The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 6/27/2018

will's picture

A man of awareness will not be greedy, because he will be able to see that his greed will create poverty; and the people who will be starving and dying through poverty are his brothers and sisters.

It does not matter whether they live in Ethiopia or in India; it does not matter whether their skin is white or black.

Authentic morality is a by-product of consciousness. And the art of consciousness is religion. There is no Hindu religion, there is no Christian religion, there is no Mohammedan religion; there is only one religion, and that is the religion of consciousness - becoming so aware, so enlightened and awakened, that you have eyes to see clearly and can respond according to that clarity.


GFP Newsletter - 6/26/2018

will's picture

If the world becomes a little more conscious, soldiers will throw away their arms and hug each other, sit down together under a tree and gossip. The politicians cannot force all the armies to kill, to murder. Neither can the popes, the religious leaders convince anybody that for God's sake you have to kill. Strange... because God has created everybody. Whomsoever you are killing, you are killing God's creation. If it is true that God created the world, then there should be no war - it is one family; there should be no nations.

These are immoral things: the nations, the religions, anything that discriminates against people and creates conflict.


GFP Newsletter - 6/25/2018

will's picture

I am changing the whole emphasis from action to awareness. And if more and more people can become aware, the world will be a totally different place. A man of awareness will not go to war. Although religious scriptures say that to sacrifice yourself for your nation, for your religion is virtuous, a man of consciousness cannot follow that dead idea. To him, the nation itself is an immoral idea, because it divides humanity - and war is certainly immoral. You may find good names, good words - sometimes it is religion, sometimes it is political ideology, sometimes it is Christianity, sometimes it is communism - good ideas, but the reality is turning human beings into butchers.


GFP Newsletter - 6/24/2018

will's picture

There are many devices, many ways and methods of meditation to create awareness, to wake up your sleeping intuition. And once it is awake, then there is no need to tell you what is good, what is moral, what is bad, what is immoral; your awareness will be decisive on its own. And it will be spontaneous, fresh and young, and always to the point, because all principles become dead. And if you try to fit your life according to principles, you also become dead.

That's what has happened to Christians, to Hindus, to Mohammedans, to Jainas, to all the people around the world - they are living according to dead principles. And those dead principles don't fit with the reality - they cannot fit. Only a spontaneous consciousness.... The difference is something like this: you have a photograph of yourself of the last year, or maybe of your childhood, and if you don't know that it is your picture of your childhood, you may not even recognize it - because you have changed so much. That picture is dead, it is not growing; you are growing.


GFP Newsletter - 6/23/2018

will's picture

Life is just like the river - a flux. And you are all carrying fixed dogmas. You always find yourself unfit, because if you follow your dogmas, you have to go against life; if you follow life, you have to go against your dogmas.

Hence my whole effort is to make your morality spontaneous. You should be conscious and alert, and respond to every situation with absolute consciousness. Then whatever you do is right. It is not a question of actions being right or wrong, it is a question of consciousness - whether you are doing it consciously or unconsciously like a robot.


GFP Newsletter - 6/22/2018

will's picture

A morality that comes with effort is immoral. A morality that comes without effort is the only morality there is.

That's why I don't talk about morality at all, because it is morality that has created so many problems for humanity - about everything. They have given you ready-made ideas about what is right, what is wrong. In life, ready-made ideas don't work, because life goes on changing, just like a river - taking new turns, moving into new territories... from the mountains to the valleys, from the valleys to the plains, from the plains to the ocean.


GFP Newsletter - 6/21/2018

will's picture

Everybody is tense, because whatever you are doing there is a conflict about whether it is right or wrong. Your nature goes in one direction, your conditioning goes just in the opposite direction, and a house divided cannot stand for long. So everybody is somehow pulling himself together; otherwise the danger is always there, just by your side, of having a nervous breakdown.

I do not teach morality at all. Morality should come on its own accord. I teach you directly the experience of your own being. As you become more and more silent, serene, calm and quiet, as you start understanding you own consciousness, as your inner being becomes more and more centered, your actions will reflect morality. It will not be something that you decide to do, it will be something as natural as roses on a rose bush. It is not that the rose bush is doing great austerities, and fasting, and praying to God, and disciplining itself according to the ten commandments; the rose bush is doing nothing. The rose bush has just to be healthy, nourished, and the flowers will come in their own time, with great beauty, effortlessly.


GFP Newsletter - 6/20/2018

will's picture

I do not teach morality at all. Morality should come on its own accord. I teach you directly the experience of your own being. As you become more and more silent, serene, calm and quiet, as you start understanding you own consciousness, as your inner being becomes more and more centered, your actions will reflect morality. It will not be something that you decide to do, it will be something as natural as roses on a rose bush. It is not that the rose bush is doing great austerities, and fasting, and praying to God, and disciplining itself according to the ten commandments; the rose bush is doing nothing. The rose bush has just to be healthy, nourished, and the flowers will come in their own time, with great beauty, effortlessly.


GFP Newsletter - 6/19/2018

will's picture

How can a man be truthful if he does not know what truth is? How can a man be honest if he does not know even who he is? How can a man be compassionate if he does not know the source of love within himself? From where will he get the compassion? All that he can do in the name of morality is to become a hypocrite, a pretender.



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