Children Menu
Selection 5
Escalloped Potatoes and
Served with:
A glass of Chocolate Milk
Mixed veggies in warm Milk
A touch of Salt & Pepper for seasoning
The previous selection dealt with out of body experiences of Robert A. Monroe. In that selection we touched upon, but did not elaborate on a subject best left for the stronger appetites among us. I mentioned Monroe having identified different “Focus” areas outside the earth’s environment. And I mentioned, in passing, the discarnates that populate those areas. You might well ask, “What is a discarnate?” According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a discarnate is one who exists “having no physical body.”
Monroe, in his many travels in and through the lower Focus areas like Focus 23, encountered many discarnate entities. In fact, during the last years of his work out of the body he was unexplainably drawn to discarnates, and helped many find their way to the higher realms. He would feel an urge immediately after “rolling out,” and would find himself in the presence of one of these souls who seemed disoriented and lost. He would then talk with the entity and offer to take them to a place of beauty and peace where they could meet with their loved ones who had passed on before. Usually he would then lead them to the area described in the previous selection as being Focus 27.
Focus 27 is the reception area. Sometimes it is called Nirvana or Heaven. It is a place of serenity and beauty. Souls rest in this area, and do indeed meet loved ones who have arrived previously. But not all Souls end up in Focus 27.
One time, after “rolling out,” he was drawn to a large old house where he met an elderly discarnate lady. He listened to her story as she described her irritation of living in her own house, and no one would talk to her or pay any attention to her at all.
Monroe tried to convince her that the reason she was not being paid attention to was that she had died, and they could not see her. The lady protested that she had not died at all, but the occupants of the house were just being mean to her. Monroe then instructed the lady to lay her hand on the table. When she did, to her amazement, her hand passed right on through. This convinced her, and Monroe proceeded to lead her up and out of the house.
I mentioned that not all entities were led to the reception area. In this case, as they moved upward they passed by the various Focus areas and then, all of a sudden, Monroe noticed that she had disappeared. They were passing by the separate religious areas and one of them “sucked” her in. Her beliefs as a human had set her up for the level she was to obtain when out of the body.
Some discarnate entities remain in the earth environment for many years. Ghosts, popularized by myths, lore and TV programs, are merely discarnates that have such an attachment to a person place or thing that they refuse to leave.
Can such an entity really refuse to leave? The answer is yes. One time Monroe was called to the side of a young lad who sat in a pool of light in an otherwise dark environment. When Monroe asked him to come with him he refused. He said he was waiting there for his sister, and refused to budge.
Other discarnates are not so benign. They can even take refuge in the healthy body of a human subject. That is, the body was healthy until the discarnate decided to take up refuge. They usually cause health problems that confound the doctors.
In a book entitled The Unquiet Dead, Dr. Edith Fiore explores the subject of spirit possession. Through hypnotherapy she has rid many patients of visitors that had entered the body and were causing problems that only someone with her training could correct. Dr. Edith Fiore, Ph.D., is a Psychologist. She is a scientist, and a trained hypnotherapist. Because of her credentials as a scientist I have no problem in believing what she has written is entirely credible.
The “correction” involved actually talking to the invading spirit through the sleeping patient. Sometimes it took a simple explanation of the harm it was doing, other times it took cajoling and insistence. Never was a crucifix or any other religious icon used. This is science, and definitely not a religious exorcism.
Several years ago, I had a first-hand acquaintance with just such a spirit possession.
In a small vitamin and health-food store, in our local town, I discovered a most unusual woman—the owner and resident seer. After several visits to her store we became friends, and many times I just stopped in to talk. At one point she offered to loan me a book, the name of which, and the author, I cannot remember. This was a book about a woman who made a ministry out of relieving people of unwanted visitors. The unwanted visitors created all sorts of health issues, and the author had a very original and effective method of getting rid of the problems.
When I say she made a ministry out of the activity, what I mean is, she ascribed the working of these seeming miracles to God, and always directed the entity to the Light above.
The proprietress of the vitamin shop was so intrigued with the work of the author that she began to engage in the activity herself. It meant learning to become a hypnotist—which she did. It also meant finding a partner to work with that could be easily hypnotized—this she also did. As time went on she told me of the results of her work, which were nothing short of miraculous also.
About this time, I heard of a special health issue in a young Amish girl, for which the doctors could not find a diagnosis, or relief of the sickness. She was slowly dying and no one knew why. Naturally, I told the practitioner about the girl’s problems, and she agreed to investigate.
What happened next was simply amazing. I checked in with her later and listened to a tape recording of a session she made with her assistant. She put her assistant into a deep hypnotic sleep and made several suggestions; the first being to find the girl. The address was known to the hypnotist but not to her assistant. I had given that much information to her at an earlier time.
