Out of fear thinking arises - it keeps you occupied; out of the fear of being alone - it keeps you engaged. And certainly you can always rationalize that your engagement in thoughts is of great significance. If you are thinking about God, naturally you can believe that you are thinking about something great. But whether you are thinking about God or about cabbages, it makes no difference at all - thinking is thinking. The object does not make any difference.
The only transformation happens when you drop thinking, when suddenly you are in a state of no- thought, no-mind. There are people who think about money, and people who think about power, and people who think about success; and there are people who think about God, prayer, meditation - but there is no difference at all. The object of thinking does not change the process of thinking - let it sink deep into you - otherwise people simply go on changing their objects. If somebody is thinking of money we say he is a worldly man, and if somebody is thinking about God we say, "Look, what a religious man!" Both are worldly. The man who is thinking about God is also as afraid of no-thought, of aloneness, as the man who is thinking of money; no difference at all.
Your gods and your ghosts, all are created out of fear. The people you find in the temples and churches and mosques praying, bowing down to the statues they themselves have made, are not in prayer, they are simply trembling with fear. It is out of fear that they have created the temples, it is out of fear that they have created a God. God is their ultimate companion. They want never to be alone, so they say, "When I die, the wife will leave me, the husband will leave me, the children will be no more with me, the whole world will leave me - but God will be with me." At least they can hope that, that "God will be with me. But I will not be alone." And religion starts happening only when you gather courage to be alone.
There is something like God, but that happens only to people who are ready to be alone. Aloneness brings you to your own divinity. Beware of the gods that you have created out of fear !