The Galactic Free Press Update: Its Show Time Everyone [1]
Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
Quoted from Wes Annac~ ....Having been given some incredible validations (many in the form of ship sightings) I can say that I know our Family from the stars is real and is here...."
About the Picture ~These incredible sky lights look like alien spaceships coming to Earth!
Photo by- Jesus Diaz, 11/01/13
Greetings Love Beings, Exciting, Intense and Unprecedented Energies are Now Bombarding Planet Earth=Heart and will not be stopping anytime soon. Our 11~11 Gateway is Our Next Big Event as Unity Consciousness Comes more Into Manifestation during this Gateway! The Waiting is Over, Prepare for More Intensity!
Quoted from kara-schallock [2]"....Perhaps you wonder if with this Solar Eclipse things will come to completion. No; yet, do expect things to change......Know that the effects of this eclipse last for a while and is further amplified by the 11-11 Gateway. Expect a major leap in Awareness between now and then. It may feel as if your eyes have a layer of fog removed, so that you see things you hadn’t before…a beautiful gift indeed. It is much better to flow with the energy, rather than fighting it, so get out your surfboard.Embrace the times you feel energized and balanced and love yourself when you don’t. Know that with the Solar Eclipse and solar flares that we are receiving upgrades to our DNA, cells and electrical system, as well as to our chakras. Often times this can confuse us as it brings up old issues, so there is a bit of a mix of the old blended in with the New. Balance and Trust and focus truly help traverse this powerful gateway. Know too that we truly are in the New. I know you know that when you go within and you don’t let the outer world distract you from this truth. The truth is that you are Abundant, Peaceful and Love..... " End of quote [2]
Quoted from Ron Head...."We are here today to speak with you of the marvelous portal into which you are passing at this time. We would pass on to you some reminders of how to best utilize this wondrous opportunity, as there are still many of you who have not yet activated or remembered the wisdom which has been made available to you both recently and in your past.Before stating that you have not such knowledge and wisdom, we would advise that you search inside with great intent and determination to find what is there, that you find that which is what you are, and not listen to the voice which tells you that it does not exist.Feel that which is what you are. Feel all of what you are. Of course, that will be the quest of your forevers, but you can begin it or continue it today.The time has come that will find you more able to see, to sense, to feel your greater selves than ever before. You will be able to learn, to remember, to expand, to grow, and to change in vastly more wonderful ways and in less time than ever before. You will find, if you look for it, a self that will surround you with all of the love which you ever need.Perhaps you might want to begin by loving that self, by welcoming that self. We tell you that this part of you, or rather the all of you that you are a part of, will arrive bringing gifts you cannot yet even imagine. You may also wish to begin by holding gratitude for those gifts even before you open the package.You are the ones chosen to bring to this world the things necessary for her, for society’s evolution back into its intended purpose and condition. You were chosen to bring them and you have done so. It is time now for you to open the packages you have brought..... You cannot see with your physical eyes the extent of the change those seemingly small things bring to your world and beyond, but see in your imagination the possibility of it and you may begin to understand. This is the time when those things are needed. This is the time when they will be needed more than ever before. Stay grounded. Stay centered. Stay focused. And maintain your steadfast intent to build the world that is a wondrous garden for all to play in..."
Quoted from Kara "....11/11) we have yet another powerful Gateway. We have been building up to it and as I have said before, each portal, gateway and eclipse is more intense than the one before. This Gateway is further empowered by incredible solar activity with another major flare occurring today. Remember that our sun receives communication (Light) from our Galactic Sun, so each time there is a flare from our own sun, we are receiving Soul Codes of Light from the Galactic Sun along with all higher dimensional energies.
As we welcome the energies of this Gateway to weave through our chakras and our bodies (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), we are asked to stand in our Power and speak our Truth, and when (if) you are challenged by others who want you to return to being small and back to your old role, stand firm. You are being asked to take a step further into your dream, rather than wait for some magical moment that may never come. You are asked to move through your fear, remembering that fear is an illusion created by separate ego. When you recognize it, walk through it anyway and in this way, the fear dissolves (as all illusion does) and you tap into your Power as a Spiritual Sovereign Being. As long as you stop at the precipice of your fear, you will not evolve. This Gateway of 11:11 offers you the support to walk through the fear and more and more into New Life. As you do, you merge more with Soul; your true identity; gain in Strength and make changes that lead you to your next step of evolution/ascension......
Do know that the Truth is we are in the New. And with each cosmic event, we integrate this Truth into our being. Our job is to continue to release anything that is not Love within ourselves and to see that all is in Divine Order for your highest evolution. So this creating the New has taken us further into it one step at a time. While many have experienced the intensity of this time, it actually has been quite gentle from a higher perspective. What if we didn’t have choice and we were in the old world one day and found ourselves in the New World the next day? Do you think we would survive that? And how we experience our Shift is to the degree that we can let go and not resist the changes and guidance to change. Resistance creates pain and that is not the intention of the higher dimensions.
