yourgypsysoul's blog

Samhain Blessings

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Well we’ve reached the end of October, and although this year may not have been what we expected in terms of Ascension and planetary changes, I hope we can all agree that we are not the same person we were at the beginning of the year, let alone the beginning of the season.  Samhain is the time of year when the veil is known to be the thinnest. That is, the world we live in and the spiritual world are at their closest of the year, with the boundaries between the two worlds lowered so that it is more easily accessible. We are also approaching an eclipse that will happen on November 3rd. Eclipses offer a great time for us to tune inward and be aware of ourselves completely. Eclipses, and especially Mercury retrograde, which we are experiencing until November 10th, can cause issues in communication, travel, electronics and more so it is essential for us to stay centered and grounded. They can also be viewed as a symbol of change and rebirth.


How appropriate then, that during this time of enhanced Spiritual connection that I received my first channeling from the faerie realm! And even more appropriate for the theme of rebirth is the message they gave!

7 of Wands and Message from Spirit

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Hello beautiful beings!

I've really been resonating with the 7 of Wands lately. In fact, that was one of the cards I pulled in my reading the night I decided to devote my energy to this little beauty that's shaping up to be Gypsy Soul Reiki. I was guided to meditate on this cards, so when I went out to the backyard to practice some root chakra yoga, for the chakra program I'm developing, I took my trusty tarot cards out there with me.

I spent a few minutes calming my mind, and then started writing down my notes for the card. After I felt satisfied with my notes, I spent a few more minutes meditating, when I got a new insight. This time, it was a short message from Spirit:

Sometimes the only thing that keeps us going is the fire inside of us, urging us to stand up for what is right and just. No matter how much the odds are stacked against us.

Pay It Forward Reiki

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Hello Friends,

Once again I'm offering "free" 10 minute distance Reiki sessions. My only requirement is that you pay it forward to another being. I currently offer 3 sessions a week. Please email me at, and share with all you know!



Free Weekly Distance Reiki Sessions

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Spirit has guided me to offer 3 - 5 10 minute distance Reiki sessions a week. The only payment asked is that you do one kind thing for another person. Please share this message with anyone you feel would benefit. Email for more info.



Beginnings & Endings ~ A Message from Spirit

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I’m getting lots of messages from Spirit about beginnings and endings. In my life, this takes the form of my transition between jobs. I was worrying about it lately, wondering if I would be able to handle it. I thought about how comfortable I was here. It’s what I know. But, that’s where we can get stuck. We need to push our boundaries.

As I was driving around listening to happy music on my lunch break today I was stopped at a stop sign behind a light green volkswagon beetle. The back lights had a plastic flower overlay on them. Like this, but the color of the car and the covers were a light, jade green. (For the heart chakra I am now realizing.)

It made me smile. I gave thanks to Spirit for putting a smile on my face, then I remembered to look at the license plate.

You Do What You Love and Fuck the Rest

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So on Sunday I sat down, pulled my cards and laid out a Celtic Cross spread. I got through two cards before I decided that I wasn’t feeling it. Today was a different story. I was sitting on the couch before I had to sign back into work, with my husband’s head in my lap and him stretched out, relaxing. My cards were just on the table right beside me so I picked them up. I shuffled them some and started flipping, only intending to get to know the cards.

Before I knew it, I was sucked into a reading. I’ve described it below.

I should maybe give a little background. I’m leaving my current job in just over a week. After that, I start a new job where I will be working from home. Very excited, this girl is. It’s kind of a scary thing and I am doing my best to work though it. These past few weeks, and especially days I have been working through some major stuff. Today is the first time in a while I’ve really felt at peace. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon in the (hot!) sunshine. I was sweating something fierce but boy did it feel good.

Quick Update

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When they said that things would start to move fast, they weren't kidding. Does anyone else feel like they are just being sucked into a vortex where things magically work themselves out? That would explain the radio silence on my part lately.


Last weekend I had a breakdown (aka breakthrough) after recognizing how stressed I was. A lot of things have been happening lately - and between difficult cases at work and the excitement of a new job and anticipationg of leaving my current one I just couldn't take it anymore.


Since then I've taken lots of bubble baths and have in fact meditated daily! That's a record for me. A lot of it is due to my lovely husband caring and watching out for me.


He also had some luck getting a job after being unemployed for quite some time. Now, things are looking up and I have faith that we will be back "on our feet" so to speak in no time.

Daily Tarot Reading: Queen of Wands ~ 4/27/13

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Yesterday's Reading (posted late)


Today’s card is the Queen of Wands. Sitting on her throne, holding a sunflower with a black cat at her feet, she is the picture of composure. The energy of the wands flows outward and makes you want to get involved in physical things. Typically the wands carry an energy which makes you want to go out and get involved in a physical project, etc. However, the Queen represents the embodiment of the qualities of her suit. She is able to find joy just by being who she is in the world.

Daily Tarot Reading: 10 of Wands ~ 4/25/13

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10 of wands


You may think that you can get out of this eclipse season relatively unscathed. Unfortunately that may not be true for most of us. The Ten of Wands is today's card, which represents hard work and peseverance. You may be thrown for a loop by something which comes up today. The important thing is to release what no longer serves you. This card seems to be telling me that a "final test" of sorts will be coming up soon to judge your ability and perseverance to work through fear, difficult situations, etc. what have you. This is not something you should be worried about. However, if you feel like you are overwhelmed or completely lost just ask your angels and guide for a sign or for some help.


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