lovelylinda's blog

Time to Turn On Our Heartlights

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Posted on August 30, 2016
Loved playing with these bits of fluff and watching them fly away with their seeds. We can be carried this way, flowing on the breeze, bearing our seeds, our gifts for the world.

Loved playing with these bits of fluff and watching them fly away with their seeds. We can be carried this way, flowing on the breeze, bearing our seeds, our gifts for the world.

There has been a change, a new season is upon us. I can feel and sense it in the air, the quality of light, the smell of the earth. My body has felt it hit like a wave in moments where fatigue has knocked me flat. We are in this luminous time where we can feel opposite things at the same time. I am tired and wired, clear and confused, decisive and undecided, energized and wiped out. The energy is running fast, accelerating as we move into our divinity descending. There is no stopping the momentum, we are well and truly on our way.

No Longer Who We Are, Rather What We Are

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Posted on August 27, 2016
This is an image I am trusting my cousin, Julia will allow me to borrow. It is a beautiful elm tree that survived the blight of decades ago to hold its majesty across a farm pond that was a part of my youth. This image brings back the laughter and squeals of jumping in on a summer's day with my siblings and friends. I love seeing her reflected glory. She reminds me to stand tall in mine.

This is an image I am trusting my cousin, Julia will allow me to borrow. It is a beautiful elm tree that survived the blight of decades ago to hold its majesty across a farm pond that was a part of my youth. Julia recently revisited this place bringing back the laughter and squeals of my youth as we jumped in on a summer’s day. I love seeing this tree’s reflected glory. She reminds me to stand tall in mine.

No More Separation

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Posted on August 15, 2016
The river was flowing fast this morning.

The river was flowing fast this morning.I found myself having a chuckle as I reread my last post. I spoke of calling in Archangel Michael. It truly is aspects of my greater self that I call in. There is no longer a separation between us and our guides/ascended masters/ angels. It feels now as if all were integrated as part of me. There is not the going outside, for answers. There aren’t really questions. Instead, there is the field of light that is available for us all to tap into. The ONE source, the All.

Deep Naps and Strange Noises in the Night

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The light shining through the darkness, a gift.
The light shining through the darkness, a gift.

Today I went to see my son for a bit, intending heading to the library afterwards. Instead, I drove straight back home. I had considered just dropping the books and dvds but even that was too much. They are not due until tomorrow so I could wait. I cooked myself some food for my suddenly ravenous appetite. Body settled, I noticed the time.....2:22. 11:11 had appeared at the a.m. and p,m. hours. It feels that I am syncing up with some part of myself as these numbers come in once again. I awoke close to 7p.m. in a daze. It took some time to come back from wherever I had been journeying. It was hard to believe that it was already evening, day and night becoming intertwined.


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Eccomi…..Here I AM

Posted on August 13, 2016

IMG_3612 (1)One day, we will look back at these times and marvel at the beings that we are. Another intense day; a trip out to get the post surgery sunscreen and silicone pads for my nose,  home to make food, followed by a deep three hour sleep. Whew. Not able to do anything for the remainder of the day except watch a BBC series and drink quarts of water. Tried to sleep, my body still feeling head pressure and weighted yet my mind active with buzzing energy. To say that I am done with this way of living….is an understatement. It is a half life, at best. Tonight I am at that edge point….let me shift out of body or allow me to have some sustainable energy that makes a life here possible.

Dreams Create

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Dreams Create

Posted on August 8, 2016
Design from an ancient relic at the art museum that delighted me.

Design from an ancient relic at the art museum that delighted me.

It is 11a.m. and I am moving slowly. The energies are keeping me still. Intestinal cleansing heralds the old clearing out to make way for the new. Black tea with honey and milk is going down like an elixir. The outside temperature is mild, low 80’s. I am feeling comfortable and quiet. Last night’s dishes are in the sink, bed remains unmade, no shower or teeth or hair brushing yet. A couple of short phone calls and an online chat. Nothing to take me too far from the dreamscape.


lovelylinda's picture


Posted on August 5, 2016

IMG_3606Oh my! Yesterday creativity flowed and I was able to begin a new beloved painting. It has been eons since I felt able to connect to that part of my self, except in the dreamscape. My youngest son will be married around the Autumn Equinox. I wanted to create a painting for he and his love. They carry the frequency of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, putting out a tone of deep love and respect. This thrills my heart.

Claustrophobic and Its Release

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Posted on August 2, 2016
Heart in a water puddle on my counter, reminding me that I am loved.

Heart in a water puddle on my counter, reminding me that I am loved.

Whew, these energies have been intense. Yesterday, the last day of July found me hitting the wall. The bandages on my face, the trees around, the heat, everything conspired to make me feel trapped. I felt so tightly squeezed, tapped out. Nothing left to give. I spoke with a friend and let the tears fall. I am tired. So tired of holding this frequency, this note of mine.

The trust in the bigger picture is always with me, yet the fatigue of this journey has me worn out. I would like to feel some energy animate my body, feel enthused about something, anything! Feel some juice flowing. It happens in conversations with friends, where we share this space of no space. We weave light strands and create, though no form as yet. Still, it provides a breathing space. Thank God for each other!

All Foundations Being Shaken

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I titled this a couple of weeks ago. Time is surely shifting and disappearing on us. As we knew it would. Two weeks ago, I felt weighed down with intense emotions, each day amped up another notch. It did feel as if I was hanging upside down and being shaken from my very root. I cannot recall any specifics now, only a general feeling. That is the way of it. We no longer need to hold on to anything. The waves flow through and we allow them free movement. At times, that can feel joy filled, at other times, it is almost unbearable.

What I know to be true, is that everything happening now is purposeful. That it is all returning us to unity. That love is flowing like never before and all is well. That knowing does not desert me, even in times of pain. I am grateful for having surrendered control of my being over to Sophia, my higher, no, my true self....there is no longer a need for the old way of ordering it. Nor is there a need for different names yet Sophia flows sweetly off my tongue.


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