This 11:11 Gateway will do much, especially if you align with it, to expand your Awareness and consciousness. You might wonder how much more Awareness and consciousness you can have! You’re unlimited in this. And as Awareness and consciousness expands, you see what still needs to be released and upgraded, and thus your life is more congruent with your Soul-life. Many are still clinging to the old ways of being. And believing only what they see is of the old. In the New, there is an expansion into something we’re not familiar with. Many feel lost and so cling to the old fervently to give themselves some sort of illusory balance; and yet, that holds them back in the old and in duality. To be in the New takes great Trust. We are reminded by those high dimensional beings that there is much more beyond our Earthly experience. This is why it is so important to not attach to what it looks like, but to go beyond it and feel the Truth behind the surface event or words. In this way, we tap into the true energy of that event or those words. As we feel, rather than think, our way through this shift, we are led to our highest evolution.
And this, Dear Ones, is how this 11:11 Gateway can help you. It is a powerful surge forward. With this Gateway we are lifted into new spaces and will burst through the clouds of illusion and into the New more powerfully…and then we have a rest as the energies integrate. How far you go is up to you. The ones who are just beginning or not yet awake are helped by those of you who hold true to your Light. We cannot tell another how to do it, yet by shining our own Light and encouraging them, if asked, to go within and find their own Light is truly the way of the Ascension Wayshower.
May we all be profoundly blessed and gently guided in this most powerful time." End of quote [4]
You can Feel it in the Air this Month an Energy which is Making its presence known in big ways. The Show is starting. The Magical Energies of November~ December will be showing this to us quite directly. Can You Feel It? The times they are changing and changing fast. It Keeps Getting More Exciting and More Intense as each passing moment. We can Clearly Say It Has Begun, The Show is starting, and the Curtain is Rising! Its Time!
Quoted from Earth Ally Chellea" The Show is Starting! Can you feel it? Can you see it? It's everywhere, in every country. in every mind. the collective is waking. I can deeply feel our Mother's Joy. Love wins! It's happening, The energies we all are feeling, are only getting more and more intense. The love is now pushing all ego out the door. Relax, Release It. You don't need it anymore. Respond in Love instead of reacting in fear. Just Allow and surrender to Love. It's ok, let it all go. There is nothing to fear. Fear is illusion. It's Part of the programing that needs to be transformed to Love. Love is truely the Key to it all. there is no other way. Surrender to only feeling love in every Moment. The truth is now at every turn. except it and move on. Remember to respond not to react. Reacting only feeds the negative energies. Relax, take a focused breath. Responding in only love removes the EGO/Fear. With the collective mind being such chaos, Keeping yourselves centered is very important, as this shifting is happening. We are feeling the collective as a whole. Stay centered, and project your Love in the direction of truth. Allow the truths to transform the collective. This is The Moment. This is the moment, that we all have been waiting for. Love is Now. Take your places everyone. The Show is Starting. The curtains are lifting. Are you ready? Have you practiced your lines? Humanity is wakening and the spot light is now on. the moment has come to take the stage and Be the Love we are." end of quote [5]
AS We shared the energies are preparing to give us Quite a Momentum this Month for a Full Planetary awakening. The Signs of the Shift of the Ages Is Everywhere! From the Suns Help to all the Planets In Alignment, to Comets, Massive Upgrade and Transformation are Underway! The Great Awakening and the Shifting is the Ages is Here. No where to Run and no where to Hide this energy is Affecting Everyone and Everything on the Planet. Its Show time Everyone!
Quoted from Brett Kraft " I think November is going to one hell of a Month!"
Quoted from Cobra~ "Compression Breakthrough~The final victory of the Light is near. On November 11th, a certain operation of the Light forces will commence and it might soon bring tangible results. Also, on November 13th there will be a heliocentric T-square between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. That astrological configuration will bring a tremendous release of tension which will be felt throughout the whole solar system. It is also true that vast changes are taking place within Pentagon that will soon inevitably lead to great increase of power of the Positive Military. And finally, I really liked this comment by David Wilcock on Fulford's blog: This is big, big, big stuff."
Quoted from David Wilcock "..... To clarify, a “surprise” is going to happen. We will not expect it. They are saying it will permanently change everyone’s lives in the Western world. .... This is big, big, big stuff. ......" End of quote
DeSwiss2 ~... " When the day finally emerges. That day when we have all woken up and can feel the love permeating everything. Everywhere. And we then realize we could have had this a long time ago, we will laugh at ourselves for having been so afraid."
