The Oracle Report for Wednesday, November 20, 2013 [1]
By:, 11/20/2013
Full Moon Phase: realization, illumination, shadow, fulfillment, experience
Moon: Cancer
Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala
Like the lovely hibiscus photograph sent to us by wise owl Marie, today's energy opens like a flower.
We have one more day of quadruple Full Moon light to gain FULLER clarity, insight, and wisdom. We are bestowed a great gift with this. Clarity, insight, and wisdom confer freedom from whatever holds us back or keeps us off our true course. Correction and alignment are the goals, and this Full Moon phase has provided ample opportunity.
The mission today is to load massive gratitude into today's energetic imprint. Let's send out our own electromagnetic pulse from our heartfires. This fuses the signature of offerings and opportunities with appreciation. Big medicine.
Themes of appreciation and support are stronger today because the Moon has moved into Cancer, joining the Black Moon and Jupiter, emphasizing everyone's shadow sides (core fears), especially the shadow sides of anyone with the Sun or Black Moon in Cancer or Capricorn. We are sensitive about how much (or how little) others support and appreciate us - even how much we are simply acknowledged. Events, situations, and circumstances serve to squeeze every last drop of clarity from the Full Moon. We don't need to judge or take action with what is being revealed. That comes after we process it out and share our insight with others beginning with tomorrow's Disseminating Moon phase and then take responsibility for action during the Third Quarter Moon phase.
Specifically, there are signatures to today's energy that may prompt us to stand up for ourselves, someone else, principles or ideas. Think twice before taking action or saying something. This does not mean you don't take action, but don't be impulsive. Consider the immediate consequences. Will the situation be better served by processing it/debriefing with others when we move to Disseminating Moon phase tomorrow? The natural course of energy is to take everything in during Full Moon phase, share at Disseminating, and then take this refinement into action at Third Quareter. For today, it's best to just open up and take things LIGHTly.
I want to issue a caution about watching or focusing too much on the Illuminati re-enaction of the death of the king ritual with the JFK anniversary/mind control/propaganda "coverage" that will roll out over the next several days. Honoring JFK's personal alignment with the principles of freedom, exploration, and creativity is the way to go with this. We use our love otherWISE.
Simple shows of affection radiate a very long time into the future today. Imagine what large ones could do? Let's send a heartfire pulse out Oracle Report-style, full of appreciation for the beautiful things in life. Our hearts are FULL.