valentin59's blog

Dolphin meditation Atlantis

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~~Sit down and breathe deeply,  see a light above you coming down in front of you.
 Now it gets bigger and bigger also envelops you, you are now  protected by this light.
 Imagine that you are standing in front of door into a beautiful tree.
 SEE how the tree grows  bigger and bigger-feel  how its secure foliage enclose you and also protect yourself.
 Infront of you front of you is a door into the roots of the tree.
 Go through the door-and close it after you-inside the door are a elevater
 You are now elevating down along the trees roots, you're now down to the root system the tree force
 Feel how you are filled with Red energy from Mother Earth.
 Now open the door.
 Above you'll see a long wide path.
 There, in front, you will see a glimmer of light, imagine now that you begin to go down this path, and that the light you see getting bigger and bigger.
 You are now in frontof this big fire
 Go up to the fire also look into it-you can feal heat radiating from the fire.
 Now look deeply into the fire, see if you see any animals or whatever.
 Know that this fire has the power to cleanse you.
 YOU are now going into the fire becomes one with the  fire-bread in fire-bread out fire follow the breath to become one with the breathing that also purify you-feel the tension when all the problems inside you  disappears-clensing you morfe and more with every breath you take
 The power and the heat from this fire are now lifting you up high in the air
 On the horizon, you will see a new light.
 Now, when you get closer to it you will see that this is a shimmering city-incredibly beautiful with a radiant light.
 You will see a bridge that is located on a river.
 You land softly on the bridge.

The Dna-encoded Gifts from the Extra Terrestials-pyrokinesis-telepathy-powerful healing eg

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I think that there will be more and more of us who are going to get this kind of capabilities

It is latent inside of us-it has been there for a long time-protected-hidden latent incoded in our Dna-

Just waiting for the right time to emerge

Or for the right set of keys

The gift

I think its our Extra Terrestial origin that are beginning to surface

I am not worried that these gifts-are going to work fore the wrong side eighter-i think that they are proteckted by higher energys

Its is only in the movies that kind of gifts are dangerous:)))

Many things suggest that the Jesus was an Extra Terrestial Being-not was-is-.because i dont think that these energys/orbs/lightbeings/entitys se time as we do-time are a very human consept/Density

Jesus did show us a variety of these kind of gifts

The development have been speeding up its phase in the latest 200-300 years-

There have been lots of problems-but problems are often an origin for indivdual spiritual awakening- that are destind to be global beacause of the Butterfly-effect or the 100 monkey effect

So i think that the synckronisation in this NOW are perfekt with the development

If i hade wrote this article for 200-300 years ago-the inkvisation would have been trying to set my toes on fire :))





Spontanious combustion of joy with no reason-The way to a spountanious life and a spountainous Awakening-The Jacob ladder steps/to learn Howe to have more capacity

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I can only tell you about my experiences of this -and hope that some one are helped with this

Several years ago before i was awakened i felt trappt inside of me-when i spoke i thought that i wasnt myself enough-and i reaslized that i had to do something about it-i wore a mask-

I was to shy i thought- I felt that i wasnt in my full capacity-i wasnt happy with it-

So i started to create this framework:

I think it was my soul that directed me to this:

My plan was to say a kind word to everyone i meet on the street -in the shoppingcenters-everywere-i laid away all the funny citats and jokes that i had learned and started from scratch-just with an kind word-i wouldnt carry a mask anymore-no plans howe to behave-just trust in to my spountanious soul-in the beginning it was rather scary-but after a while it worked like magic(If we keep it simple)

So my advice is stop thinking to much-just go with the flow

Ttrust your spountainious mind-becase-it will be there for you everytime you need an answer(if you are spountanious you will truly be a beacon of fri independet energy-that none -nowere can take away from you-

With this also comes the power of learn howe to say no in a peacefull way-then the people around you know were you stand-

it is suddenly very easy for them too

It was like driving blindfolded in the beginning-then the other senses started working-The abillyty to feal the energys of other persons-the feeling of no fear for anything enterd my mind-no worries -this was very balanced energys

It was built on trust to my self-i was not awaked yet at this state

Then it came with thise Two toughts-it came when i was bored-booordom is an very unusuall state for me-my life are packed with things-not a dull second-så these two questions popped up in my mind

The Dream about the Invitation to Trainingcamp

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I had this wonderfull dream a week ago-it was one of theses dreams that not comes around so often

It was that special kind of strong fealing and happiness about it-realness

I was dreaming in an ordinary way-seeing things in the dream passing by-but then it was this sound-a vibrating sound-and somethings that sounds likes stones that was moving against each other and the sound of some kind of metal-i felt it clearley-and heard it like eckoes-this vibration

