Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Latest Crop Circle ~ Norway

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GFP Note: This crop circle was made by humans.
We feel that the five points represent change.


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Crop Circle Connector - 9/19/13


Brazil to bypass US-centric internet amid spy revelations

Rain's picture - 9/19/13

File photo of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff

File photo of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff
Brazil has announced plans to bypass the US-centric internet amid revelations that Washington conducts spy operations on web communications.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced the country’s measures to boost the Brazil’s independence and security on the World Wide Web, including storing data locally and bypassing internet traffic that goes through the United States.



Occupy Wall Street Is Dead, Long Live Occupy

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Bloomberg Business Week - 9/18/13, Drake Bennett


Occupy Wall Street protesters marching from United Nations headquarters to New York's Bryant Park on Sept. 17

Occupy Wall Street protesters marching from United Nations headquarters to New York's Bryant Park on Sept. 17


Tuesday marked the two-year anniversary of the official birth of the Occupy Wall Street movement. On Sept. 17, 2011, a small band of activists took over Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park and made it their own, until Mayor Michael Bloomberg (founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, which publishes this magazine) cleared them out two raucous months later. In contrast to the thousands who packed the park in 2011, Tuesday’’s anniversary at Zuccotti Park was small—around 100 people showed up. There were scattered gatherings elsewhere. It was tempting to conclude that the movement is well and truly defunct—something people were already saying on its first birthday). In a conversation last month, one of the movement’s earliest organizers, David Graeber, told me he was “taking a little time off” from the movement.

David Icke on Alchemy Radio

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GFP Note: We are presenting this interview
for your awareness and enjoyment.
As always, use your discernment.
To listen to the interview, click on
the source link at the top of the story.


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Source: Alchemy Radio - 9/17/13


Court: Telecoms never challenged NSA orders

Rain's picture - 9/18/13


Telecommunications companies have never challenged the US government's orders to turn over records in the National Security Agency's spying program, according to a secret court's opinion that was signed last month and released Tuesday.

A Justice Department official confirmed the validity of the court’s opinion that no telecom company has challenged the legality of an order for records.



New Iraqi Protest Movement Targets Corrruption

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Al Monitor - Harith Hasan, 9/11/13


Protesters demand that the pensions of parliamentarians be canceled during a demonstration in Kerbala, Aug. 31, 2013. (photo by REUTERS/Mushtaq Muhammed)


The fact is that Iraq is a rentier country where the political elite oversees the distribution of oil revenues in a way that serves its interests. An equitable relationship between taxation and representation does not exist in rentier states, where the ruling elite practically turn into owners that distribute the wealth as it sees fit, while the people become dependent on donations from the rulers.

Corporate Propaganda – Fox News Sells Fracking as ‘Incredibly Good for Our Environment”

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Waking Times - 9/16/13, Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer


Recently on Fox News, Alex Epstein, the founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, and author of the book, Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet, argues in favor of hydraulic gas fracturing, or fracking, as it has become known. This is the technique of extracting natural gas and oil from layers of underground shale rock by pressure-injecting an undisclosed mixture of water and chemicals deep into the ground.


Golden Eye-style energy beam is developed by Nato scientists

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The Telegraph - Richard Gray, 9/12/13


The researchers, who are working as part of Nato’s Science and Technology Organisation, have also demonstrated it can disable jet skis and drones.

An energy beam that can be fired to disable vehicles and electronic devices has been developed by Nato scientists.

The device uses an intense pulse of electromagnetic energy that can be directed at a moving vehicle to interfere with the electronics on board.



NSA director inherited Star Trek digs

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The Washington Post - Emily Heil, 9/16/13


Something like this? (Credit: Paramount)


We’ve been hearing a lot about that Star Trek-esque command center run by now-NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander when he was leading the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command.

But while the spy chief seemed to enjoy a  Captain Kirk-worthy facility at Fort Belvoir, Va., which was reportedly the creation of a Hollywood set designer, it turns out that the command center was already in place when he took the job. It was built, sources tell our colleague Ellen Nakashima, in 1998. Alexander took over the post in 2001.

More: Washington



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