The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 3/8/2021

will's picture

Just a joke to make this silence deeper.... First experience this silence, so that after the laughter you can experience the deepness of it... how laughter can make silence deeper, how laughter can make love deeper, how laughter can make meditation deeper. But first, feel it....

A traveling salesman was passing through a small town in Virginia when he saw a little old man sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of his house. The little man looked so contented that the salesman could not resist going over and talking to him.

"You look as if you don't have a care in the world," the salesman said, "what is your formula for a long and happy life?"

"Well," replied the little old man, "I smoke six packs of cigars a day, I drink, I enjoy a large bottle of whiskey every four hours, and six cases of beer a week. I play the guitar and I go out chasing women every night."

"My goodness," exclaimed the salesman. "That's just great! And how old are you?"

The little man took the cigarette out of his mouth and said, "Twenty-five."


GFP Newsletter - 3/7/2021

will's picture

Here, you are to rejoice. This is not an academical institute; it is just a divinely mad communion of people who know how to love, how to laugh, how to sing, how to dance.


GFP Newsletter - 3/5/2021

will's picture

Do something! Be something! Then your very being will resolve many problems that right now you feel are great problems.


GFP Newsletter - 3/4/2021

will's picture

I am a living human being, growing continuously, and according to my growth my answers will grow, will become different, have different colors, will have more depth, will have new angles, new dimensions. I am not a system maker; I am simply an explorer of the whole field of consciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 3/3/2021

will's picture

When I speak on meditation, I don't speak about meditation; I speak about my experience of meditation.

Whatever I speak, I never speak without the support of my own experience, and in my experience there is no problem: the Tantra vision, meditation, sex, enlightenment -- all come into one single organic unity.


GFP Newsletter - 3/2/2021

will's picture

Why should I bother having a bank account and paying income tax? I have not paid any income tax to anybody, I have never purchased a ticket in thirty-five years. Somebody purchases it... somebody keeps it... I don't know. I don't know who has my passport, or even whether it exists or not!

I depend on my love, and I trust that love will manage things. And if it does not manage, that too is okay.


GFP Newsletter - 3/1/2021

will's picture

It is a well- known thing that only idiots are not contradictory; they are absolutely consistent.

It needs a little intelligence to be inconsistent, and it needs immense intelligence to be contradictory. Why does it need immense intelligence? -- because unless you can prove your contradictions are complementaries of an organic unity, you don't have the right to make any contradictions. I have never made any contradiction, because I can prove to you each contradiction has its own function in the organic whole where opposites meet and merge and mingle into one unity.


GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2021

will's picture

You will dance for no reason at all, you will sing for no reason at all, songs that you have not composed, dances that you have not learned. They are just bubbling spontaneously in your consciousness.

That is enlightenment, but don't make it a goal. Meditation is enough. Everything else follows on its own.


GFP Newsletter - 2/27/2021

will's picture

We live in a world where intelligence is not valued, where the mediocres rule, where the mediocres are the leaders... where the intelligent people simply get out of the crowd, they don't want to be unnecessarily hassled and hustled in the crowd; they stand by the road and let the crowd pass.


GFP Newsletter - 2/26/2021

will's picture

The problem of the master is that he has first to talk about enlightenment to create a little interest, a little longing in you, and then he has immediately to make it clear to you that you should not make your longing attached to a goal. You have to find it just within yourself. No effort, no doing, no action... nothing is needed.

If you can simply remain meditating and enjoying the silence and the peace of it, you have done whatever is needed on your part. Now leave enlightenment to existence. Existence is not miserly; it is not exhausted because a few people have become enlightened. There is no quota, that only so many people can become enlightened. The whole world can become enlightened, everybody has the intrinsic potential; you just have to disconnect your meditation from any goal-orientation, from any motivation. It is not difficult if you understand: just a little intelligence...



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