Daily Tarot Reading: Queen of Wands ~ 4/27/13

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Yesterday's Reading (posted late)


Today’s card is the Queen of Wands. Sitting on her throne, holding a sunflower with a black cat at her feet, she is the picture of composure. The energy of the wands flows outward and makes you want to get involved in physical things. Typically the wands carry an energy which makes you want to go out and get involved in a physical project, etc. However, the Queen represents the embodiment of the qualities of her suit. She is able to find joy just by being who she is in the world.

Keywords for the Queen of Wands are attractive, wholehearted, energetic, cheerful and self-assured. Whatever project you’ve been working on that is for yourself, for YOUR own happiness, the Queen can help you to make great strides with it. Her energy is very contagious so don’t be surprised if you get into and get excited about what you are doing. The Queen brings an air of enthusiasm along with her, and is always able to find the positive in any situation.

Believe in yourself today. Ask for help to be self-assured that you’re able to meet those goals, and to achieve your dreams. The Queen is full of confidence, faith in her abilities and most importantly she knows who she is. If you’re still searching, this energy will be of great help.

The Queen forms a pair with the knight of Cups, one of the other 7 cards I pull for the daily. A pair can articulate the extremes of a situation. With a Queen/Knight pair it can highlight the traditional versus new ways of doing things, feeling secure or taking a risk, it can bring out a challenge to the establishment. A Wands/Cups pair highlights actions versus feelings. Do we ride into action, guns blazing? Or do we take time to think about the different ways to approach a situation, and decide the best one for everyone involved  Are we going to spring into action with every little thing that bothers us, or will we choose to think about what happened, why it affects us so much and the motivations another person might have who caused the situation (if another person was involved.) Are you able to bring yourself to an understanding of why they might have done what they did? It can bring out the differences between a plan of militancy or a plan of peace. Has arguing been an effective way to get your point across in the past? How do you feel when another person talks angrily to you? Are you more open to what they say if they adapt a calm tone of voice?

This pair isn’t in full swing yet, but it will be helpful to start thinking about these sort of things because I get the feeling we will be faced with decisions like this in the near future.

~ ☮ ~ ☯ ~ ☀ ~

Rachel is an intuitive tarot reader and Reiki practitioner for Ataraxia Holistics. Visit her website or Facebook to learn more.
© 2013 Rachel Eatherton. You may copy and distribute this material as long as the content remains complete and is not altered, and this notice is included.
