The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 4/18/2021

will's picture

The KGB thinks that I am an American agent, and America thinks I am a Russian agent -- and the Indian government thinks it is unfortunate that I was born here, because they cannot deport me. That is their trouble!


GFP Newsletter - 4/17/2021

will's picture

Because the whole world is living in slavery, the free man cannot be tolerated. The whole world is a failure. Even the richest are still beggars because they want more. What is the difference?... A beggar wants more, the emperor wants more -- their minds are functioning in the same way.


GFP Newsletter - 4/15/2021

will's picture

Your soul needs discovery not nourishment. Soul is not material, it is your eternal energy. It was before your death, it will be after your death.


GFP Newsletter - 4/14/2021

will's picture

Your soul does not need anything -- except discovery. Never think for a moment that the soul is poor; it is the richest exploration. The finding of it will make you far richer than the richest man in the world. Emperors will look like beggars.


GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2021

will's picture

Man has been kept half nourished as far as the body is concerned, because a half nourished man cannot revolt. His sole concern is at least one meal a day -- and that meal is not scientifically nourishing: just to fill the empty stomach is not to have a nourishing meal. You need certain amounts of vitamins, you need certain amounts of minerals, you need certain amounts of chemicals. Nobody seems to be awake, but an undernourished body is weak, in the state of a beggar -- and beggars don't revolt.

A retarded mind cannot even think that the world can progress, that there can be some evolution possible. The retarded mind has been told by all the religions: Be contented as you are. This contentment is not the real contentment; this contentment is to repress any rebellious situation, to protect the rich and to let the poor die. Be contented....


GFP Newsletter - 4/9/2021

will's picture

All the religions, without exception, have been trying that man should not have intelligence; on the contrary, they are teaching that you should have belief.

Belief is anti-intelligence.

They have been teaching that you should not have doubt -- and doubt is the mother of all invention. Doubt is the foundation of the whole of science, technology. Any search begins with doubt, and disbelief. If you believe and you don't doubt, you stay where you are


GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2021

will's picture

The only really poor people in the world are those who are unaware of their soul and the treasures it contains.


GFP Newsletter - 4/6/2021

will's picture

Unless I have done it and experienced it, I never say it, because who knows, it may not be right -- and I would not like my people to be deceived. I have not uttered a single word to you which is not out of my own experience.


GFP Newsletter - 4/2/2021

will's picture

If you are feeling too much attached to that which is gone, then your life will be a life of misery, continuously thinking of something which you cannot do.



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