The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 7/24/2016

will's picture

All the religions are afraid of thinking, afraid of raising questions, afraid of doubt, afraid of disobedience, and stuck centuries back - for the simple reason that these things were not available then. Those people who were making those rules had no idea what the future was going to be.

Hence all the religions are agreed that man is continuously falling because he is not following the scriptures, not following the doctrines, not following the messiahs, the prophets. But I don't see that man is falling. In fact man's sensitivity has grown.

His intelligence has grown, his life span has grown. He is more capable now of getting rid of slavery and patterns of slavery.


GFP Newsletter - 7/23/2016

will's picture

Man is alive. You cannot hold him in something which does not grow with him. He will break all those prisons, he will shatter all those chains.


GFP Newsletter - 7/21/2016

will's picture

The ego knows only disagreement, struggle, victory or defeat - as if there is no other way, as if there are only two ways: victory and defeat. For the ego certainly there are only two ways.

But for a sensitive soul there is only one way - to understand whatever is true. It is not a question of me and you, it is not a question of somebody being defeated or victorious. The question is: What is the truth?


GFP Newsletter - 7/20/2016

will's picture

In the first place, does humanity need any saving?

To answer this question all the religions have created an absolutely fictitious idea of the original fall, because unless there is a fall the question of saving does not arise. And the religious conception of the original fall is just rubbish.

...Stories they have, but stories are not arguments, stories are not proofs. And stories can have just the opposite meaning to that which you wanted to give to them. For example, the original fall in Christianity makes God the real culprit, and if anybody needs saving it is the Christian God.


GFP Newsletter - 7/19/2016

will's picture

It is one of the trade secrets of all the religions to propose propaganda that humanity has to be saved.

It is a very strange idea, but it is so old that nobody seems to look into the implications. Nobody asks why you are worried about saving humanity. And you have been saving humanity for thousands of years, but nothing seems to be saved.


GFP Newsletter - 7/18/2016

will's picture

The future will have a totally different vision of sex. It will be more fun, more joy, more friendship, more a play than a serious affair as it has been in the past. It has destroyed people's lives, has burdened them so much -- unnecessarily! It has created so much jealousy, possessiveness domination, nagging, quarreling, fighting, condemnation -- for NO reason at all.

Sexuality is a simple, biological phenomenon. It should not be given so much importance. Its only significance is that the energy can be transformed into higher planes; it can become more and more spiritual. And the way to make it more spiritual is to make it a less serious affair.


GFP Newsletter - 7/17/2016

will's picture

Sex should be more fun than such a serious affair as it has been made in the past. It should be like a game, a play: two persons playing with each other's bodily energies. If they both are happy, it should be nobody else's concern. They are not harming anybody; they are simply rejoicing in each other's energy. It is a dance of two energies together. It should not be a concern of the society at all. Unless somebody interferes in somebody else's life -- imposes himself, forces somebody, is violent, violates somebody's life, then only should society come in. Otherwise there is no problem; it should not be any concern at all.


GFP Newsletter - 7/16/2016

will's picture

The very combination of sex and morality has poisoned the whole past of morality. Morality became so much sex-oriented that it lost all other dimensions -- which are far more important. Sex should not really be so much of a concern for moral thinking.

Truth, sincerity, authenticity, totality -- these things should be the real concerns of morality. Consciousness, meditation, awareness, love, compassion -- these should be the real concerns of morality.


GFP Newsletter - 7/15/2016

will's picture

Unless love flowers in your being you are bound to remain greedy. Greed is the absence of love.

If you love, greed disappears; if you don't love, greed remains.

Greed is rooted in fear.



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