The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 8/3/2016

will's picture

In fact, if man knows what peace is, and what mind is, he cannot write a book entitled PEACE OF MIND, because mind is the cause of all unpeace, all restlessness. Peace is when there is no mind.

So peace of mind - no commodity like this exists. If mind is there, then peace is not. If peace is there then mind is not. But to write a book "Peace of No Mind" ... nobody is going to purchase it.


GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2016

will's picture

And the child is naturally very much interested in everything he sees around. He is continuously wanting to have this, to have that; that is part of human nature. If you look at the small child, even a just-born baby, you can see he has started groping for something; his hands are trying to find out something. He has started the journey.

In the journey he will lose himself, because you can't get anything in this world without paying for it. And the poor child cannot understand that what he is giving is so valuable that if the whole world is on one side, and his integrity on the other side, then too his integrity will be more weighty, more valuable. The child has no way to know about it. This is the problem, because what he has got he has simply got. He takes it for granted.


GFP Newsletter - 8/1/2016

will's picture

So this whole possessiveness becomes your identity. It gives you a false sense of being.

That's the ego.

Ego is not something mysterious, it is a very simple phenomenon. You don't know who you are, and to live without knowing who you are is impossible. If I don't know who I am, then what am I doing here? Then whatsoever I am doing becomes meaningless. The first and the foremost thing is to know who I am. Perhaps then I can do something that fulfills my nature, makes me contented, brings me home.

But if I don't know who I am, and I go on doing things, how can I manage to reach where my nature was supposed to reach, to lead? I have been running hither and thither but there is not going to be any point that I can say, "Now I have arrived, this was the place I was searching for."

You don't know who you are, so some false identity is needed as a substitute. Your possessions give you that false identity.


GFP Newsletter - 7/31/2016

will's picture

In this whole world what can you gain?

What can you take away with you?

Your name, your prestige, your respectability? Your money, your power - what? Your scholarship?

You cannot take anything.

Everything will have to be dropped here.

And in that moment you will understand that all that you possessed was not yours; the very idea of possession was wrong. And because of that possession you were corrupted.


GFP Newsletter - 7/30/2016

will's picture

In India it is common wisdom that the world is like a waiting room in a railway station; it is not your house. You are not going to remain in the waiting room forever. Nothing in the waiting room belongs to you - the furniture, the paintings on the wall .... You use them - you see the painting, you sit on the chair, you rest on the bed - but nothing belongs to you. You are just here for a few minutes, or for a few hours at the most, then you will be gone.

Yes, what you have brought in with you, into the waiting room, you will take away with you; that's yours. What have you brought into the world? And the world certainly is a waiting room. The waiting may not be in seconds, minutes, hours, days, it may be in years; but what does it matter whether you wait seven hours, or seventy years?

You may forget, in seventy years, that you are just in a waiting room. You may start thinking perhaps you are the owner, perhaps this is the house you have built. You may start putting your nameplate on the waiting room.


***Pardon the delayed Newsletter, our Internet was out yesterday evening.***

GFP Newsletter - 7/29/2016

will's picture

How can one be born other than innocent? Birth means you have entered the world as a tabula rasa, nothing is written on you. You have only future, no past. That is the meaning of innocence. So first try to understand all the meanings of innocence.

The first is: no past, only future.

The past corrupts because it gives you memories, experiences, expectations. All those combined together make you clever but not clear. They make you cunning but not intelligent. They may help you to succeed in the world but in your innermost being you will be a failure. And all the success of the world means nothing compared to the failure that finally you are going to face, because ultimately only your inner self remains with you. All is lost: your glory, your power, your name, your fame - all start disappearing like shadows.

At the end only that remains which you had brought in the very beginning. You can take from this world only that which you have brought in.


GFP Newsletter - 7/28/2016

will's picture

Innocence is courage and clarity both.

There is no need to have courage if you are innocent. There is no need, either, for any clarity because nothing can be more clear, crystal clear, than innocence. So the whole question is how to protect one's own innocence.

Innocence is not something to be achieved.

It is not something to be learned.

It is not something like a talent: painting, music, poetry, sculpture. It is not like those things. It is more like breathing, something you are born with.

Innocence is everybody's nature.

Nobody is born other than innocent.


GFP Newsletter - 7/27/2016

will's picture

I am not carrying anything:

No burden of the world, no burden of anybody.

And I am not doing any serious job.

I am just enjoying telling you about my experience. To share it is a joy in itself.


GFP Newsletter - 7/26/2016

will's picture

So all these people who become interested in saving humanity, in the first place are very egoistic.

They are thinking of themselves as saviors. In the second place, they are very sick. They are trying to forget their sickness. And in the third place, whatever they do is going to help man become worse than he is, because they are sick and blind and they are trying to lead people. And when blind people lead then you can be certain sooner or later the whole lot is going to fall into a well.

No, I am not interested in saving anybody. In fact, nobody needs saving. Everybody is perfectly okay as he is. Everybody is what he has chosen to be. Now who am I to disturb him? All that I can do is, I can say about myself what has happened to me. I can tell my story. Perhaps from that story someone may get an insight, a direction. Perhaps from that a door opens up. But I am not doing anything, I am simply sharing my own experience.


GFP Newsletter - 7/25/2016

will's picture

I can never conceive myself as a savior, as a messiah, because these are all ego trips. Who am I to save you? If I can save myself, that is more than enough.

But it is a strange world. People are drowning themselves in shit and crying loudly, "Save humanity!"

From whom?



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