Reiki Doc's blog

Advice From Steve Jobs- Mediumship Today

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I was late to work, going eighty on the freeway, all because I had hit the snooze button too many times this morning. I do that, and I space out some mornings. I am having a Karuna Day I thought to myself as I was absent-mindedly forcing myself to make lunches...time seemed funny and distorted somewhat.

It was like that on the road, and I was getting faster not from my accelerator pedal, but from something off. (Yesterday in the car the radio sounded like the record was skipping, on all stations. It was very odd.)

As I was heading past the local CHP speed traps, they do a double, one before to let your guard down and then a second to nail speeders, someone popped in my head.

S: Hi, this is Steve.

It felt mental, not heart centered, so I asked Mother Mary if it was safe to talk to him, and if this was really him? She affirmed.

S: Do you always cross-check like that?

I was embarrassed. I sent the thought of my listening as I paid careful attention to traffic.

S: When I was alive....if I was thinking of doing something (shows images of iPod, iPad, iPhone) , I didn't just talk about it.

I put it in my mind, I thought about what it would be like to have it turn out well. I experienced it ahead, just as if everything was going as planned, and I felt the happiness in advance for it turning out right.

C: I understood. I applied it. I arrive at work on time. All is well. I repeated over and over again, fully seeing the truth of my being ten minutes late on the clock.

S: It is not selfish. Think of what you want. That is how it works.

And then he went away.

I arrived late. I focused intently on my tasks, to be surprised and the temperature of the room was too high. The patient could not be taken in. I interviewed the patient, set up efficiently, and as if by some miracle, the room temperature dropped back to normal.

Living Life with Porpoise ; )

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Ever watch the way dolphins swim through the water? How they come up for breaths, and go back under, up and down, up and down,  almost like a wave of themselves as they swim? That breath at the surface that they are taking is voluntary; in fact they have to will the blowhole to open, not like us where the breathing is automatic. In water, open blowholes would take water in on dives, so everything is forceably blown OUT, and then quickly breathed IN. This way of swimming is called porpoising, as there are no other creatures that swim quite like this.

Dolphins live in two realms: beneath the surface of the water, but also some time is spent above in the process of getting air and breathing.

Humans are like this also. We have Spirit that we need to take in, and is a part of every cell in our body. Think of it like oxygen but like the life-giving gas, Spirit is something essential that we need and also cannot see. When we breathe, Spirit is coming in to us just like air. I am not sure exactly how our light body and our Vibration processes it, but it is so.

Like the dolphin bound to life in water, humans are bound through the body to life on Earth. We need food, light, shelter, and our society to survive. Dolphins have a highly evolved social structure too.

The point of this blog post is to emphasize the importance of play. Dolphins are seen swimming, breathing, hunting and eating but always having fun. If you look at them they are always smiling!

Remember to bring genuine pleasure and play into your daily activities. Not the 'fun' like going to the movies and a club. But real fun, like the way Weird Al Yankovic raises his eyebrows at the camera to make us laugh.


Meeting With A Seraphim

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Today I had mediumship with something new: Seraphim. They are closer to God than I think angels. The one I saw was golden, like a lion with a bird face, and had giant Egyptian-looking wings.

I was taken aback by its Glory, so it changed form to something more accepting to me: the little jeweler from MIB. We spoke. I had many questions, and it spoke hardly at all, with the most succinct answers.

'I am asking a lot of questions, huh?' I said, a little embarrassed.

It popped back into its proper form, and I sat on its lap. I felt supported, embraced by the wings and arms, it felt solid, and was warm just like I am. It had expressive eyes and was quite gentle.

'Can I have a feather?' I asked with my most wondrously excited smile. It reached up and plucked one, as I reached out to touch it, He placed the feather somehow inside my heart center. It felt quite warm and content. Then He had to go.

Tonight He came back. I took notes.

S: we don't use words. Only concepts.
C: (eyes on his face, in full listening mode, like I am with a patient.)

S: brings fists together, thumb to thumb.
Pulls fists apart horizontally.
Brings fists together again, thumb to thumb.
Raises fists up overhead, arms fully extended
Opens hands and makes rain-like gestures with wiggling fingers all the way down in front of Him.


S: fists draw together, fingers to fingers.
Pops open hands to make a heart, thumbs bent to make the top of the heart, and fingers as the sides of the heart.


S: brings fists together vertically, one on top of the other, both fists thumbs up.


S: Hands rubbing each other as in washing hands, palms and backs of hands.


S: Opens and closes hands fingers up, palms out toward me, rapidly


S: shows me a handshake, horizontal, before my eyes


Cooties 101: What Every Healer Should Know

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Okay, I was going to title this: Infectious Disease 101 for Energy Healers, but who would have wanted to click on that?

In doing my research for another article, I noted that a significant amount of Reiki is done in hospitals by volunteers working on cancer patients. Most of the bigger programs have Reiki practitioners who are 'official volunteer status', which means, there is documentation to prove that 'they have had their shots' and that they understand basic infectious disease control precautions.

I thought about it over the past few days. You know, in my Reiki classes when I trained, we never even washed our hands!

Did you know in the O.R. we have three classes of cases? Clean, clean-contaminated, and dirty, depending on the part of the body we are planning to work. In the event of someone with something that may be contagious to a following patient, the entire room undergoes a 'terminal clean'. We are hyper vigilant about infection, for a good reason. (The most infectious disease is the prion, the cause of Creuzfelt-Jakob and Mad-cow disease spongiform encephalitis. After a brain biopsy, we dispose of all instruments used on the case.)

