Something has brought us together. Call it coincidence or serendipity. Nevertheless, you have a curiosity about this subject of food for the Spirit, or we would not be communicating like this. I happen to believe there is some higher part of you that is saying, “It’s time for you to grow, to take on nourishment, so start here.”
I hope you will forgive us if we shock your sensibilities, whether they are religious or agnostic. Or, even if you tend toward atheism, let’s be clear about one thing; the message is the same for all, and that is--you have a choice. And you will be offered to choose your path in the months ahead.
You may not even realize you are on a path in this life. But you most certainly are, and where it leads is yours to determine. You have free-will, and no-one can choose for you. Soon you will find a fork in your path—there you must make a choice. You cannot avoid it, you must keep moving, either to the left, or to the right.
As you stand at the fork in the path you will notice that as the main path separates into two paths one of them leads to higher ground. The other path stays level ahead of you. There are no obstacles in sight for either path as far as the eye can see. At the juncture of these paths there is a signpost and on it a warning. It reads;
“Take either path, they both lead to God. The one on your left is very long and arduous, and takes a long, long time to arrive at the journey’s end. The one on the right is a shortcut. It is the most difficult path to trod, but it leads to joy, peace, unrivaled happiness and love of the highest order at journey’s end.”
If you choose the fork that leads to higher ground, because of the difficult terrain and the climb upward, you will become famished unless you take special nourishment. It will be provided along the way. The menu is a la carte, but priced very reasonably—it is all free.