The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 6/18/2018

will's picture

The ocean is not far away, Leena. But your ego is a frozen block - it needs melting. Love melts it, fear makes it more frozen, trust melts it. All that the people who are trying to find themselves have to do, is remain melted and allow the river to move on its own. You should not be the guide; the river needs no guide. Its very nature is to reach to the ocean. It is not an effort, it is its intrinsic quality.


GFP Newsletter - 6/17/2018

will's picture

Every river is moving towards the ocean. It is only the man who gets frozen, and then the flow stops.... If you melt in trust, the river starts flowing again. And it has never been the case that any river has forgotten the path and has not reached the ocean.


GFP Newsletter - 6/16/2018

will's picture

There is no need to go anywhere because you are already there, where you would really like to be.


GFP Newsletter - 6/15/2018

will's picture

Enlightenment is not something superhuman, it is your basic right. But your ego goes on postponing it, goes on bringing itself between you and your enlightenment. And in such subtle ways that unless you are very alert, you are going to be deceived... Feel the heartbeat of the whole universe and let your own separation be dissolved into it.


GFP Newsletter - 6/14/2018

will's picture

People have been asking me, "What is the time in your ashram when everybody has to get up?" I say, "You are talking nonsense, because everybody cannot get up at the same time. Everybody has to get up at the time which gives him a peaceful day, a joyous feeling, a well being."


GFP Newsletter - 6/13/2018

will's picture

A rabbi finds himself sharing a railway compartment with a Roman Catholic priest. After some time, the priest leans forward, "Excuse me, rabbi, but is it true that men of your faith may not eat pork?" "Yes, Father, you are right," replies the rabbi. "And tell me, between priests, confidentially, have you ever tasted it?" "Well, as a matter of fact, a long time ago, I did taste some bacon." "And did you like it?" asked the priest. "Yes, I must admit, I did."

A little while later, the rabbi leans forward, "Excuse me, Father, but is it true that priests are not allowed to have any sexual relationship with a woman?" "Yes, rabbi," the priest replied, "you are quite right. It is forbidden to us." "And tell me, between priests, have you ever indulged?" asked the rabbi. "Well, as it happens, no, I have not."

"Hmm, pity," says the rabbi, "it is better than pork."


GFP Newsletter - 6/12/2018

will's picture

You will not find women priests anywhere in the world. Man has created every barrier. It is not only against women, it is against the whole humanity; because women constitute half of the earth. Half of humanity is being prevented from being religious.

Among many of my efforts, this is one of the major projects - that as far as religiousness is concerned there should be no discrimination between men and women.

And perhaps this is the only place where there is no discrimination. But because of these things, the whole world is against me. But I am ready - let the whole world be against me. Sooner or later they will understand that I was fighting for them, and they were against me; I was trying to improve the whole consciousness of humanity, and they condemned me.


GFP Newsletter - 6/11/2018

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Rabiya was seen once running in the marketplace with a burning torch in her hand, and in another hand a bucket full of water. People gathered and asked, "What are you going to do?"

She said, "I am going to do the thing that should have been done before. I am going to burn this idea of heaven above in the sky, and I am going to drown this idea of hell beneath the earth. Both are bogus; they are not part of geography, they are inside you.

"And it all depends on you, whether you live in hell or you live in heaven. Living in hate, in anger, in jealousy, in depression, you are living in hell.

"And living in love, in compassion, in truth, in sincerity, you are living in heaven."


GFP Newsletter - 6/10/2018

will's picture

All that the man has is a contribution from the woman. It was out of fear that woman might prove superior that man started putting her down.

It is now up to you not to be bothered about the past - that which is gone is gone - but to be ready for the future, and prove to man and to the whole of humanity that man need not be afraid of you; he can trust you. And you can be of immense help in the evolution of man.


GFP Newsletter - 6/9/2018

will's picture

Discover your consciousness and you will find what love is. It is an experience, and there is no way to say anything about it, more than that which I have said. The meeting of two consciousnesses merging into each other brings the greatest orgasm the universe allows.

But before that, you have to move away from the body and the mind and the heart, and reach to the very center of your being.

Once you have reached to the center of your being, you will find love radiating from you. It is not something to be done by you. It will be just as if the sun has risen and the flowers have opened, and the air has become filled with their fragrance.



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