She directed the sleeping assistant to go and locate the girl, giving him the exact address of her whereabouts. After some hesitation he then reported to her that he had indeed found the girl. She was lying on a couch in the kitchen of the Amish farmhouse curled up in a fetal position and was asleep. The parents and siblings were gathered around the kitchen table, and all seemed to be in a state of depression. Apparently, they were expecting her to die at any moment.
“Please scan the body and tell me what you find,” she softly instructed.
“There is a dark spot in her abdomen,” was the reply.
“Ask it why it is there in the girl.”
A brief interlude ensued before the assistant spoke.
“It says it was cold, and she was so warm.”
“Explain to the entity that it must come out immediately, because it is harming the girl.”
“It says it did not wish to harm the girl, only to get warm.”
“Insist that it come out, and look up—towards the light.”
“It says it can see the light.”
“Tell it to go to the light—there it will find love and warmth.”
“It has gone out of the girl.”
“Good, you may come back now.”
This is not the end of the story. I inquired the next time I was at an Amish friend’s house, and was told that the news in the community was that Mary had recovered miraculously, and was now fine. I nodded and commented that I had expected that to be the case. The Amish lady, a matriarch in her church, asked what I knew about this. I told her that sometime I would tell her the whole story. I intend to let her have a copy of this.
Several weeks later I just happened to be in the vicinity of the Amish farm where Mary lived, and I pulled into the driveway. I walked up to the large barn where there sat a wagon, pulled just inside the large doorway.
The wagon was laden down with loose hay, and it was obvious that someone was in the haymow putting away the hay. Outside the door and to one side, was a horse with a rope attached to its harness that led around a wooden pulley and up into the haymow. There it wound around a couple of other pulleys and attached to a hay-fork that would be jabbed into the load of hay, and when the horse was led down the ramp a load of hay was lifted up to a track, moved along, and dropped into the mow. The horse was being led by a girl of about ten or twelve years old.
I called out for the man in the haymow, and he stuck his head out far enough to converse with me.
“Is this the home of Mary____?” I asked.
“Yes, it is,” Her father replied.
“How is Mary doing, we’ve been concerned about her, and I was in the area—I thought I’d stop in and see?”
“She’s just fine--that’s her at the horse,” He hollered down from the haymow.
I went away a stunned believer in the fact that entities can, and do, take up residence in human bodies, quite uninvited, but under the right circumstances they can be evicted.
The phenomenon is not by any means a common occurrence. It usually happens when a person is in trauma of some sort, or, when having lost consciousness because of drugs or alcohol abuse. Some such cases are described in detail in Dr. Fiore’s book we mentioned above.
What we have described here is not what is commonly termed “spirit possession.” The entities in these cases do not take over the personality of the host. They mainly cause physical or psychological problems.
Severe cases can, and do, cause a personality change. One can read about one such severe possession case in the book entitled Sybil. It is a book about the life of Shirley Ardell Mason, written by Flora Rheta Schreiber. Sybil is a pseudonym given by Schreiber to protect the identity of the subject.
Shirley Mason had a number of entities, both male and female, existing in her body that would come out, as distinctly different personalities. Her condition, labeled dissociative identity disorder, was apparently caused by severe child abuse by her mother, Hattie Dorsett. The trauma of such abuse opened the door for the errant entities. In addition to the book account there were also two movies made about her life.
I have no doubt that if Shirley Mason had been seen by Dr. Edith Fiore, or another therapist that used hypnosis for accessing the entities, she could have been completely rid of the interlopers that had invaded her as a child during the abuse she experienced.
They don’t always go away as easily as did the one in Mary’s body. Sometimes they fight to stay attached, vicariously experiencing the drugs or alcohol of their host. Some refuse to vacate because they will not acknowledge they had died, and the therapist has to deal with them as the patient.
Consider carefully the following statement of truth:
We are not
physical beings having a spiritual experience;
we are
spiritual beings having a physical experience.
Teilhard de Chardin
Are you still sitting at the table? I hope the truth of our existence in the human form has not caused you to turn away from still more solid food, which we have for you in the next selection.
Adolescent Menu
Selection 6
Mashed Potatoes
Served with:
A glass of Chocolate Milk
Green Beans, Creamed Corn, or Peas
Dinner rolls
In the previous selection we touched upon a useful method of investigation employed by many Psychologists—hypnosis. In this selection we are going to be introduced to the workings of hypnosis in more detail; as used in therapy.
Before we get into the application of hypnosis let’s look at another word we’ve seen before—Psychologist. The dictionary defines a Psychologist as, “a scientist (my emphasis) who specializes in the study and treatment of the mind and behavior.” The reason I emphasized the word “scientist” is that I want you to understand that the type of hypnosis you are to read about is not entertainment—it is science.
I’ll grant you that hypnosis has been used for years as a form of entertainment, and because of some of the outlandish post-hypnotic antics of the subjects it has been widely believed to be a hoax. Those that practice hypnosis for entertainment are not scientists, they are entertainers. Because of the use of this tool for entertainment purposes it has, and still does in some circles, lacked credibility.
