
MELCHIZEDEK ~ March 2011

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Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

Melchizedek 2011

March 22-29

Beloved Ones,

The times that are upon you have been prophesized for many centuries, however, the truth of it is that the Earth is transitioning into a higher octave of expression and so, many changes are taking place upon and within Her, both known and unknown to you. This will continue and cannot be halted, but this process can be enormously supported by the Love of your hearts being sent out to the Earth each day. As we have said many times before, Love IS the greatest force of all—let it now prevail.

With New Eyes,

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HEAVEN #3770
With New Eyes,
 March 22, 2011
God said:
When you think about it, what is anything? What is the worth of a piece of paper with a money amount and your name on it? It is worth to you the number put on it, and yet it is only a piece of paper. Everything and anything is worth to you the price you set on it. This applies to checks, items, furniture, and people.
You're pretty good at estimating the worth of items. When it comes to people, you often fall short. How many people have you dismissed for no reason at all. You tossed their merit aside for an assumed reason, perhaps for the looks of the coat they wore. In your estimation, you somehow devalued people that, if you had seen through whatever blocked you, you might have found inestimable.
Don't dismiss anyone so that you are not dismissed, for when you dismiss someone, you dismiss yourself.
There is no one who is irrelevant. Everyone is relevant. If someone comes before you or is even seen out of the corner of your eye, he or she came before you. Everyone comes for a reason. You don't have to know the reason. You just have to acknowledge their presence. They may be tarnished like good silver. You are meant to see beneath outer appearances.


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Special Ceremony of Healing-
Archangel Michael, John Lennon, Group Consciousness of the 3M's of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & The Mahatma
 21 March 2011 - 1:46am |  Presenter
"Special Ceremony of Healing"
Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond ~ March 14th, 2011
Hosts:  Archangel Michael, John Lennon,
Group Consciousness of the 3M's of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & The Mahatma
This week marked the 9th year anniversary of when the Clarion Light Beings 911 meditation group was started.  It is very poignant for Christine as she truly had no idea of the magnificence of this Temple in the beginning.  The Japanese souls were given a special dispensation to come to the Temple immediately through the efforts of Archangel Michael, John Lennon, Meleriessee and the host of Beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  This special opening of a doorway will continue from this point forward.  Everyone worked very diligently to have the souls ready to be in this Temple of 911 for the healing of their deepest Essence and remove all karmic ties to the terrible tragedy that occurred.
We thank everyone wh

ST.GERMAIN ~ Comments on the Comments

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Comments on the Comments
Posted: 21 Mar 2011 07:00 AM PDT
My dear ones. As I've given the message many times, channeling can happen to anyone. It is not necessary to condone my channel about her call to love or my asking that a growth course be taken. My words are not her words. My call for the course has the intention to give an extremely clear message to all who do not channel and deliver an option to do so. It is not a demand.
Channeling can be attained by numerous alternative means. Purchasing the course I am connected to is not the point here, it is being committed to learning the art of channeling. Can you learn on your own? Yes, my channel had no course.
An attitude about anothers method of creating money cancels your ability to attract it. An attitude against anything attracts that thing to you. My dear ones, anything that comes to you is a gift, not a right. When the gift comes without a price tag, can you be grateful? When it comes with a price tag, can you be grateful?
Channeling gives the message to all that another realm can assist them. Nothing contracted anywhere claims that all channeled material must be without cost. Many channels ask a lot of money for their channeling. Condemning this has more to do with the one casting stones than the channel.
Casting stones against anything casts one against yourself. Be clear, my channel gives tirelessly to this blog without any compensation at all demanded of those who are benefiting from it. No donations have been received from most of those accepting these gifts..

What Possession Is There in Heaven,

Madelaine's picture
HEAVEN #3769
 What Possession Is There in Heaven,
 March 21, 2011
God said:
Are you to reflect the world, or is the world to reflect you?
Do your cupboards reveal the state of the world?
Orderliness is not everything by a long shot, yet orderliness is something. It could be a place to start.
If you would like to surpass world order as it exists now, then begin by straightening out your own cupboards.
Your life is certainly more than the physical, yet there is nothing wrong in making the physical compatible with ease and simplicity. Where else would you begin? Start and finish today. If you open your cupboards, and things fall out, you are overdue.
If there are things in your path to trip over, move them now. Clear your way. Make your path smooth. There is more to this than metaphor.
Start with a clear slate.

Message from GAIA: Earth Changes, March 2011

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Channeler: Karen Murphy

Saturday, 19 March, 2011 

Full Moon Equinox, March 2011

By now you have delved deeply into awareness of the rapid changes taking place around the globe. Have you fallen into fear? That is not hard to do, with the proliferation of news and chilling images. Are you feeling ill at ease, sad, or in despair over the devastation in Japan, or the plight of the nuclear plant workers who chose to stay behind? Strong feelings at this time are not uncommon, and in fact it is the rare being at this time that does NOT feel strong emotion. You need not know what it is that you are feeling, simply that you ARE feeling. This is what makes you human. Cherish this part of yourself.


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