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Big sunspot AR1890 has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class [9] solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
GRANDPAW.KOYOTE"....we are purifying ourself through the fires of Hell Yeah...."
The energies of November Continue to Whammy Us on a daily Basis, Bringing to us Changes, Transformations, Upgrades, intense Connections and magical sychnronistic events. BREATHE!!!! RELAX Cause Here WE GOOOOO!
Quoted from Earth Ally Rain " COWABUNGA!~
Quoted from Jamie Price " The Energies of November ~ What times we are in! Solar flares, nostril flares, Uranus squares, oh my! These are unprecedented times of change! Even if it’s uncomfortable at the moment, it’s all good! Let’s get right down to it. First thing that comes up for November is “just breathe.” Just breathe through it, allow life to flow around you. I’m shown an image as if energy is coming in from all directions. Rather than this being something that we are called to direct or focus, it is a powerful catalyst that is calling us to relax through rather than push through. When we have this much going on energetically, just dealing with what-is can feel like an uphill battle, so know that it is time to mainly just let go and allow. It can seem like allowing is a passive state, but actually it is a wise state of observing and participating as the flow indicates. It’s like walking down a hallway until you find an open door rather than deciding you’re going to just make a door at a certain point in the wall! The astrology speaks to that as we are completing an eclipse cycle on 11/3 (in Scorpio), a Mercury retrograde on 11/10 (in Scorpio), the fourth of seven Pluto/Uranus squares on 11/1(in Capricorn/Aries respectively), and solar flares galore! This is a time of great movement, but that movement is mainly the undercurrent of release, the burning off of dross and a time of sparking an ignition that will bring much transformation. We are in a major upgrade phase.It is interesting having this much solar activity with such a strong influence of Scorpio energy. Scorpio is the collective water sign, its influence is deep on a personal level and ripples out boldly to the collective. Within all the initiation and ignition of the solar energy (the coronal mass ejections), is the depth of intensity that Scorpio offers. This is much of why the advice is to just breathe through it, it’s deep release. It is calling for our balance to just let it go.... Ascesion Symptoms This has been a time of quite an increase in Ascension symptoms! I’m still seeing some of the same symptoms from October, they just have more added to them! In addition to October’s ear ringing and brain changes, there may be dizziness, heart palpitations, every emotion under the sun, hot and cold flashes, fatigue, restless sleep or lack of sleep, digestive issues, joint pains. Of course not all symptoms are the shifting effects of Ascension, so take care of yourself accordingly." end of quote [10]
Quoted from Star Sister Marcia".... Deep energetic shifts have been taking place in the Cosmos this week -- and more are on the way! We turned a corner at the Scorpio solar eclipse just a few days ago. We've now entered a transformational vortex that will remain white hot until late April 2014.On November 23, our Star -- the life-giving center of our solar system, born from the Source -- will be receiving the Uranus-Pluto energy and illuminating it with stellar radiance. This will happen within us as well as around us, because our Star is not only above us. It's the Divine Flame within us. Life will be even more dynamic in the months ahead -- but more and more you'll find yourself initiating and collaborating with the powerful energies of change, rather than reacting, often from a limiting, fear-based perspective.The magnitude of energetic change just can't be overstated. Extremely high-frequency vibrations have been coming at us at a much faster rate than our three-dimensional reality can easily integrate -- and the greatest is just two weeks away! With this week's energetic shifts, we can begin to consciously create containers for the energies of transformation....." End of Quote [11]
Quoted from Emmanuel Dagher..... "On October 25th, the Sun started to shake, rattle, and rolling again with a series of X class Solar Flares. Strong solar activity is an indication that there’s a great awakening happening in our collective consciousness. During these times, it’s an excellent opportunity for us to face any seeming challenges in our lives head on. This usually results in us experiencing huge breakthroughs especially in an areas of our lives that lead to self-empowerment and a deeper connection to Creator/Source Energy.When there’s as much solar activity as we’ve recently had, large amounts of light (energy) enters Earth’s atmosphere......The reason why everything is changing right now so quickly in our personal lives and in the world is because of Divine intervention in action......The Divine Intervention may appear like it’s happening outside of us, but it’s really us who have summoned the current shift in consciousness happening in our lives, on the planet and beyond. The Solar Eclipse Nudges Us Forward On November 3rd (4th for some parts of the world) we experienced our last eclipse which will be a Solar Eclipse.Solar Eclipse’s create the perfect climate for big personal and planetary transformations to occur. So combine this eclipse with the recent strong solar activity; it’s definitely time for lots of moment and action....." End of Quote
