Trust does not mean that everything will be all right. Trust means everything is already all right. Trust knows no future; trust knows only the present. The moment you think of the future, it is already distrust.
The moment you start thinking, "Everything will be all right if I can trust," your mind is active, you are not trusting. You are simply trying to manipulate existence, now through passivity, but the manipulation is there. Inactivity is not trust. If this motive is there, that "Everything has to be all right for me," you are watching by the corner of the eye. You have not yet understood what trust is.
You are hanging between activity and inactivity, and activity and inactivity are just two aspects of the same coin. They are not opposites, they are complementaries. And you will go on hanging between those, wavering between those two, because when you will do something, sooner or later you will get tired.
Each action brings tiredness, and then one starts hoping that something will happen through inaction. If you are in inaction, through inaction you will get bored sooner or later. Every inactivity bores, and then you move to action. This is the duality of action and inaction. You have not yet known what trust is.
Trust is neither action nor inaction. Trust can act, trust can be inactive. Trust simply means all is already right; there is no need to hanker for something else. "A" need not be "B". Whatsoever you are, you are, and it is good. Relaxing into it does not mean becoming inactive - because you may be an active person, so if you relax in it, great activity will be released. Or you may be an inactive person: if you relax in it, great inactivity may be released. But that has nothing to do with you.
You are not deciding whether to be active or inactive; you are simply relaxing into whosoever you are. Then whatsoever happens happens, whatsoever is happening is happening, and all is good, because God is.