What is Perfection? Introducing Emmanuel, the Union of Days, CM's elder brother. (Candace: I placed some teaching about Emmanuel at the end from the UB)
CM: WE have come here today to sit with you and talk and ask that you write it all down, as far as possible. The excursion to the treehouse was a party for some and an experience for many. Some of you found yourselves in meetings and planning sessions and some were taken aside and offerred choices to decide upon then and there and some to consider for later. There are those that remember not a thing and it is for good reason that such a thing is so and is mostly for your protection as such knowledge and experiences should not be revealed as of yet and WE ask all of you to consider that you are all preparing for a future time where such knowledge will be more useful and thus, revealed as evidence at that time.
Blossom:Good evening to you. As usual I have been doing a lot of thinking about things. As usual, I have been thinking about my relationship with you. As usual, I always come up with the same result. To TRUST in the fact that what you FEEL appropriate to talk to us about is probably the most valuable information we could have at each given time we connect. So, once again, as usual, I leave it in your capable hands ... despite the fact that there are those who FEEL you should be coming forth with a lot more information regarding matters that are taking place on earth at this time.
The intensifying excitement and anticipation that so many of you are experiencing is an indication of your increasing awareness that humanity will move into full consciousness. It is your natural state, the one that you apparently lost at the moment of apparent separation from God, when you imagined the illusion into being. Your awakening back into that state, Reality, oneness with one another and with your divine Father is inevitable because it is His Will and yours.
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name.
Many of the questions about next events are due to curiosity about the care one needs to take on an economic level, or whether the area of a country of residence is going to change. My dear ones, give me a moment to lead the way to ascension and let these concerns go. Most of you are not going to be dealing with these alterations to your areas of residence. My content for this blog is more about ascension, because I want my chelas to be the ones who ascend. I will not detail all of the changes that are anticipated, activating fear and concern about when to anticipate them. It will do no good, because nothing can be done to avoid the catastrophies that are going to happen. At the least, expect to be around to get caught in the money crisis, and be aware that no country will be considered "safe" from the next level of this dismantling.
Basically, all of the world will be in crisis mode. Collapse of currency markets will destroy all of them. Now, what will get you through this with the least amount of difficulty? AWAKENING! Awakening creates a cause and effect scenario that allows the awakened one to be able to attract to him/her what must occur to be ok. Are there others who can get this same Mastery? Yes, and many are not aware of their Mastery potential yet, due to their lack of awareness. My chelas are not only all Masters as a group, other Masters have groups of chelas that are also Masters.
You are now entering the field of infinite possibilities and will be experiencing the easier manifestation of your dreams and desires. The feeling of wondrous anticipation that you have been experiencing is this new field of energy that is now pouring down upon the Earth and everyone and everything upon Her. Try to connect to the feeling of expansiveness and practice visualizing your outer self as an expanded, much larger Light Body, that glows with pure Light!
Although there is still cleansing and releasing happening within each of you, there is now a feeling of greater joy and lightness of Being, too. This is a good time to focus and write down what it is you want to experience in this New Year and keep this list ever within your vision and close to you in your sacred space at all times. When you feel yourselves waning in energy level, read back to yourself what you want in your life and your World and expect the highest outcome for the highest good of all concerned. Then, pull up your socks and trudge forward again!
Humanity is preparing to rise into the state of full consciousness, where it truly is at all times even though it remains unaware of this, and as it does so the sense of expectant anticipation that so many of you are experiencing is intensifying. Very few of you are without some sense that great changes are in the air, but what they might entail mostly eludes you. It is indeed a wonderful time to be on Earth, and that is why you chose to be here now. It is a time when misery, fear, anxiety, and doubt will be replaced with joyful confidence that God exists eternally, and you with Him, in the glory of His magnificent creation where ecstatic bliss is the ever-present ongoing experience.
Beloved masters, the Creator’s breath is the fuel of existence and you are the flame it feeds. It is important you understand that you are developing your individual SUNLIGHT, which is a reflection of your own God Essence. The human intellectual thought process must evolve beyond the limitations of language. There is a vast wealth of information awaiting humanity via inspiration. You must develop your intuitive abilities in order to receive the wisdom of the Cosmic Council of Light. It will not come from outside you.
"There has been a magnificent shift in the earth's balance extending from the western hemisphere to the east….an impact which will have global ramifications." -Pleiadian High Council
It has recently come to my attention that we are beginning to mentally align with (become aware of) the great shift in perception that the unseens have been talking a lot about lately and this shift is apparently the result of some massive global (energetic) re-balancing that took place over the last 3-4 weeks in the form of a magnetic pole shift.
These re-balancing energies started to aggressively bubble up on the winter solstice/lunar eclipse and are currently completing a round of physical aftereffects in the form of solar and geological activity…geomagnetic storms, solar flares/winds, coronal mass ejections, auroras, quakes and fissures, etc.
So much of what is currently happening around the world is related to this shift and the unseens would like to clarify some things to settle any fears that may be festering from the uncertainty of such dramatic forward movement.