~How to tap the power of this week's Big Shift~

Lia's picture

Deep energetic shifts have been taking place in the Cosmos this week -- and more are on the way!  We turned a corner at the Scorpio solar eclipse just a few days ago.  We've now entered a transformational vortex that will remain white hot until late April 2014.  

Perhaps the single most potent moment in our entire 33-month initiatory journey comes In just over two weeks.  On November 23, Uranus and Pluto will make a one-time square n relation to the Sun. This will be an even more profound and far-reaching event than the seven geocentric Uranus-Pluto squares that began in June 2012. 

On November 23, our Star -- the life-giving center of our solar system, born from the Source -- will be receiving the Uranus-Pluto energy and illuminating it with stellar radiance. This will happen within us as well as around us, because our Star is not only above us.  It's the Divine Flame within us.  

Life will be even more  dynamic in the months ahead --  but more and more you'll find yourself initiating and collaborating with the powerful energies of  change, rather than reacting, often from a limiting, fear-based perspective.

The magnitude of energetic change just can't be overstated.  Extremely high-frequency vibrations have been coming at us at a much faster rate than our three-dimensional reality can easily integrate -- and the greatest is just two weeks away!  With this week's  energetic shifts, we can begin to consciously create containers for the energies of transformation. 

The Sun and Saturn: Your Heart as a Transformational Structure 

Our Star and Saturn met in one of the most powerful degrees of the sky yesterday.  This merger of  creative star power with the manifesting energy of structure occurs once each year. Always powerful, this year's meeting is transformative.

That's because the 2013 Sun-Saturn conjunction occurred at the midpoint between Galactic Center and center of the Galactic Supercluster.  Saturn is still there today, tapping a creative force field that is truly beyond our ability to comprehend.  If you feel a heaviness or fatigue today, it's because of the potent energy that the Manifestor is bringing into form.  For the next year. this energy will be unfolding within us -- and around us.

Venus in Capricorn: The Love Goddess Brings Her Blessing to Your Life's Cosmic Renovation Zone

The day before the Sun-Saturn conjunction in Pluto’s sign, Venus entered Capricorn.  That's Saturn’s sign, and it's  where Pluto has been breaking open the hard, dry ground and breaking down the rotten structures within you and aroun you.  Since 2012, when Pluto began to square Uranus, the part of your chart containing the early degrees of Capricorn has been an area of seismic change.

Now Venus has come to the part of the zodiac that rules wisdom, experience, and antiquity. Bringing her magnetic powers of love and attraction to the parts of our lives that have become cosmic renovation zones, her journey will be an unusually long one.  Normally the great Love Goddess skips through a sign in less than a month.  In this tour through Capricorn, she will make her first retrograde vision quest since June 2012 – the month the world began to change.  Venus will be in Capricorn until early March 2014.

Now, as then, Venus' retrograde vision quest signals another sea change in what and how we love. Our values will be shifting in greater alignment with ancient -- and timeless traditions of wisdom.

Jupiter Turns Retrograde:  Opening the Blockages to the Flow of Abundance

Across the sky from Venus, the Cosmic Blessing Giver has begun a four-month retrograde vision quest. Jupiter's retrograde will parallel, almost to the day, Venus' transit through Capricorn.  Jupiter's vision quest will take him into the very depths of Cancer, removing our blockages to abundance as Venus re-aligns our values and deepens our connection to the ancient and timeless wisdom buried within us.  

Jupiter will retrograde through the middle ten degrees (or 2nd decan, as astrologers call it)  of Cancer. The great astrologers of ancient Egypt believed this portion of the zodiac has the power to bring what is dead within us back to life.   That’s because it's home to the great star Sirius, who the ancient Egyptians knew as the goddess Isis, and Orion, which they knew as the god Osiris.


Mercury Turns Direct: Connecting the Dots

On Sunday, November 10, Mercury ends his retrograde.  The days between now and November 11 will be full of potency.  And for most of next week, as we adapt to the Messenger's change and direction, communications may be a little wonky.  Try not to stress and stay as flexible as you can!

Until November 27, he will be retracing the steps of his vision quest and connecting the dots for us.  As the heliocentric square of Uranus and Pluto unfolds its energy of radical illumination on November 23, the Messenger will be revealing a new, deeper, and more powerful way of seeing the world.  

Your Life and The Shift: The Three Keys for the Week Ahead 

To bring the power of these shifts into yoru own life in the days ahead, three things are key to remember:



1. Tune into your heart's deepest desires. This is the energy within you that is powerful enough to connect with the Great Mystery and bring it into your life.  What do you really, really need?  What do you really, really want? 

2. Expand your ability to hold and contain greater energetic power.  How much awareness, energy, passion, and purpose are you holding now?.  How can you expand your "energetic containment" capacity? Saturn is extremely responsive to plans.  He wants to see commitment before he rewards you.  Show the Universe that you are serious by making time each morning and evening to connect through your heart to the Cosmos. Make it the most sacrosanct appointment in your day -- because it is!

3. Listen to the Universe and pay attention to its signals.  We're in the first days of Jupiter's retrograde and athe last days of Mercury's.  These are the times when we can hear the messages of the Cosmos most clearly!  Pay attention to all the signals -- your dreams, your intuitions, and any synchronistictiies or odd events. Messages can also come in your email, your voice mail, and your conversations. Be alert!


May the days ahead be rich with blessings and  breakthroughs for you!

Love and blessings,

Star Sister
(aka Marcia

