Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

University of BC Doctors Expose Vaccination Cover-up: Official Documents Released From The UK

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GFP Note: Vaccines have repeatedly been shown to be ineffective and even dangerous. There are two reasons why vaccination programs proliferated: one was  to implant mind-control devices into the human population. The other was to generate income.


The good news is that, as we awaken and progress on the Path to Full Consciousness, we move beyond the reach of such mind-control techniques. Furthermore, the cabal minions are in the process of surrendering and the program is in the process of dissolving, so mind-control techniques will no longer exist. The Victory of the Light is assured. No worries!


Source:, By Arjun, 5/21/13




Documentary to feature claims of back-engineered UFO technology

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GFP note - The military/cabal do indeed have their own craft built with assistance from the greys and the annunaki/illuminati. As noted in our FAQ/Ascension Primer, the illuminati left the planet in the 1990s and are now helping us, having returned to The Light. Additionally, two important events are now in process - the dissolving of the greys and the surrender of the cabal minions. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the secret space program. The Victory of the Light is assured. 


Source: OpenMinds.TV - Alejandro Rojas, 5/30/13


Documentary to feature claims of back-engineered UFO technology


Nuclear Missiles Shut Down By UFOs and An Interview With Stephen Bassett

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Published on May 30, 2013 by thirdphaseofmoon



Thirdphaseofmoon is proud to present one of the most credible witnesses ever. Captain Robert Salas was present at Malstrom Air Force Base in 1967 when a ufo came and shut down 10 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles. He held onto this secret for over 30 years as he entered yet another federal job working for the FAA after his USAF retirement and then decided to tell this amazing story.


It's Time to View UFOs With Our Eyes Open

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Huffington Post - Fred Lundgren, 5/30/12

A 1978 United Nations report on UFOs showed that 15 million Americans had seen a UFO. A 1996 Gallup poll showed that 36 million Americans had seen a UFO. By 2010, the worldwide total had approached 100 million sightings.

In order to validate alternatives such as high tech secret aircraft or the weather balloon theory, all 100 million sightings must be wrong! On the other hand, the game is over for the skeptics if only one of these 100 million sightings is proven to be a visitor from another star system.

More: Huffington Post


MSN Reports on Bigfoot

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GFP Note: The GFP is pleased to report that the Beings known as Bigfoot/Sasquatch are real. We know that they can be found in the Mt. Shasta, California area and the Appalachian Mountains, for example. These Beings are reclusive but operate at a high level of consciousness. They are 5th Dimensional Beings. - Rich Maloof, 5/28/13

Photo: David Muir/Getty Images

Evidence in the woods of Pennsylvania prompts a police investigation.

Re~Post: Six CIA plans that are stranger than fiction

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Source:, Stephanie Whiteside, August 9, 2012

"The Bourne Legacy" premieres this weekend, continuing the franchise's tale of genetically modified assassins created by a top-secret government agency. But although the Bourne tales may be fiction, they're not so far off from some of the plans hatched by the CIA.

Here are six real CIA ideas that are stranger than fiction:

1. Pigeon-guided missiles
During World War II, behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner experimented with training pigeons to steer missiles. The pigeons would be strapped into the nose cone and trained to peck the image of a target on a screen, which would keep the bomb on path.


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