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SaLuSa 27:09 + 01:10:2013's picture




SaLuSa 01.10.2013



How do you feel right now? There are so many changes going on right at this moment within you, that you might feel confused and might ask if this is what September energies should bring. This confusion is due to your alignment with your own higher frequency and your higher reality of existence that you are entering at this moment. Accept this confusion, as it is still showing you what to work on and with successful clearing of these issues you are helping not only yourself but also all others. You might not have this awareness yet, but you are led by us and your Guides to this point, when you realize that there is nothing to clear, nothing is causing any fear or doubt and you are ready, ready to enter the higher realm of new and loving possibilities. To say it in few words, September was a wonderful month for you, because you were able to merge all unconscious to conscious and let go of so many issues that were holding you back and this was not an easy task to do, knowing the nature of 3D experiences. But you have made it with such grace, not allowing yourselves to turn back for a moment and constantly accepted the fact that this is the thing that you must do before you enter all these beautiful realities that you have created. We congratulate to all of you who successfully made this transition, and we want to let you know that very close is even closer that some of you might think.

The Manuscript of survival -- Part 360 + 361's picture






The manuscript of survival – part 361 . October 01, 2013


By now, most of you have gotten used to being knocked about by these interrupting rounds of energetic upheavals, and hopefully, you have even gotten to understand the benevolent nature of this barrage. We know fully well that to many of you, the barrages themselves are nothing to be pleased about, as they seem to misbehave as soon as they connect with your body. But still, the unpleasantness they may cause will never outweigh all of the beneficial value these messengers of light come laden with, and as such, we gather that most of you have quietly acquiesced to these rounds by now.


Message from Matthew -- September 30, 2013's picture

Message from Matthew



September 30, 2013


September 30, 2013



With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  It is true that the prevailing vibrations were favorable for reasoned discussions to calm the situation in Syria, but it was equally the power of countless prayers that led to the easing of tenseness. Prayer isn’t what is commonly thought, thanking or asking God—by whatever name you call the Supreme Being of this universe—for something or other. Like everything else in the cosmos, prayer is energy, the energy of your every single thought and feeling lifelong. Many millions were directing a profusion of energy toward negotiations, and the universe responded in kind. 


Our last message about Syria evoked an unusually large number of emails and several contained questions or comments that we want to address. We begin with a United States citizen’s opinion, which is shared by many others who live in countries where any of the following conditions exist:


The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild -- September 29, 2013's picture

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild



Blossom June 6, 2012 


September 29, 2013

Blossom: Greetings Lighted ones! I am FEELING upbeat and ready to rock and roll. I know you are about … I can just tell. So … following on from last week if I may? Someone asked if you could explain to us how you cleanse the vast crystals that ‘propel’ your vessels.  Your time starts … Now!

The Federation of Light: Greetings to you also our Earthling torch!

Blossom: Oh good. We are both in fine fettle!

The Federation of Light: These crystals of which we speak are refined to the nth degree. There is not one atom that taints them … for if this were so it could easily cause havoc. A little like a mishap on a computer can send the whole system into a spin.

They are to us as Living entities in which we revere them greatly. For they are not merely suppliers of energy travel ...yet of a great deal more.

The manuscript of survival – part 359 . September 27, 2013's picture






The manuscript of survival – part 359 . September 27, 2013


You have come a long way dear ones, and already, you have put an indelible mark on this beautiful planet of yours. You have made a huge difference, and you will continue to do so, for you are not only the wayshowers, you are also the bringers of light in every aspect. We know that this will not be news to any of you, but it bears repeating, as you have mayhaps lost a little track of all of this in the midst of all of the personal challenges so many of you have been facing lately. For you are nothing short of Masters, as we have already told you, and what you help to bring in, is nothing short of miraculous. And already, the traces of light are starting to become more and more apparent on all sides. It is as if you have changed the tune completely, and even if that tune still is falling on many deaf ears, others are already picking it up and humming along to it. Can you not hear it? And can you not feel it in your very, somewhat weary, bones?


