Thursday, January 20, 2011
On Digesting Calamity: a 5D view
It has recently come to my attention that we are beginning to mentally align with (become aware of) the great shift in perception that the unseens have been talking a lot about lately and this shift is apparently the result of some massive global (energetic) re-balancing that took place over the last 3-4 weeks in the form of a magnetic pole shift.
These re-balancing energies started to aggressively bubble up on the winter solstice/lunar eclipse and are currently completing a round of physical aftereffects in the form of solar and geological activity…geomagnetic storms, solar flares/winds, coronal mass ejections, auroras, quakes and fissures, etc.
So much of what is currently happening around the world is related to this shift and the unseens would like to clarify some things to settle any fears that may be festering from the uncertainty of such dramatic forward movement.
First and foremost, we are being urged to realize…no matter what surrounds us…that nothing is "out of hand" in this evolutionary process and that all is well despite external appearances. We are constantly reminded that everything is perfectly in could it be any other way?...and that the increasing calamities on earth serve a great purpose in the planetary ascension.
That being said, I realize how this may sound to, say, our fellow brothers and sisters in Queensland right now trying to "stay afloat" in a very literal sense...but the unseens are making it clear that the purpose behind calamity is not merely myopic mysticism from a secular spiritual society, nor is it some new age platitude. Its science. And tho to most this is still considered pseudo-science, that too is soon to shift because mainstream science, as we know it, is quickly running out of answers.
"For those who still cling to fear, we reprise: All is well, perfectly orchestrated and systemized, as are all things in a vibrational universe." -PHC
The Birds & The Bees…(and the fish too)
I have definitely been getting my share of emails with questions and concerns about the recent bird and fish deaths, and tho there are many "speculations" and theories out there, I thought I'd share some of what our galactic family has to say...
What I have been hearing is that the recent magnetic pole shift…which incidentally caused a
Florida airport to temporarily close down…created massive pockets of electromagnetic distortion which resulted in some freakish occurrences in specific geographic locations and planetary ley addition to the rerouting of our own internal GPS's. If you have recently been feeling lost in your world, unable to figure out which way to go or why, most likely its related. This magnetic shift is essentially responsible for reorienting us to the new timeline...translation: erasing our hard drives and rebooting our operating system now that we have all the latest updates.According to the unseens, ley lines form and connect these major intersections of geometric patterning and occupy physical space as powerful vortices of restorative energy, which animals, fish and insects…as well as some humans...are tuned into due to their highly sensitive navigation systems. As I understand it, certain groups (if not all) of animals, fish and insects cluster together in herds, flocks, schools and swarms to travel from power-point to power-point via the ley lines to nest, rest, mate, birth, heal and congregate due to the neutralized healing energies of these vortices.
When a significant shift occurs, it is possible and even likely for these creatures to become completely confused/disoriented and to lose their bearings…hence, fly into the ground, or wash up on shore. Though this can be unsettling, it is not the first that we are seeing of these phenomenons... we are just seeing more and more of them (with the help of the internet). There have been plenty of headlines in the last several years about unexplained bee deaths...dolphins/whales lost in strange waters and/or beaching themselves in greater and greater numbers…thousands of bats in the northeast United States dying of something unknown, etc…
Most likely, these natural events will continue to take place and maybe even increase as the earth sustains her transition into higher consciousness. As with all things, it is imperative that we claim our sovereignty through our ability to remain fearless, detached and neutral to these happenings by realizing that everyone and everything has their divine part to play in this game called "planetary ascension."
Dismantling the Old Grid
The internal navigation/grid system that governs the planet and her people is aggressively shifting to a more balanced and harmonious state…that is to say the old paradigm of the masculine dominated hemisphere of the human brain (and therefore the global brain) is becoming equal to to the feminine hemisphere of the human brain/global brain….as above, so below.
Though these changes will ultimately result in the highest good for all, it will definitely not appear to be so from a lower dimensional perspective…which is ultimately why the courageous, and slightly crazy, way-shower group of souls chose to go first…to allay fears and provide an example of an alternative to the doom and gloom scenarios that inevitably abound.
We are being asked not to react to the fears that rise around us, but instead to realize that the earth's changes are only ascension symptoms (the release of stuck energies and collective memory imprints) and are no different than the biological symptoms that we have been experiencing for many years. Mostly, these changes are a necessary part of our planet's evolution.
From a higher perspective, these pockets of chaos are collective symptoms of (a lack of) symbiosis, and represent the contrast needed for harmonious relationships to form between all living things. And this is what the transition to harmony looks like….the shift IS happening...tho not always in a gentle or subtle way.
A Greater Perspective
The unseens are giving me the analogy that from the old polarity-paradigm perspective, "earth is to humans what a host is to parasites"…suggesting that from a separated sense of self (duality consciousness) we see the world as our host...the environment for humans to thrive, to suck-off of the sustenance that earth provides without reciprocation.
But now that humanity is aligning with a 5th dimensional (unity) consciousness, and therefore has a greater capacity to see the world from a more complex and expanded view, this outdated and one-sided outlook is shifting...albeit by force. Meaning that in many situations, earth changes are the potential impetus for collective awakenings whereby consciousness ensues, and the ramifications of natural disaster become the greatest teaching method for masses of people to move into the unity timeline.
From this vantage point, its easier to digest calamity because the end result of many eye-opening situations that we have been and will be presented with, will ultimately be a shift from the host/parasitic relationship to symbiotic co-creation…a brand new way to exist/coexist with the world in a mutually beneficial way.
In other words, the masculine (western) dominated approach to living is finally giving way to a more balanced exchange of give and take... thanks to the long-awaited return of the divine feminine…who consequently ran like hell eons ago to escape the harsh brutality of this rising imbalance….can't say I blame her.
Of course, indigenous cultures have always understood the delicate balance of giving and receiving, the divine masculine and feminine forces of nature... but until now, their voices have been drowned out under the mechanistic clamor of a western, industrialized society. Luckily tho, these voices will again be heard, honored and respected for their wisdom, truth and understanding of sacred coexistence.
In the coming days, those who ignore this wisdom and unconsciously take from the earth and her inhabitants without care for the relationship between all living things will have the opportunity, many times over, to awaken to the fundamental principle of harmony thru the greatest teacher of all... mother earth.
The Bottom Line
For those still on the fence or resisting the planetary changeover… a quick heads up: as the compression of time collapses and folds in on itself, the polarized law of karma (cause and effect ) will more powerfully descend upon us and anything that lies outside of Source vibration (integrity) will come crashing down on us with unbridled fury.
The bottom line: Now more than ever, aligning with the co-creative energies of love, integrity and mutual respect for each other and our planet is a must. Depending on where you reside on the spectrum of consciousness, the backlash of misalignment can be b r u t a l.
When in doubt, remember that the overriding purpose of this unrelenting pressure is to squeeze us into the crystallized diamonds that reside at our core... to reveal life's perfection "as-is", to all those willing to see.
Until next time,