Reiki Doc's blog

Annual Alignment with Galactic Central Sun--this time Without the Veil

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This is just a guess, an educated one, at the physics of what is to happen on Friday.

Let us imagine a layer like the ozone layer in the sky, that functions somewhat like how the ozone filters out UV light.  This one is a quarantine layer that keeps the Galactic Family out and the rest of us in, reincarnating after reincarnating. It is called 'The Veil'. If you have ever seen a photograph of Earth from Outer Space, the deep beauty is because that photo was taken outside the veil.

Part of what The Veil filters out is a high-energy quantum particle called the tachyon. I learned this from Cobra, and it was one of the first things the Pleadeans he contacted did was teach him how to make a device that lets tachyons in and can charge objects with it. I have  two of those items that I bought at the conference. Like you, at first, I thought they were hokey. But I can feel them, having worn them. They vibrate very high, like phenokite crystal. And they make me feel better.

The Veil is gone. It has been dismantled by the non-physical freedom fighters for the Light.

Every year, the pulse of Light (with it I suspect a great deal of tachyons), comes on December 21 with the alignment of Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Galactic Central Sun, Alcyone (spelling?).

Only this time it is going to hit with no Veil to filter it. All that Love and Light is going to hit, and to feel wonderful. It is going to help heal humanity. Much like Reiki, I anticipate it will go where it is needed most, and not have any side effect. Whether you are 'in tune' to notice it, like the 12.12.12 portal, or not, there is benefit to you.

If you can, have some downtime that day. Be sure to drink lots of pure water, too.

If you notice anything, please be sure to share it either here in the comments or on Twitter or  Facebook.

Comments on 'Proof of Heaven'

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There is a fantastic book out by neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, M.D. on his Near Death Experience that was caused by a most severe case of bacterial meningitis from e coli. It is fascinating to hear his professional opinion about what was going on in his brain (or actually, what wasn't) while he was in a coma for one week. His description of prayer going up, and it's impression on him while he was in that state is priceless.He also describes Source, angels, and Heaven. Here are some more comments on this fine book, which I recommend highly:



How to Absorb the Highest Energies Well

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Ascension is your body's vibration increasing to a higher dimensional frequency. Your body is your best guide in this process. Listen to it. When you want to rest, rest. When you want to eat something you really enjoy, go ahead. Your body is tellling you what it needs to make the assimilation of these energies as smooth as it can get. More on this subject at:


Two Recommendations In Case of Doubt

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What is a Lightworker to do? There is some pretty nasty stuff going on out there!


Read this:


And this:


If you are short on time, this is the most powerful link of all:

Gaia Wants You!

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Weird Underwater Volcano Discovered near Baja California. Tropical Cyclone Evan hits Samoa, From frosts to floods, UK prepares for stormy... Flooding, mudslides reported around San Diego... Anxieties rise as surge of tremors...Iceland Shaken...Human is throwing up...people reaching for kleenex to blow nose...WHAT?


Yes! All of these natural phenomena are Gaia releasing negative energy in her process of rebirth! Even you with the stomach flu! And the runny nose and cough! Why? How?



Help Gaia help herself. Shoulder some of that change cheerfully.


Aloha and namaste. 


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Jump in to this Now Moment, and celebrate your Divine Right to play, to learn, to Love, to Create, and to Experience Life at its fullest. You never 'forgot'--it will all come back. Just like I when you were a kid!


The Beeping Box

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Today, as I hit the snooze button yet another time, my consciousness rose up and thought, 'why am I interacting with this box like this?'. I noticed throughout the course of my day, there is a parade of boxes which I interact with throughout my day. 

This shiny glowing computer box is my favorite one of them. So I wrote about it. If you wish to have your computer box display what words I have written on this line of thinking about the experience of Duality from a Higher Perspective, here is a link. Namaste.

New to Woo? This is for YOU!

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Are you newly awakened to the Light? Welcome! This is your time! (Everyone's codes are being activated at the time their Light Work is to commence--it is soon to be YOUR time to go 'live' with your Lightwork.). Just be open to Inner Guidance, it is the best navigator you have--right there in the center of your chest!


Here's all you need to know as a first step at:


Namaste, and WELCOME to your Galactic Family of Light!


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