The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 358 . 25:09:2013's picture





The manuscript of survival – part 358. September 25, 2013


As the waves subside somewhat it is time to take stock of the situation around you, and indeed within. For now, much has been shifted about, and it can be hard to discern where you are at the moment. So take it slow, and pick your way carefully forward, as you are bound to find things in the most unexpected of places. For now, nothing will seem the same ever again, as you have all been through a veritable maelstrom of energetic upheavals. And just like a boat being tossed about on open sea, nothing that is not securely fastened will be found in the same position as before you entered these high seas.


For now, you have been through a thorough cycle of cleansing and removing in so many ways, and as we told you earlier, it is time to stake stock of what you have got, and what you have not. What has been shifted, what has been turned upside down or inside out, and what has been remaining steadfast all through this storm? So sit back and do a careful inventory, lest you should miss out on any important details, not just in your own sphere, but also further afield as we have mentioned earlier. For amongst all of the flotsam and jetsam littering the surface, there will once again be some hidden gems, treasures that are of immeasurable importance to you all, but may go unnoticed amongst all of this debris.


SaLuSa 24.9.2013's picture




SaLuSa 24:09:2013


As your Sun is so much brighter now, your Light is also shining so brightly and this allows us to work with you and come closer to you each day. This also allows all the changes to move much faster, as now your wishes being fulfilled almost instantly. Do practice fearless wishing and see for yourself how it is manifesting into your reality. Being fearless is the most important point in your current transformational process, that is why we are constantly making you aware of the fact, that only fear and doubts are holding you now from making your dreams come true. You need to find the best way of clearing away those old memories and thoughts that are causing you looking back and questioning if this what you dream of is really that what you wish. We want to let you know that your dreams are with certainty showing you which way to look and therefore see them as guidance on your path. Do trust yourself, because now you are aware of the basic principle within this whole Creation and that is that you are creator of your own reality and co-creators of reality that you are sharing with all of Beings you meet on your journey. 

A short update on the energies. September 23, 2013's picture





A short update on the energies . September 23, 2013


Dear friends!


Yesterday ended with a massive injection of energy for me. As I have already commented under the previous post, I sat down last night, connected to the Pond and tuned into the Equinox energies. It was SO powerful. I ”saw” us all turning into these individual white flames that formed a blazing circle around the turquoise waters of the Pond. I heard the word ”fusing” as I felt a strong current of particles surging through this whole circle, and the image I got, was that we were something similar to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. I collapsed into my bed after about 40 minutes of this, but the energies kept rushing through me for another two hours or so. This morning, I felt so full of energy, I had to go and literally dig in the dirt on my vegetable plot for several hours before I sat down to channel today’s message. I still feel full of energy and ready to DO things, so I really, really hope this is has come to stay ;-)


Here is the message I was given today from the CCs:


The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 357 . 21:09:2013's picture



The manuscript of survival – part 357


We come again to give you all a huge pat on the back, and even if this will sound perhaps a bit condescending to some, take it for what it truly is, a sign of our utmost respect for the work you all carry out. For you are nothing short of Masters dear ones, as each and every one of you continue to raise to the occasion and keep bringing in round after round of transformational energy. This energy is doing wonders, not just for you, but for your whole world. And now, you will start to see the results from all of this even in the so-called mass media. For if you open your eyes and look around, you will indeed detect a change in the atmosphere on a global level. The rhetoric of hatred and fear is starting to fade away in some of the hotspots around your world, and instead, you will find the talk of reason passing over the lips of leaders hitherto more interested in spreading distrust and incite anger in their fellow men.


The September 21 Transition by Cosmic Awareness -- TRANSCRIPT's picture




Please proceed.

Thank you.



Welcome Awareness. Thank you for being with us for the Rainbow-Phoenix session of September 16, 2013. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter for your messages, Joan Mills as Questioner and Energizer. The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Is there an opening message or current event you wish to discuss prior to moving into the questions at this time please?


That this Awareness does have indeed an opening message for one and all. That this Awareness would state that event of great importance is quickly moving towards the planet, towards the collective human consciousness. That this event is that event this Awareness has been speaking of for several months now. The event of the completion of the nine-month cycle and that which was a pause in the fabric of time and space as seen from those levels of conscious awareness beyond that which is human awareness.



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