When Psychologists use hypnosis they do so for the reason that it is known to be the only tool that gives access to the hidden part of the mind—the subconscious.
There are at least two, some believe three, aspects of the mind; the conscious part, the subconscious part, and some identify the Soul as the super-conscious part of our identity.
The conscious part of the mind is that part we are aware of. It chatters constantly during our waking hours. Sometimes the only way to quiet the incessant chatter is to fall asleep. Another way that is widely used is to drown it in alcohol or drugs. I used to tell my Sunday school class that our mind is not our friend. Sometimes, it can drive us nuts!
Whereas we are constantly aware of the conscious mind we are totally unaware of the subconscious. It is the subconscious mind that harbors fears and reactions, and feeds them to our conscious minds.
It is the work of the Psychologist to access this subconscious mind and thereby treat these fears and psychoses that lie there.
When the scientist employs hypnosis they, like the entertainer, use a method of induction to cause the subject to fall asleep. As the subject sleeps they can be asked questions and will answer truthfully. There is no way in which the subject can be induced to lie, go against their beliefs, or do something unlawful or immoral. The fact that the subconscious always answers truthfully is key to what we will examine as we go along.
Again, let me reiterate; Dr. Edith Fiore, Ph.D., whom we introduced in the previous selection, is a Psychologist. As I wrote, she is a scientist, and a trained hypnotherapist. As I previously stated, because of her credentials as a scientist, I find her writings to be entirely credible, not to mention fascinating.
The type of therapy Dr. Fiore used (she is now retired) is called hypnotic regression therapy. This is used to move the subject back in time, subconsciously, to identify situations that might cause an existing psychological or physical problem to the waking individual.
For example, a patient might have problems relating to people of the opposite sex. Under hypnosis the patient can be regressed to an earlier age where it might be found that they had been sexually abused, and the subconscious mind has blocked the memory of the event. Even though blocked from conscious memory it still lurks in the subconscious and can cause problems in the life of the patient. It has been found to be therapeutic to uncover the hidden event and deal with it on a conscious level.
In our second menu selection we wrote about Edgar Cayce, and his stumbling upon the fact of his subjects having had previous lifetimes. His readings found that many times the unresolved problems of a previous life carried forward into the present life.
Hypnotic regression therapy is sometimes used to move the subject back even farther than childhood. It can be used to uncover problems in previous lifetimes that affect the present life. The subject can actually re-live parts of a previous life, and feel the emotions and pains. Reliving the death of that lifetime, for example, might allay fears of death in the present one.
After writing the book, The Unquiet Dead, which dealt with spirit possession, she wrote another entitled, You Have been Here Before. As the title implies, it deals with the subject of reincarnation.
Reincarnation has been given a bad name, mainly by the teachings of the church. It is my belief that the church found the teachings of previous existence to go against the hellfire and damnation teaching they imposed on their congregations. After all, if one believes they have another chance, why live in fear of hell or judgment. Why go to, or more importantly, give to, the church at all, for that matter? By the way, the theologians should read their Bibles more carefully. Matthew 17:10-13 (NASV) reads;
And, His disciples asked Him saying. “Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”
And He answered and said, “Elijah is coming and will restore all things; but I say to you, that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.”
Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist.
What is also not widely taught in Christian church circles is that one of the earliest and most popular church fathers actually taught what he termed the “preexistence” and “the return of the soul.” His name was Origen Adamantius. Naturally, his teachings could not survive; they were anathematized by a “Christian” Roman Emperor, Justinian, in the fourth century.
Back to Dr. Fiore’s book, You Have Been Here Before. Allow me to include an excerpt from the first page in the book:
Here are ordinary men and women recalling lives from the past—lives complete down to the most minute historical detail.
Here are people describing—in their own words—former families, lovers, enemies, and problems—as well as the sights and sounds of a past era.
Here with the aid of hypnotic regression, are people reliving moments from another existence—laughing, weeping, sweating, screaming…even re-experiencing death and beyond.
“My patients and subjects have gone into previous existenses to find the sources of their talents, skills interests, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as of specific symptoms and problems. The tapestry of our lives is woven with threads that are ancient and the pattern is complex.”
We are not going to go into the many case studies she relates in the book. If you have an interest in furthering your education in the matter of reincarnation I would recommend her book—or, one written by Dr. Roger J. Woolger, Ph.D., entitled Other Lives, Other Selves.
Another prolific writer dealing with hypnotic regression therapy is Dolores Cannon, who has written over a dozen books based on the messages she gleaned from subjects while under hypnosis, and regressed back to another lifetime—and not always on Earth. Although not a scientist per se, she has lectured all over the world, and is considered an expert in the field of hypnotic regression therapy.
Her books are some of my favorites, and can be found on