Sufis use the word "philosopher" in a totally different sense than it has in the West. They use it literally. The literal meaning of philosophy is the love of wisdom. The word "sophy" and the word "sufi" come from the same root, sophia, wisdom.
In the West, the philosopher has become a totally different phenomenon. Due to Greek influence, the philosopher lost his roots in existence and became more and more rational, became more and more speculative. And the Western philosophy has grown out of the Greek experiment, hence Western philosophy has gone almost in the opposite direction from Sufism. It has become a logic-chopping, great arguments about nothing, just hair-splitting.
And slowly, slowly the Western philosophy has come to a dead end. Now it is nothing but linguistic analysis. It no longer thinks of great things, it is no more concerned with God or truth or freedom or love, no, not at all. Its whole concern has become the meaning of words. When the Western philosopher thinks about God he means that he will think what the word God means. He is not concerned with the reality of God, he is concerned only with the word"God" - as if by analyzing the word "fire" you will come to know fire, or by analyzing the word "bread" your hunger will be satisfied. The Western philosophy goes on thinking about the word, "bread", " God", "love", and has completely forgotten that "love" is only a word, it is not reality. It is only a symbol; it is a finger pointing to the moon.
The Western philosophy goes on thinking about the finger - how long it is, how beautiful or not beautiful it is, black or white, and has completely forgotten that it simply points to the moon. You need not be concerned with the finger; you can forget about it. Look at the moon and forget the finger - but the Western philosophy has become greatly skilled in thinking about the finger.