Cindy McGonagle ~ Message from Queen of Lemuria [1]
By: Cindy McGonagle, 12/07/2013
"Connecting with the Oneness of Lemuria is feeling a deep love of the Ocean and all of its creatures, honoring those who care for its plants and animals who live in the sea, rivers, lakes, creeks and streams.
As winter comes to the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere awakens with warm air and even warmer sea temperatures. Great migration patterns in the schools of fish and birds will be seen during this time, in response to these changing temperatures. The plants too will show earlier bloom cycles. We Lemurians are looking forward to working with humans to help care for the health and well being of these animals and creatures of the sea.
As debris come to the beaches, great changes to the coastlines of the Pacific will become even more evident. Many of you deeply connected to the Lemurian frequencies, and you know who you are especially the fishermen and women are aware of the poor health of the fish and sea life you catch or observe. Life in the sea especially the great ocean of the Pacific needs love to be sent to it, bless it with continued health and rejuvenation. The toxic chemicals and plastic debris are becoming a daily visual reminder that you are responsible for the health of the oceans, lakes, streams and water habitats of the Earth.
Your thoughts, contribute to the health of the entire planet. Remain at peace, stay calm, centered, grateful and send these thoughts, each day to the Earth where you live. You may think this simple act has no affect, but rest assured it does. Together as thousands of you practice sending your light, love, healing, hope and joy to the Earth it will be able to transform and heal in spite of the debris that are continually being dumped into its seas.
As the ice melts raising the water levels along the Pacific coast, storms have a greater impact on changing coastlines. Coastal communities are being ask to re-think how they build and where they build. There is time to restore coastal habitats to accomodate floodplains for creatures who depend on these environments for their homes, the waterfowl, the fish, the frogs and of course humans too.
Love the Earth and her waters, care for it, teach your children to bless the water they drink and respect and keep their sources of water clean. Learn to save the rain water and make it available to use later. It is so important to expand your knowledge of where your drinking water comes from and how to keep it pure, for this is what your health depends on.
Honor the water resources where you live. Place love into all the water you use by taking your hands and placing them over the water before you use it. Send love into it as you take your shower or bath. Blow love from your heart into the water so it is carried back to its recycled source magnified with the energy of love, like a giant homeopathic mix of divine love from you to the Earth.
The Ancient Ones knew about blessing the water spirits and working with the power of the element of water. When you swim in the ocean send love and light from your upper heart chakra out into the water and ask that love be expanded to all areas of the Earth where this source of water comes into contact. Know in your heart that you have made a difference in the health of the Earth by this simple act.
Remember to drink several glasses of water each day and send clear intent that the water rejuvenate your cells. This practice of clearing water that you drink can really keep your cells operating at peak performance.
Keep yourself grounded each day by breathing, centering and mixing your energies with the Earth's energies. Touch a tree, open your heart chakra as wide as you can sending love and healing to the tree. Ask the tree to send that healing down to the Earth through its roots. Ask the tree to send your love to all the rest of the trees of its kind magnified and again returned to the Earth.
This is Lemurian magic, a type of elemental magic of oneness; practice, practice, practice.
Let's talk about Leylines... Hawaii and specifically the island of Kauai is receiving increased Lemurian energies through the leylines coming from Tonga (near Fiji in the Pacific), as well as, from Easter Island (off the coast of Chile) and from Mt. Shasta (in northern California). These important leylines are now fully activated by the current photonic rays from the Pleiades.
When you visit Kauai today you have an opportunity to experience not only a tropical setting but the magical heritage of Lemurian frequencies. Subtle are the trade winds each day, rich are the colors of the plants, wise are the native peoples who carry the traditions of their Elders who know how to work with the elements; air, earth, fire and water; these are the forces of creation and these are the means the Lemurians use to anchor the Earth and the Lemurian Leylines.
For all of you who carry Lemurian seed codes within you, each time you touch or smell Hawaiian essences of plumeria or frangipani you are reminded of a deeper connection to heaven on earth. Plumeria's fragrance carries a very high vibration as it links the galactic sun's energies with Earth. The unusual looking stem is a visual reminder of its history long ago in Central America and its tropical roots connecting with ancient times on earth. It is such a gift to receive a lei made from the stringing of these heavenly flowers. Study the patterns of the flowers, listen to the words of the trees, and the rocks for they tell the story of our history on Earth."
Queen of Lemuria