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Henry Kissinger gets TSA pat-down

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Henry Kissinger gets TSA pat-down from


Former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger


It seems no one is immune from the tender mercies of the TSA pat-down. And now we learn of the latest high-profile search-ee: former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.


The guy who was once an advisor to presidents, the one who helped negotiate the end to the Vietnam War, and he's got a Nobel Peace Prize.


Kissinger was spotted on Friday at LaGuardia airport in New York, getting routed to the pat-down line while going through security. Freelance reporter Matthew Cole recognized him -- something the TSA agent checking identification did not.


After asking Kissinger his name as he passed through the scanner, the agent sent him to be searched.


Kissinger was in a wheelchair, not because he couldn't walk, but because, Cole surmised, it was a long walk to the gate. In the search area, Kissinger was subjected to what Cole called "the full Monty" of the usual groping. "He stood with his suit jacket off, and he was wearing suspenders. They gave him the full pat-down. None of the agents seemed to know who he was," he says. Washington Post

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Bankers Face The Law In South Africa

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Press Release: 24 April 2012

Michael Tellinger Launches Constitutional Court Action Against

Standard Bank; and

The South African Reserve Bank; and

The Minister of Finance.


After a slight technical hiccup last Friday at the Constitutional Court, regarding the binding of a substantially long legal document, Michael Tellinger made global history on the 23rd & 24th April 2012, in Johannesburg when he filed his 1100-page NOTICE OF MOTION against Standard Bank in the Constitutional Court of South Africa, accusing the bank of unlawful and unconstitutional activity. The case number allocated by the Constitutional Court is CCT 28/12.


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Transitional Council Meeting Experience

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In light and love, I would like to explore something about the council meeting that was very surprising to me -- the level of diverse interpretations of the shift among the lightworkers. The different  levels of development and the different ways of developing are vast.


I saw some of the Julian Assange show on the RussiaToday YouTube channel. He attempted to bring together two extremes in a way that could lead to peace. I loved what he was attempting to do, but with extreme points of view came extreme egos.


I keep wanting to ask how do the Galactic brothers and sisters do it, but I know the answer -- unconditional love. There's no judgment among them.


Now, I think I see the importance of connecting with soul families and those whose interests serve one another best. If you're happy working together, then you will have high energy and you will work together to keep it.


There were extreme technical difficulties due to solar emissions so many people communicated through chat messages. As an observer, I noticed that interests split. People who resonated with one another chatted easily together so there were several conversations at once. Everyone seemed so happy just to communicate with one another.


I'm looking forward to next week. Perhaps the solar conditions will be more favorable.

Universes of Light

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Give yourself permission to believe. When you are talking to a neighbor or a family member, give yourself permission to believe that you are an angel speaking to another angel. You speak in the language of love with all of the implications of its true power. You exist in a realm of angelhoods or communities where everyone sees the angelness of one another. We are each preparing for our missions to create a brand new universe, but first, we must complete our mission of bringing the current universe fully into the light.


In order to complete our mission, we must recognize that we are each transmitters or rather, transmuters of energy (light poles, if you will). We shine the light in the dark without judgment. We just shine. However, because our mission is of such great importance, the light that we shine can never be extinguished. In fact, the more we shine our light, the stronger it grows until it becomes self-sustaining, freeing us up to continue the rest of our mission ~ creating a new universe of light.

KONY 2012, Invisible Children's Pro-AFRICOM and Museveni Propaganda

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The Kony 2012 video has touched a lot of hearts on the internet. I present this link to a news story that offers a different perspective to the Joseph Kony story. I believe that the emergence of this story at this time presents the opportunity for clearing a lot of negative energy. The entire issue needs a lot of Light and Unconditional Love so that truth can surface.


Kony 2012, Invisible Children's Pro-AFRICOM and Museveni Propaganda


In peace and love,


Igniting Love ~

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We each are made of Light and Love. Light is Love and Love is Light.



I envision the light in me glowing as love. I envision my angels standing beside me. Always, there are at least three. This envisioning, for me, is a "now" moment. I see the light moving, flowing. I feel the warmth of it. This light and love fills the hollow spaces inside of me that used to be filled with fear, anger, and emptiness. Within that light and love also flows a sense of joy.


This space inside of me is now my home. This is the place to which I return when I forget and then remember that this 3D life is an illusion. I remember that this light and love is pure energy and that it exists in all of us and everything. From my readings of The Celestine Prophecy and teachings about the Ankh, I learned to project this energy outward with the intention of bringing about Universal alignment. I still do this, but now I do it with the understanding that it is a one-sided operation.


UFO DIsclosure~Courageous 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Japan ユーフォー OVNI 飞碟 НЛО

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Courageous 2012 ANNOUNCEMENT by Princess Kaoru Nakamaru Japan ユーフォー OVNI 飞碟 НЛО


This is a stunning announcement. Princess Kaoru Nakamaru reveals her contact with Light Beings and those of Inner Earth. She also talks about the 3 days and nights of darkness, which, if I am not mistaken, has come and gone. Use your own discernment. Her major point is to return to the love that you are and full consciousness.


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