nov 20 2013

Earthquake Report for 11/20/2013

Silver's picture


25 earthquakes


    3.2 14km SSE of Alberto Oviedo Mota, Mexico 2013-11-20 13:31:23 UTC-05:00 27.3 km

    3.5 4km ESE of Nelsonville, Ohio 2013-11-20 12:59:40 UTC-05:00 7.9 km

    2.6 66km SE of Homer, Alaska 2013-11-20 11:48:37 UTC-05:00 56.7 km

    4.8 151km NNE of Visokoi Island, 2013-11-20 10:54:45 UTC-05:00 35.0 km

    2.9 22km SSE of Bodfish, California 2013-11-20 10:48:43 UTC-05:00 9.4 km

    2.9 13km W of Anchor Point, Alaska 2013-11-20 09:42:55 UTC-05:00 61.5 km

    4.8 Scotia Sea 2013-11-20 09:01:31 UTC-05:00 10.0 km

    4.4 182km WNW of Kizukuri, Japan 2013-11-20 08:54:22 UTC-05:00 239.9 km

    4.6 North of Ascension Island 2013-11-20 08:52:13 UTC-05:00 10.0 km

Heavenletter #4744 ~ Your Own Path

Silver's picture

By:, 11/20/2013

God said:


Cats and dogs are not wondering who or what they are or what they are doing on Earth or what all of life is for. They are not perplexed. The blessed animals on Earth naturally take life as it comes, and that means they do not live in the past. They are not attached to the past. They love. They are aware that loved ones leave. They understand the leaving you call death. They may howl, yet they do not wear black and mourn for a year.


The Earth’s animals do not question. They accept. They also don’t make plans. No animal considers killing himself. Such a thought does not occur.


What I am getting to is that you have free will. Animals have instinct. If you dangle a string with feathers at the end of the string, a cat has to stalk it and make a grab for the feathers as he would a bird. He doesn’t have the choice. He has been made so.


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 11/20/2013

Full Moon Phase: realization, illumination, shadow, fulfillment, experience


Moon: Cancer


Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala


Like the lovely hibiscus photograph sent to us by wise owl Marie, today's energy opens like a flower. 


We have one more day of quadruple Full Moon light to gain FULLER clarity, insight, and wisdom.  We are bestowed a great gift with this.  Clarity, insight, and wisdom confer freedom from whatever holds us back or keeps us off our true course.  Correction and alignment are the goals, and this Full Moon phase has provided ample opportunity.

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