GraceofGodandLight's blog

Endurance Brings Much Compassion

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It gives us much hope to share this transmission for you. It has been hard for you since the last week to enjoy, in part, your life because of the seemingly difficult hardships uou've had in front of you. It's seems many have lost their hopes among you who have been emissaries of the light team whom imbue the subscriptions of the joy beheld in each one of you amongst  the beheld of the highest order of things. It may sound funny, saying this to you now. Though you've been disheartened lately having to do with mistrust that have been bestowing a lack of some faith that things will continue along the path of Love and light it brings us much hope in transmitting this message to you that you will be beneficial of this in little time. You see we have been following along with your plan of the heavens to assist those who are in greatest need and incumberence. The ones who followed before you on this have done much in the way of insistence of this light pattern of peace and oneness.  It is of the highest heavenly light that we see you dear, shining for our realms of light to behold in wonderment. We love you, are with you always and insure you that the process you are in is far more worthwhile than what previously had been imagined.  We know that the times have been rough, so to speak, with regards to stability. We insure you that, though, as  it may seem, at times, to be a waste to know this misery, it will subside and you will be of light vibration of mind, body and heart soon enough again my dear. You see you have been on this past throughout the immense time you have through the myriad of conduits and conditions that you have experienced superseded through various imbued  processes which have imbued you with the confidence you need to instill confidence and assurance along your path of light and love. You will see things pass which previously occurred, as beacons of light unto your conditions because of them.

My Perspective on Post 12-21-12

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In light of December 21st 2012 hype, world disasters and world peace.. I never thought the world would end on 12-21-13 although I'll admit I had hoped  some more of the drastic peaceful hype by many new agers would have manifested a little more apparently......I was somewhat disappointed more drastic changes for the better didn't take place, however, after some consideration and some studying of world issues as a whole I believe many including myself also believe the globe as a whole has and is beginning to become more unified and positive in many ways...if you consider, for instance, just decades ago women were once not even considered full citizens, blacks were not even treated as human beings and the Nazis were successful at exterminating approximately 2/3 of the Jews living in Europe, and much more..Then consider that a short time later we have a black President, a woman who ran for president, native Americans being handed out money from the very Government whos ancestors practically exterminated them hundreds of years ago..heroes uniting all over the world to benefit the sick and oppressed, laws prohibiting racism or sexism, medical phenomenon like St. jude going from terminating cancer in 4% of certain kinds of cancer in children to curing 94% of child cases in that very same cancer despite whether you have medical insurance to pay I'd say things are looking up :) :) call me an optimist, idealist or idiot but I like to look on the bright side of life.. Sometimes it may not  seem all that bright with things like the Boston bombing and Connecticut elementary school massacre (horrible to comprehend) but, believe it or not, many things have improved quite drastically in a relatively short amount of time.. We obviously still have a long way to go as far as world peace..but, relatively speaking , things have improved in many ways surprisingly drastically...


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Highest Soul Attainment

What is my Highest Soul Plan for this Shifting Consiousness into higher Dimensionality in Divine Energies of The New Era of Planet earth Equals Heart Today 12-21-12 and the very near future?

Dear Love we will be happy to assist You in your own knowingness of this general Concept.

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