So I thought, you know, there are some well-meaning Light Workers out there, who may or may not have physical contact with their clients, and they ought to know the basis on this infectious disease stuff so they can make their own decisions with this information.

Basically, there are three topics to discuss:
1) Things that are catchy to you and to your other clients
2) How to keep yourself and others from spreading anything infectious
3) Things you can carry to someone with a weakened immune system, and possibly kill them

Here are some things that are 'catchy' between people:


1. lice
If links don't work here is another link to those that will:

2. scabies

Incredible Progress for the Light in the O.R. 10/1/12

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I set before you a series of baby steps for Awakening that indicate enormous momentum of change for Medicine are taking place:

Miracle 1: The Awakened Scrub Tech
My favorite female surgical technician has been someone I was not sure was 'okay' to let know about the work in this blog. Although stated herself, 'I am really into UFO's', I held back. Others in the O.R. were learning about me, and keeping it to themselves. I just sensed that it would be 'too much' and 'too early' at the time to let this one 'in' on 'what is going on right under her nose' with this work. Well, yesterday she sent a message, with a link to what was yesterdays' blog. The time was right. I responded with full links to Disclosure As We Know It Today. She was okay with it.
When she walked into my O.R. briefly  to do something for work, I felt her aura--it is waking up, coming online, and confident in the Light.  This one will do big things,  I thought, and big things are good.

Miracle 2: The Request Case 'Reunion', part 1
In Pre-Op Holding I was treated to a wonderful 'reunion' of sorts: the aunt of one of my neurosurgical patients was herself to undergo neurological surgery, and had requested my services for the case.
This is huge for my career stability, to be requested and in demand for my care. Her niece had undergone staged procedures on both sides, with my side being the right. I was not available to her for the left side, and she had been disapppointed. She pointed me to both scars, and the 'Reiki' side was noticeably better healed than the 'un-Reiki' side. She was like a walking commercial for Intraoperative Reiki! Everything went well with the case, and I delivered the patient safely to PACU.

Only a Dream?

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I am starting to manifest things. Yesterday I manifested a catfish dinner, pineapple, and a japanese modern 'bento style' lunch box. It didn't pop up out of thin air, but through the course of the day these objects came to me through this pattern:

1) I think of it, like, 'I really would like to have X'

2) in the course of the day, it 'pops up' into my consciousness, for example,

 I walk into Curry House Restaurant for first time, with friends who are regulars, and the Special of The Day, on a poster, is catfish and curry and rice

3) I recognize 'this is for me' and I give thanks for it, order it, and enjoy.


Here is a story from yesterday morning about the powerful ability to manifest, demonstrated after a vision-like or portending-type dream:




Your Light Body is Perfect

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This is a rebuttal to a blog post at the Galactic Free Press in the above link: '6 Body Parts Doctors Think Are Useless, Medical System is Severely Flawed.'  :

I work on souls.

I work on souls in human bodies through my body, which is human.

I am an anesthesiologist and I see what God has written in your post today, the one that I responded to. All of it was very third dimensional. I did not like it. So now it is time to set the record straight.

Your Light Body is Perfect
Your Light Body is a replica of you, that exists in a higher dimension. When we go to all that, your lost limbs will reappear, your missing teeth will sprout back, your organs shall be returned and all shall exist in Divine Perfection. This is YOU, in your natural state of being. You are flawless and Holy and Light.

For some reason, and for some Purpose, you came down from Heaven and came to Earth.

Your Earth Body is a 'projection' of your Light Body into the Illusion called 'reality'
I see it with my clairvoyance brightest in the O..R. while I work with my patients.

There is a big tunnel of white light that goes in the head and through you and comes out the feet. It is about six inches wide, and sparkly bright white.

Your perception is what allows how this Light is to come through into the Chakra energetic system.  This is how Chakras get 'imbalance' in the first place. Emotions, personal reactions to events and the inner world that you are influences greatly this metaphysical to physical process.

Your Earth Body is a 'vehicle' for Learning Life Lessons and it talks to you through illness

Reiki in Hospitals, and A Hospital Without Medicine:

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Reiki is a little bit like the Spanish Language. There are differences in the way it is done, almost as vast a difference as our local Mexican 'Spanglish' from the rapid-fire Espanol of the Puerto Rican that takes all of my concentration to understand. Like Spanish, all of the three forms of Reiki have found their way into the Medical Center. Let's refer to them as PedigreeMutt, and Lolo (which means 'crazy' in Hawaiian).

Reiki in the Doctor's Dining Room

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I just used the distance symbol to place Reiki in the Doctors' Dining Room while the Keurig Machine was making my cup of coffee. I bring my own mug and k-cups, as it is pleasant to do after call on OB. It is next to the suite of call rooms.

I gave Reiki to open the heart center. And Karuna Reiki, too. It was soaked up like a sponge. I got a sense this reiki was to awaken those healers to their call, their Purpose from the Pre-birth plan agreement. My hands burned hot with reiki, and my body coursed with its flow of energy.

As I was finishing, I sensed the presence of angels. They agreed to maintain the vortex of Light that inadvertently opened up in there.

Use your reiki to claim the Light. Wherever you are. Wherever you go. Be like dogs marking their territory. Lift that leg and make your presence known! For the Light that is!

You can do it, Light Workers! Whether by formal distance reiki like me (forward and backward in time...that is Reiki II), or salt like Kau'ila , or whatever else you know, go for it! Make some Light today!


To see the cute picture with the blog post, click here:


Love is the Solution For Everything! One Lightworker, to one task, at a time...


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