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Message from Matthew -- August 15, 2013's picture


Message from Matthew



August 15, 2013


Information sources; positive vs. negative reporting; perception is a choice; lightworkers, way showers; myriad sources of light; message from St. Germain 


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.  Always we are happy to address issues that are of concern to readers and are in the minds of many others in your world too, no doubt because mainstream media are giving these topics the most coverage: Al Qaida jailbreaks, threats and splinter terrorist groups; contaminated water flowing from Fukushima nuclear facility into the ocean; mounting casualties in Syria’s civil war and the escalating conflict in Egypt.

The Manuscript of Survival -- Part 342's picture




The manuscript of survival – part 342 . August 13, 2013


The trouble with keeping up with the speed of all of these energetic fluctuations will have become apparent to you all by now, and we do know that many of you suffer considerably from the output from all of this. Again, it is indeed inevitable that your bodies will show some form of distress by now, but for some, it can be almost crippling. We know it will be of small consolation for us to again repeat the same message of patience and trust, but this is indeed a very intense period that will bring much ease as soon as it starts to ease off. And it will, but not just yet, as today will be another hectic day on so many levels. However, release will be at hand shortly, and as such, the importance today will once again be on keeping your focus on the light.


SaLuSa 13:08:2013's picture


SaLuSa 13.08.2013

Feel the energies that are surrounding each and every one of you and if they have loving and joyous feeling, than take them inside as much as you can and if for some reason you have a feeling of lower energy being within them, there is something you need to work on or release. These energies are pure Light and Love and they are guiding you on your chosen path. Listen to them and feel them as they are exactly showing you what the issue is. Focus your intention on clearing of the old, as only little remained from the heavy baggage you carried for many, many years. Feel proud of yourselves, that you have been able to do it in such harsh conditions and with that, you have enabled others to do the same much easier and quicker. This should give you satisfaction and feeling of Oneness that you all want to feel. Remember you all came in this life to do exactly what you are doing and many of you are already aware of the future purpose or “work” they will be doing. 

The manuscript of survival – part 340 . August 09, 2013's picture




The manuscript of survival – part 340 . August 9, 2013


The time is rolling by, and you are perhaps more than a little bit anxious as to what all of this energetic upgrading will result in. For some, it may feel like you are starting to fall apart at the seams, and you will tell yourself ”I simply cannot take this any longer”. But for others, they will look around and think ”where are these heavy bouts of energy that the others seem to suffer from? I do not feel anything at all, am I in the wrong here, or have I been left out of everything?”. On both counts can we firmly say that all is indeed well, and you are not about to go to pieces, nor are you skipping any of the adjustments.


SaLuSa 09:08:2013's picture

SaLuSa 09.08.2013



We see how the Light is rising more each day on your planet and also feel how you are getting more into the oneness with her, which allows Mother Earth to clear the remains of negative energies. There will be some weather changes necessary but surely no catastrophes as some still want you to believe. Focus yourselves on positive energies that are coming your way and let all the doubts be cleared and gone, as everyone is exactly on the right place and moment in time to experience that, what they have planned, before coming to this life. Everything is as it should be and blaming or accusing others would help no one, especially those involved in such experience. Instead send Love and Light to them or to the places where these changes are happening and you will surely see the effect immediately. Keep your focus on unconditional love, because this is the energy that will carry you forward. You have had enough experiences with anger and hate so you are now able to see the difference of the outcome. 

A short update by Aisha North's picture





A short update on the energies


Dear friends!

I got this message from the CCs this morning, and it seems to confirm what many of us have been feeling lately:


“Thank you for once again checking in with us. You see, the lines may feel like they are less than busy at the moment, but in fact, they are more busy than ever, but now, so much is going on behind the scenes, it is best to keep you out of it. Not because we do not trust you in any way, but because what is happening is of such magnitude, it is beyond the capabilities of a human mind to even try to penetrate it. You see, the realms that are so far hidden from your inquisitive eyes, are at all times at high alert as it were, and we do not leave anything to chance. Hence, the seeming lack of information being filtered through to you all.


SaLuSa 06:08:2013's picture

SaLuSa 06.08.2013

Your vibration level is rising exponentially each day and those of you who are preparing themselves for even higher vibrations are feeling the change within already. Your ability to absorb the incoming Light inside has increased immensely and it is to be seen shortly also on the outside. Another wave of clearing has passed by for you and for Mother Earth and you can literally sense it in the air. The Light from your Sun is brighter because you are now able to receive higher frequencies than ever before. Look around you and see it for yourself and feel the fresh energy that is everywhere. The old energy of suffering and sorrow is being replaced with the new one full of Love and compassion for everyone without any difference. The more you clear yourself the more you will feel this freshness and Love around, so do not hesitate for a moment and finish what you have started long ago and was very hard and painful, but now even the most heavy issues can be cleared with ease as the frequency has risen “countless” times and of course you have become very well aware of this process by already knowing when something needs your attention. Some might decide to ignore and it is absolutely your own choice at what speed you do it, but we want to remind you that it has never been easier for you to fully step into the Light, as it is now.

The manuscript of survival – part 339 . August 5, 2013's picture




The manuscript of survival – part 339 . August 5, 2013


As you have already ascertained, the waves that keep pounding into your shores have not let up yet, but as we told you, it will quieten down in a not too distant future. Yes, we will persist in using these rather circumspect descriptions of the time units here, and the reason for this, is as it always is. Humanity has based themselves upon a system of time increments that describes their linear time and divide them into number sequences or units that you all navigate by. This works perfectly for you, for then, you have all the same sort of comprehension as to how to describe any set point on this timeline of yours. This works both forwards and backwards, or in the past and in the future as you say. So for you, something that has happened will be assigned a designated number sequence that describes the exact time frame this event took place. You use the same approach when you plan your future, as you all like to assign a set sequence for an event in exactly the same way, and this makes it very easy for every one of you to navigate this linear timeline that you use to roll out all of the sequences that together make up your life. In other words, from the moment you are born and to the moment your spirit leaves your physical body, your life on this planet will be mapped out by these numerical sequences you call ”dates” and ”times”.


The Federation of Light trought Blossom Goodchild - August 03, 2013's picture

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

August 03, 2013



Blossom: Good morning. I think I was a little too ‘sickly’ when I tried the other day. My flu has now flown. Is all well now?

We very much appreciate your keenness and yes we would say we are in full throttle and ready to chat with you.

Blossom: That’s great. I have a question that I would like to ask on behalf of many who have written in and that is … ‘How can one be in JOY as we have been asked to do ... if they are suffering great pain … be it physically or emotionally?’ I am blessed in that I suffer neither these days, yet many do and when one is in continual pain or depressed … it is not AT ALL easy to BE IN JOY. Can you offer some wisdom to those who FEEL this way?

Let us first of all state that one’s life path is an individual one. That which is ‘bestowed’ upon a physicality is through choice for the benefit of self.

Blossom: Let’s dive straight on in here … ‘Bestowed’? I would imagine that will offend many who are suffering … It is hardly a blessing!


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