Note: On Winter Solstice Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at 0 degree Aquarius. Already the planetary shift to Aquarius is occurring and many Aquarian developments including space flight and ETs will be more common.
Preparing for the upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius
The upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are allowing the facts of extraterrestrial and space life to become public knowledge, and the interactions of secret groups with them to be revealed. This is already beginning to occur with the documentary The Phenomenon, Chris Mellon, and the interviews of Emory Smith, Prof Haim Eshed,and others.
The introduction of extraterrestrial and space life into the public affairs of Earth is sure to broaden and revolutionise the general scope of human affairs and to bring the population of Earth into its Aquarian Age and universal destiny.
The public awareness and employment of antigravitic craft and other technologies will also revolutionise Earth's civilization.
Avatar New Moon of Libra 2020
Note: On Winter Solstice Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at 0 degree Aquarius. Already the planetary shift to Aquarius is occurring and many Aquarian developments including space flight and ETs will be more common.
EarthStarNation and Human Space Flight
The Aquarian Age is the space age, and it is the advancement of human and planetary ascended life and living creating ascended spacelife creation and civilization.