
Portals of “New Beginnings” for Gaia open and are traversed by the Higher Vibrationals

AdiGaia's picture

Portals of “New Beginnings” for Gaia open and are traversed by the Higher Vibrationals.

Segue-ways assist in the transitions.

Partners of Light engage the depths.

Storms of revelation come.


AdiGaia's picture



We have begun to explore the possibility that humanity will be joining the galactic community in less than two years. We are talking about full membership in the galactic federation, something that those of you receiving this transmission are very eager to experience. You want to meet your fellow beings out there in the stars and for those meetings to happen on a regular basis. You don’t want to have to wait for a visitation in the middle of the night where one of your e.t. friends comes in through a portal or through the window, and we want this for humanity as well.

We want it for you sooner than later because we know that full extra-terrestrial contact will bring you an expanded state of consciousness. It will be like meeting all of the various parts of yourself. That will be a shock to most humans. Those of you who have been following our transmissions know that it is inevitable for you all, not only to meet these friends in different form, but also to feel that they represent parts of you.

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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Capricorn New Moon/Solar Eclipse is a powerful and transformative one!! With 7 planets, including the Sun/Moon (the New Moon), Jupiter, the South Node, Ceres, Saturn (which rules Capricorn), and Pluto all sitting in Capricorn…..then add in the Eclipse energy…..and we can see and feel that the Universe is getting serious…. and the time to start moving forward is now! This New Moon/Solar Eclipse also includes 2 of 2019’s very important full-year events that will carry into 2020! A Saturn-Neptune sextile and a powerful Jupiter, South Node, Saturn, Pluto, 4 planet conjunction (all sitting together) in Capricorn! All these energies will stay with us and continue to ramp up as we move towards the Cancer Lunar Eclipse on January 10th 2020

It Is Beginning To Get Physical

lovelylinda's picture

After years on this path of embodiment, I am so excited to feel the changes happening. Our physical world is shifting and despite how uncomfortable that can feel at times, my heart is dancing like Snoopy in his “happy dance” expression. It has been so long for our dreams and visions to begin to manifest in the physical. We are at the glimmering stage, not quite landed in but it is happening!

For me, I find that I cannot place myself in time. To look ahead, to make a plan, it is as though I am wandering in heavy fog. It swirls around me unless there is something that is mine to do. Then the fog clears, I follow the impulse and it happens. This could be awakening to book a plane ticket at 3 am or send a text message to someone at a certain moment. Things drop in and float out from my mind. Last month I forgot to pay my credit card bill, a first. Calendars do not hold dates steady as they once did. Things float and shift and I move with them. I am startled at times to find myself popping back into a space, having no idea where I have just been. Fortunately I receive guidance of when it is safe for me to drive or when I need to have the security of my couch and cottage to rest in as I dreamweave the new liquid love light into form.


AdiGaia's picture

We have been exploring the different possible timelines that humanity has in front of you for the near future, and we have been noticing that there is a trend. The trend is that on most of the timelines that are highly probable for you, there will be a major event involving extra-terrestrials. That event will be caught on camera, and of course, that will lead to speculation that it is made up. There will be many skeptics calling it a hoax. But for those of you who understand how much e.t. presence there is there on Earth and in your skies, you will be fascinated. You will have a renewed sense of hope, and you will be excited about how the event is boding very well for humanity’s future in the coming years.

We will not say exactly what this event will be, but we will say that it’s more than just a sighting of ships. These e.t.s will be helping humans in some way, and you can use your imaginations as to what that could be. There are several scenarios on the different timelines, each with different implications. Suffice it to say these will be very friendly and well-intentioned beings whose acts of kindness will be caught on camera to prepare humanity for friendly contact. There is a segment of the population that needs to know about the benevolent extra-terrestrials and the types of good deeds they do on a regular basis.


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