monitor, an online newspaper reporting on the Middle East, the NYPD has now officially opened a branch in Israel's Sharon District Police headquarters in Kfar Saba, with former Israeli and veteran NYPD detective, Charlie Ben-Naim. From Al-Monitor:


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