Then i was suddenly aware of this woman who looking at me-brown hair -brown eyes

Many thimes in my mediations and dreams i have seen this mysteroius woman brown haired and with an big rubin around here neck-dressed lika a monk with some kind of ritual dress-it was a long look-like the look that comes before the initiation to the meating of two souls-and the love-after a while i understod that this maybe my twinsouls closing in on me-or the feminin inside of me that was looking to my masculin-and the real beginning of love between thoose two forces that comes to a wholeness inside of us now

Suddenly there was a kind of invitation to a form of trainingcamp to some kind of final-and i saw the coulors red and blue-(Red Feminin-Blue-Masculin)

And then i saw me and other people performing advanced things in the air-performing advanced movements-but the landing was not perfect-yet

We were wery near perfection-in the final stages

We were choosen to this it seems in the dream-invited at dreamlevel to begin trainingcamp before som kind of final

I said yes to this invitation

Thats also why im telling you about this dream

If this dream trigger something inside of you-then say yes to the invitation before you go to bed tonight

Reconnetive Birdtribe Eagle Dream Calling

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Yesterday night i had this beautiful dream that i wisch to share with you all

It started when i got to bed-i was thinking of the significans the birds have in our development-the portals that there precens opens

I encounterd a gridkeeper-starling in my garden when i was living in sothern of sweden 2009-the encounter at close range with this strong eyecontakt opend up something deep inside of me


A long time after this encounter i was allways seeing this Starling when i got to an certain level in my meditation-everytime i saw this starling i was elevated to other levels-thats wy i call him Gridkeeper

With this in my mind i fell to sleep-i only remember the end of this fantastic dream-the rest are like a mist-when we trys to remember it just dissepears-but the energetic memory of the beginninjg of the dream was still there

The Dream:

We were on a very high cliff-and we had wings-we were sunburned an free-free to fly

We went out of the cliff flying att very high altitude-when we saw some movements on the ground-

Instantley we know that this was our forgotten brothers and sisters-the memory that hade fade away-

Then the most amazing thing happend-it came theese hig pitch sound out of ouer trouths-and it was the same with them on the ground-when we met on the ground there was this recconetive wonderfull feeling of pur love-and memory return-this high pitch sound was birdtribal

Reconnetive callings

In the dream i felt this fantastic sound vibrating trough the trouth-

The weather service's front outward becoming obsolete

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We need Spiritualweather service's that can combine Mother Earth weather with incoming energies of the Universe
Solar activity
Since we live in a huge light ship that slowly travels up along the Milky Way, we need to have the inner / outher Galactic current forecasts

The Greenhouse effect is a modified truth to the people from judgment ruling that says "we do not know what happens." but we call it the Greenhouse effect, so do not panic

The truth is, of course, that our entire planetary system / Lightship slowly are traveling along the milky way-all the time in new space, higher and higher energies, our 3D density is literally puryfied with these higher frequencies of our ascent

Global enlightment is going on-alkali removing of lower densities, so it is many now who can maybe behave irritional

We who are sufficiently evolved an purified can see things affecting people and their sometimes seemingly crazy acts and can hold on to avert it / disarm in a higher way
The solarsystem that we live in, with its fixed stars of type maritime-inland navigation and inner guiding understanding / astrology is being reformed

Our home has always been there-inprinted in the stars
We are from the stars, made of exactly the same material as The way home

Earth is the control cabin of this light-ship- we have navigation running through the stars as they are reflected in us with ongoing new development for navigation within our own energy

The ship's engine is the ongoing global developments-when it takes a leap then it is switched into turbo

We are in the control cabin - The navigation crew who can see the road ahead

Light and Love vibration in the fullest comming our way♥

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Hello dear brothers ♥ and ♥ sisters!

Im just a humble student of the school of universe.

I want to tell you about what came to me last night when i was in bed:

This is what univers told me;

It is a messege of hope and love.

One very beutiful day-very soon we will wake upp and think:
Woow- What a strange dream i had-i was dreaming that i was on earth and that we were separated from our souls.
And this was very hard to grasp in the dream.
The strangest thing was-we hade decided this ourself.

And we was learning many hard lessons in this strange dream.
And in the end of this dream there will be a big  light and big vibration.
And then when we slowley awaken up from this dream,it fade away like a mirage
And the inbedded souls memmory will be  realesed in the golden morning after this dream.

In that morning we can open the doorway to love and it  will flow all around us and between every human on this earth and in all universe.

This light may come when we are asleep or when we are awake-it doesnt matther.

It will blow all the fear away.

It will take down the walls betwen all people

And howe do i know this?

I Had a glims of this ligt and the vibration when i got out in my garden earley one morning two years ago.

The higher purpose of this was to experience it and tell about it-to give hope and this is the righ time.

The light that came and enterd my body was pure lovelight-it changedf me forever.

All hate or fear left my body for this light-only pure love remained.
It was a earthquake of pure love-and then the vibration came -this vibration enterd into my body and penetraded everthing-my theeat was shaking in pur blizz
It was the higest vibration of love ,every cell in my body was lightend up... i dont find words for this feeeling

This morning are here very soon on a global scale

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