Channeled 12-15-12 by Anna Lena aka GraceofGodandLight from the Company of Heaven, Amon Ra
We would like to speak to you today of the coming changes ahead as they will bring with them some immensely pleasurable experiences to behold in a splendor so rich in depth as it brings forth an amazing Healing Light within and without. This healing energy brings to Light ALL the places or densities in vibration to impeccably Heal those that insist upon Light and Love for themselves. This will ensure the dark dense places each impediment entails to bring OUT FULLY ALL ATROCITIES OF FEAR CONSCIOUSNESS from those whom have done worthless heinous acts of violence inconceivable to the ALL THAT IS LOVE indefinitely. This WILL enable those holding the Light Love consciousness at hand to REMOVE from their own beings all that no longer serves the New way of LOVE. It is not our job or of use to us ANYMORE to walk betwixt ANY frequencies of despair and hatred for it will NO LONGER PREVAIL! FINALITY of this putrid and unreal consciousness mentality Can and WILL be removed from EVERY REALM of EXISTENCE currently at hand. You will see a time very shortly from now in which the unloving ways that once held so much density and fear within itself WILL NO LONGER be ABLE! This will bring with it a mutual respect for EVERY LIVING BEING upon planet EARTH equals HEART! You will see in the coming days ahead that there will NO LONGER be an intensity or influx of ANY dark or unPURE unLOVING ways, rest assured!!!!!!!!! You may experience a couple more bouts of the ugly unseen energies to come UP, only for your PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS to be left BARE and UNcovered - covered NO MORE by negativity, hostility or any similar in energy which is of unPURE or UnPRISTINE LOVE LIGHT BLISS INFINITELY CONSCIOUS Dear Love of the Light Team!!!!!!!!!!! We must tell you that your arrival to planet earth at this time has served humanity in a myriad of ways which will be uncovered surely and swiftly in the coming days ahead. We want you to know that you must insist upon the Light and Love energies to Purely take on their shapes and forms so that we can PLAY and REVOKE all the unCLEAR to come to its New way of Existence. This will transcend ALL NEGATIVITY, ALL HATRED and ALL VIOLENCE so that ALL may Behold only the LOVE that we have always intended to be, for it is LOVE that we have ALWAYS BEEN. We must enforce this New Way of BEing NOW & FOREVERMORE! It is in LOVE WE ARE MADE... And in LOVE WE SHALL ALWAYS BE! AND SO IT IS DECREED ON EARTH...AS IT IS IN HEAVEN LOVE ALL WAYS!!!