Quoted from Lee Harris" .....Time is crazy. I can’t believe it was 11 months ago that I stood here to do the December Energy Forecast. That was an auspicious forecast, because it was December 2012 and people were divided between whether the world was about to end, or the spaceships were going to land, or something massive was going to shift.As I and many people said at the time, the knowledge that we’ve had for thousands of years is that it was always a marker point and it was always going to signify a change in consciousness. And in the same way that for most people, the energy body (and our emotions and thoughts) can change faster than the actual physical body can; it’s the same with this shift in consciousness. It will take time to ground.Many people are still in the aftershock of, “Well the spaceships didn’t land” or “We didn’t get saved.” Many people are still a little bit confused about the structural changes of our world. Yes, everywhere you look banking systems, government, all of those aspects of society that we knew would be under review or question, it’s all happening. It’s just taking a longer time to play out in a big way than most people would like or expect. And it’s important to remember this to keep yourself centered. Many years ago I was channeling and what came through was that the shift period was going to take a much longer time than anyone anticipated;....." End of quote
Quoted from Marlene Swetlishoff [14]....."The world teems with newness amidst the crumbling ashes of the old. Every living being and consciousness is being blessed with healing and renewing energies that come from the cosmos. Along the path of each soul, miracles are abounding! Everywhere one looks there is evidence of the higher realms being felt and in many cases, being seen. The greatest miracles are taking place within each soul as they are being filled with the spirit of love from the higher dimensions. Each soul is beginning to express their higher version of themselves and this is having a wondrous effect upon the whole planet. Humanity as a whole is realizing the power for positive change that they carry and are utilizing and mobilizing into positive works that benefit the higher good of all....Let your light shine forth out into the universe as a beacon to its inhabitants that the Earth is ready to become a member in good standing with the federation of planets who have been waiting for endless eons for this to occur. As humanity unites in purpose they are joined by other diverse planetary civilizations which are ready to assist their brothers and sisters with their wealth of knowledge, technology and wisdom. Under the banner of the Creator of all, all are One.." [15]
Quoted from Owen Waters...."In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift....Heart-centered consciousness develops the flow of unconditional love. Once this flow is started, nothing in physical reality can affect it in a negative way. It is not altered or rationed by likes and dislikes, nor by emotions of any kind. It is something that just is, regardless of the circumstances. It is an expression of the love of God, which exists in every part of the universe and flows through each one of us, if we but allow it.Unconditional love is something that readily flows through your heart when you reach upwards above regular, day-to-day consciousness, open your heart and just allow the flow to come through. Unconditional love is, by its very nature, allowing, accepting and supporting. As a state of allowance, it is not something that you have to try to do; it just flows when you allow it to enter your heart. It will raise your consciousness above the cares of daily reality and open up an expanded vista of awareness.Each time you allow unconditional love to flow, you upgrade the entire human experience, taking humanity yet one more step into the unfolding New Reality..." [16]
The Energies continue to Move us closer and closer together as One Unified Field! Love WINS! Its THE MOMENT, We Take Our Planet Back Into the Arms of Love! Complete Unity Here We Come! The Light and Truth will be exploding across the Planet In a Big Way! Its Time~
Quoted from Nancy B. Detweiler.....~LET’S PREPARE FOR A NEW WORLD!~"According to many who have dedicated their lives to bringing about a New World, major changes are on the verge of taking place. These changes will involve learning that 99.9 % of what Earth humans have been taught are lies. The world that we have known is crumbling as increasingly we learn of lies on which we have based our lives and world view.Because in Truth, Love is all that is, Earth humans are being assisted by our brothers and sisters who have ascended in consciousness before us. We will very soon meet these sisters and brothers who are Earth’s Ascended Masters and our galactic family.The groundwork for our New World has been created behind the scenes and is ready to be rolled out into public view as the old world collapses. However, Earth humans are to be the “actual creators” of this New World. The Ascended Masters and our galactic family are here to assist...." End of Quote [17]
Decreed by Heaven~ We are IN Preparations for a Brand New Planet for Earth and Humanity! Intense Transformations and Portal Openings are underway! The Gateway for Unity Consciousness is Opening through our 11~11 Gateway! Intense Energies will not be stopping. Mass Awakening is in Process in an Intense way. Anticipate Daily shifting and changes! Its Show time everyone~ This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You! [18]
Total September Donations 427.77$
Total Goal 3000$
Here is a Link to the 5d Room where the Oneness energies are Flowing to Humanity. Note this room is open as much as it can in a 24 hour period for Support and Connections!!! [19]
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links: [20]
Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid 5D Room at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link: [19]
This Room Remains Open for Support
If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here: [22]
If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here: [23] [24]
[24]~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to [25]
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
Video Update Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
- Weekly Updates [27]